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2023 年 5 月 4 日
1. 世界 Shìjiè = The world
2. 参观 Cānguān = visit
3. 互动 Hùdòng = interaction
4. 图像 Túxiàng = Image
5. 新闻稿 Xīnwén gǎo = Press release
6. 视频文件 Shìpín wénjiàn = Video files
7. 文档 Wéndàng = Documentation
8. 宣传 Xuānchuán = Publicity
9. 任何 Rènhé = Any, whatsoever
