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What is anxiety disorder?
An anxiety disorder is a type of mental health condition. If you have an anxiety
disorder, you may respond to certain things and situations with fear and dread.
You may also experience physical signs of anxiety, such as a pounding heart
and sweating. It's normal to have some anxiety.
Types of Anxiety Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
This disorder involves excessive, unrealistic
worry and tension, even if there is little or
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
nothing to provoke the anxiety. Accordingly, the
symptoms includes restlessness or feeling keyed People with OCD are plagued by constant
up, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle
thoughts or fears that cause them to perform
tension and jitteriness, deep disturbance, andcertain rituals or routines. The disturbing
unwanted, intrusive worries. thoughts are called obsessions- are anxiety-
provoking thoughts that will not go away.
Types of Anxiety Disorder
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Panic Disorder PTSD is a condition that can be developed
This disorder keeps recurring attacks to a person of
following a traumatic and/or terrifying event
intense fear or panic, often feeling of impending
doom or death. People with this condition have
such as sexual or physical assault, the
unexpected death of a loved one, or natural
feeling of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly
disaster. People with PTSD tends to be
with no warning. Other symptoms of a panic attack
include sweating, chest pain, palpitations (irregular emotionally numb.
heartbeats) and feeling of choking, which may make
the person feel like he or she is having a “heart
attack” or going crazy.
Types of Anxiety Disorder

Specific Phobia
A specific phobia is an intense fear of a specific object or
situation such as snakes, heights, or flying. Phobia is an
exaggerated, unrealistic fear of a specific situation,
activity, or object.
What is phobia?
A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an
individual to experience extreme, irrational fear about a
situation, living creature, place, or object.
Different kinds of
Fear of heights
Acrophobia is a mental health condition in which the
individual experiences an intense fear of heights. It's a type
of anxiety disorder. A person with acrophobia experiences
intense fear and anxiety when they think of tall heights or
are positioned at a significant height.
Fear of cats
Ailurophobia is the persistent and excessive fear or hatred of
cats. Like other specific phobias, the exact cause of
ailurophobia is unknown, and potential treatment generally
involves therapy.

Fear of vehicle or driving

People who have amaxophobia have a fear of driving or
being a passenger in a car or other vehicle. Someone with
amaxophobia may have such extreme anxiety or fear at the
thought of being in a vehicle that they're unable to get to
work, stores and other places. “Amaxa” (or “hamaxa”) is the
Greek word for carriage.
Fear of staying single
When the prospect of spending even a single moment
unattached causes you to break out in night sweats, there's a
good chance that you suffer from anuptaphobia, or the fear
of being single. Although it can feel like it, not having a
romantic partner isn't the worst thing that could happen in
Fear of water or swimming
People with aquaphobia have a fear of water. The word
“aqua” is Latin for water, and “phobos” is Greek for fear.
Someone with aquaphobia may have extreme fear or anxiety
when thinking about or seeing water. They may avoid going
places near water, such as swimming pools or lakes.

Fear of spider
Arachnophobia is a specific phobia brought
about by the irrational fear of spiders and
other arachnids such as scorpions and ticks.
Fear of storms, thunder and lightning
Astraphobia is an intense fear of thunder and lightning. The
phobia is more common in children, but it can last into
adulthood. Astraphobia often also affects animals. People
with astraphobia feel extreme anxiety or debilitating fear
when preparing for a thunderstorm.

Fear of flying airplane

Aerophobia is an extreme fear of flying. People with
aerophobia might feel intense anxiety before or during a
flight. This condition can interfere with your ability to travel
for work or pleasure. If aerophobia is affecting your quality
of life, talk to your healthcare provider.
Fear of books
Bibliophobia is an intense fear of books. The condition is a
specific phobia (fear), which is a type of anxiety disorder. A
person with bibliophobia might fear all books or only a
specific kind, such as textbooks or children's books.
Fear of slimes
An example would be snails which produce copious amount
of slime. Additionally, some people might have tried eating
escargot in restaurants and have found the experience
unappealing thus they develop blennophobia. Sufferers get
extremely anxious when exposed to slime.
Fear of boogeyman/ demons
Bogyphobia is the fear of bogeys or the bogeyman. This fear
is influenced by the media and subsequently implanted in
their mind. Watching a lot of horror movies is effective in
the development of bogyphobia. Some believe that if kids do
something bad and get scared by their parents, the
bogeyman will come and eat them or kill them.
Fear of sitting down
Cathisophobia or Kathisophobia is the fear of sitting. Sitting
can be painful, especially for elderly people who sit longer
than younger people. For younger people, this fear is often
associated with cleithrophobia. The primary cause for
cathisophobia for children and adolescents is sitting in the

Fear of foods
Cibophobia is defined as the fear of food. People with
cibophobia often avoid food and drinks because they're
afraid of the food itself. The fear may be specific to one type
of food, such as perishable foods, or it may include many
foods. A phobia is a deep, irrational fear about a specific
thing or situation.
Fear of confinement
One of the most common phobias is claustrophobia, or the fear of
enclosed spaces. A person who has claustrophobia may panic when
inside a lift, airplane, crowded room or other confined area. The
cause of anxiety disorders such as phobias is thought to be a
combination of genetic vulnerability and life experience.
Fear of sexual intercourse
An abnormal and persistent fear of sexual
intercourse. Sufferers from coitophobia experience
undue anxiety because they are preoccupied with
failing in some way while having sexual
Fear of precipices
Cremnophobia is the irrational fear of precipices. Someone suffering from
this condition can expect to experience a very high amount of anxiety from
merely thinking of precipices, let alone actually experiencing it. In fact,
their anxiety may be so intense that they may even endure a full blown
panic attack as a result of it. Although such an influx of anxiety will not
always be the case for everyone suffering from cremnophobia, it is still very
plausible to occur nonetheless.

Fear of dogs
Cynophobia is an extreme fear of dogs. The name of this
phobia comes from “cyno,” the Greek word for dog.
Children and adults with this disorder go out of their way to
avoid dogs.
Fear of crowds
Also known as Ochlophobia is the specific fear of crowds.
Agoraphobia is similar in that it can sometimes involve
crowds, but it also involves other situations where escape
could be difficult or embarrassing. This may include taking
public transportation. being in open spaces.
Fear of crossing street
The symptoms typically include extreme anxiety, shortness
of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating,
nausea, dry mouth, nausea, inability to articulate words or
sentences, dry mouth and shaking, muscular stiffness,
avoidance to cross the street, refusal to go outside without a
trusted companion.

Fear of home
Oikophobia or Ecophobia is the fear of home surroundings.
Oiko is Greek for house; the word Oikophobia is a
combination of oiko and phobos which stands for fear or
Fear of insects
People with entomophobia have a fear of insects. Someone
with entomophobia may have extreme anxiety or fear when
seeing or thinking about insects. They may avoid walking or
exercising outside and may stay away from outdoor events.
Fear of commitment/marriage
Gamophobia — a fear of commitment or fear of marriage — can
keep you from enjoying meaningful relationships. A painful
breakup, divorce or abandonment during childhood or adulthood
may make you afraid to commit to someone you love.
Psychotherapy (talk therapy) can help you overcome this
commitment phobia.

Fear of crossing a bridge

Gephyrophobia: An abnormal and persistent fear of
crossing bridges. Sufferers of this phobia experience
undue anxiety even though they realize their fear is
irrational. Their fear may result partly from the fear of
enclosure (claustrophobia) or the fear of heights

Fear of growing or aging

Gerascophobia is a fear of growing or aging.
Fear is an unpleasant emotion that occurs in
response to a source of danger, whether real or
imaginary, and has cognitive, behavioral, and
physiological components.

Fear of nudity
Gymnophobia: An abnormal and persistent fear of
nudity. Sufferers of this phobia experience undue
anxiety even though they realize their fear is
irrational. They may worry about seeing others
naked or being seen naked, or both.

Fear of sins/sinning
Hamartophobia can cause you to lose your rationale. You
could run from any situation where you think you could
commit a sin with seemingly disastrous consequences. Read
on to understand everything you need to know about
Hamartophobia meaning and how to overcome it adequately.
Fear of touching or being touched
Haphephobia is an intense, overwhelming fear of
being touched. Many people don't like being
touched by strangers. But haphephobia is
significant distress over being touched by anyone,
even family or friends.
Fear of blood
An abnormal and persistent fear of blood is called
hematophobia. Sufferers of this very common phobia dread
the sight of their own blood, the sight of the blood of
another person or an animal, and sometimes printed or
filmed images of blood or even thoughts of blood

Fear of travelling
Hodophobia is the medical term for an
extreme fear of traveling. Some people call
it “trip-a-phobia.” It's often a heightened
fear of a particular mode of transportation,
such as airplanes.

Fear of sermons
Homilophobia is the irrational fear of sermons. Someone suffering from
this condition can expect to experience a very high amount of anxiety
from merely thinking of sermons, let alone actually hearing them. In fact,
their anxiety may be so intense that they may even endure a full-blown
panic attack because of it. Although such an influx of anxiety will not
always be the case for everyone suffering from homilophobia, it is still
very plausible to occur, nonetheless.

Fear of motion
Kinesiophobia is defined as an excessive
irrational and debilitating fear of movement or
physical activity. The fear of motion is
associated with a feeling of vulnerability to
injury in response to movement.

Fear of fatigue
Kopophobia is the irrational fear of fatigue. Someone suffering
from this condition can expect to experience a very high
amount of anxiety from merely thinking of fatigue, let alone
actually experiencing it. In fact, their anxiety may be so intense
that they may even endure a full-blown panic attack because of

Fear of dark
When fear of the dark reaches a degree that
is severe enough to be considered
pathological, it is sometimes called
scotophobia or lygophobia.

Fear of small things

Microphobia is an intense fear of small
things, like germs and insects. Trying to
avoid little things can lead to negative
thoughts and behaviors that affect daily

Fear of germs
Germophobia, also known as mysophobia, verminophobia, and
bacillophobia, is most commonly associated with obsessive-
compulsive disorder (OCD) but can present in a wide variety of
people. Individuals with germophobia may feel compelled to
excessively wash their hands and to take other precautions against

Fear of darkness
They fear what's in the dark as much as they fear
the darkness itself. A traumatic experience (even
one that happened during the day) can lead to
nyctophobia. The memory of a scary event can
return when it's dark, causing an extreme reaction.

Fear of dentist
People with dentophobia, also called
odontophobia, have a fear of dentists. Someone
with dentophobia may have extreme anxiety at the
thought of going to the dentist or while in the
dentist's office.
Fear of snakes
Ophidiophobia or ophiophobia is the fear of snakes. It
is possibly the most common subcategory of
herpetophobia, the fear of reptiles. Some researchers
believe phobias related to reptiles (and snakes
specifically) may be evolutionary, developed by our
ancestors as a survival mechanism.
Fear of being stared at
Ophthalmophobia is an anxiety disorder
characterized by a morbid fear of being seen in
public or stared at by others. Similar phobias
include erythrophobia, the fear of blushing, and an
epileptic's fear of being looked at, which may
itself precipitate such an attack.

Fear of certain word or name

Onomatophobia means an abnormal dread. of
certain words or names because of their supposed
significance. It is also a kind of the fear of hearing
particular names.
Fear of everything
Panophobia can be triggered by several other
phobias. The intense anxiety or fear that
something terrible is about to happen can be
triggered by negative news, events or traumatic
episodes in the past.
Fear of responsibility
A fear of the neglect or omission of some duty, obligation,
or responsibility: Jack, suffering from paraliphobia, was
certain that some kind of disaster would arise because he
had forgotten to do his required homework, and either his
teacher or his parents would punish him for neglecting to
complete it!

Fear of disease
A person with this pathophobia can't go into hospitals,
doctors' offices, or pharmacies. The reason for this is
because all of those places are related to illness and disease
and can cause them to have a panic attack.
Fear of falling in-love or being loved
People who have philophobia have a fear of love. This fear
is so intense that they find it difficult, sometimes impossible,
to form and maintain loving relationships. “Philos” is the
Greek word for loving or beloved. “Phobos” (phobia) is the
Greek word for fear.
Fear of fears
Phobophobia is a fear of being afraid. You might be scared
of the physical symptoms that come with fear or feel
worried that you could develop a phobia. Many people with
phobophobia already have other phobias or mental health
disorders. If you think you may have a specific phobia, talk
to your healthcare provider.
Fear of fire
Pyrophobia is an overwhelming fear of fire. People with
pyrophobia might feel extreme anxiety if they see fire, or
even if they hear about fire. This fear may cause someone to
avoid public places or any situation where they think a fire
could occur.
Fear of wrinkles
Rhytiphobia is the irrational fear of wrinkles. Someone
experiencing this mental illness may find that they have extreme
amounts of anxiety at the mere thought of them having wrinkles or
of showing any sort of age. Due to their intense and intrusive fear,
they may go to painstaking efforts to try and preserve their youth.
They may do this by purchasing hundreds if not thousands of
dollars worth of beauty products.
Fear of light
The term photophobia is a misnomer and not quite accurate.
It comes from two Greek words: photo- “light” and phobia
“fear or dread of”—hence, “fear of light.” It is defined as an
“abnormal sensitivity to light, especially of the eyes”
Fear of the moon/moonlight
Selenophobia is an irrational fear of the moon or
moonlight. It's a specific phobia. These phobias
are very intense fears of something that doesn't
pose a real threat. Another name for selenophobia
is lunaphobia.
Fear of using telephone
Telephobia is the reluctance or fear of making or taking
phone calls. It has many names, including telephone phobia,
telephonophobia, phone phobia, and most commonly phone
anxiety. Telephobia is commonly compared to glossophobia
(stage fright), as they both arise from having to engage with
an audience.
Fear of holes
Trypophobia is an aversion or repulsion to objects
like honeycombs and sponges that have repetitive
patterns or clusters of small holes. People with
trypophobia are disgusted by the pattern of holes.
They don't necessarily have a fear of holes.
Fear of moving
Tropophobia is the fear of moving or making
changes. The word comes from Greek tropo
meaning 'way' and phobos meaning 'fear or deep
Fear of death or dying
Thanatophobia is an intense fear of death or the
dying process. Another name for this condition is
“death anxiety.” You might be anxious about your
own death or the death of someone you care about.
Fear of strangers
There are two broad types of xenophobia:
immigrant xenophobia and cultural xenophobia.
Immigrant xenophobia is the dislike or fear of
people who are, or who are perceived to be,
immigrants. Anti-immigration policies are a
manifestation of this type of xenophobia.
Fear of animals in general
Zoophobia is the fear of animals. Some people
with zoophobia fear all animals, while others are
afraid of one specific animal. You may develop
zoophobia after a traumatic experience with
animals. Or the phobia may be related to another
anxiety disorder.
Sypmtoms of Mood

Sadness Difficulty
01 02 sleeping

03 Fatigue 04 Hopeless
Sypmtoms of Mood

Despair Sense of
05 06 inferiority

07 Dejection 08 Exaggerated
Sypmtoms of Mood

Changes in Feelings of
09 appetite
10 incompetence

Loss of
11 interest
12 Inability to function
Types of mood
In bipolar disorder, formerly known
as manic-depression, there are
swings in mood from elation
(extreme happiness) to depression
(extreme sadness) with no
discernible external cause.
Two phases of bipolar

Manic Phase Depressive episode

During the manic phase of this disorder, The other side of the bipolar coin
the patient may show excessive, is the depressive episode. Bipolar
unwarranted excitement or silliness, depressed patients often sleep
carrying jokes too far. They may also show more than usual and are lethargic.
poor judgement and recklessness and may During bipolar depressive
be argumentative. Manic may speak episodes, a patient may also show
rapidly, have unrealistic ideal, and jump irritability and withdrawal.
from subject to subject. They may not be
able to sleep or sit still for a very long
Accordingly (Wade, 2004), the depressed
person speaks slowly and monotonously
while the manic person speaks rapidly,
dramatically, often with many jokes and
puns. The depressed person has low self-
esteem while the manic person has
inflated self-esteem.
Personality disorder

Personality disorder are chronic maladaptive

cognitive-behavioral patterns that are
thoroughly integrated into the individual’s
personality and that are troublesome to
others or whose pleasure sources are either
harmful or illegal. (Livesly, 2001)
Types of personality Disorder
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
(DSM-IV-TR, 2000), a reference used to clinically
define mental illnesses, there are ten (10) different
personality disorders categorized into three main
grouping or clusters.

Cluster A Cluster B Cluster C

Odd or Eccentric Dramatic, Emotional, Anxious, Fearful
Behaviors or Erratic behaviors behaviors
Cluster A: Odd or Eccentric
Personality Paranoid Schizotypal
Disorder (PSD) Personality Personality
Disorder (PPD) Disorder (SPD)
Those with SPD may Although they are prone to This disorder is characterized
be perceived by others unjustified angry or aggressive by the need of isolation as
as somber, aloof and outbursts when they perceived well as odd, outlandish, or
others as disloyal or deceitful, paranoid beliefs. Some
often referred as those with PPD more often researchers suggest this
“loners.” come across as emotionally disorder is less severe than
“cold” or excessively serious. schizophrenia.
Cluster B: Dramatic, Emotional, or Erratic

Antisocial Personality Borderline Personality

Disorders (APD) Disorders (BPD)
APD is characterized by lack of This mental illness interferes with an
empathy or conscience, a difficulty individual’s ability to regulate
controlling impulses and emotion. Borderline are highly
sensitive to rejection and fear of
manipulative behaviors. Antisocial
abandonment may result in frantic
behavior in people less than 18 efforts to avoid being left alone, such
years old is called conduct as suicide threats and attempts
Cluster B: Dramatic, Emotional, or Erratic

Narcissistic Personality Histrionic Personality

Disorder (NPD) Disorder (HPD)
NPD is characterized primarily by Individuals with this personality
grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack disorders exhibits a pervasive
of empathy. Narcissistic tend to be pattern of excessive emotionality
extremely self-absorbed, intolerant of
and attempt to get attention in
other’s perspectives, insensitive to other’s
needs and indifferent to the effect of their
unusual ways, such as bizarre
own egocentric behavior. appearance or speech.
Cluster C: Anxious, Fearful
Avoidant Personality Dependent Personality
Disorder (APD) Disorder (DPD)
Those with avoidant personalities are
often hypersensitive to rejection and People with dependent disorder
unwilling to take social risks. Avoidant typically exhibits a pattern of needy
displays a high level of social discomfort,
and submissive behavior and reply
timidity, fear of criticism, avoidance of
activities that involve interpersonal on others to make decision for
contact. them.
Cluster C: Anxious, Fearful

Obsessive-compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)

Also called as anankastic personality disorder is a personality disorder
characterized by a general pattern of concern with orderliness,
perfectionism, excessive attention to details, mental and interpersonal
control, and a need for control over one’s environment, at the expense of
flexibility, openness, and efficiency. Work holism and miserliness are
also seen often in those with this personality disorder

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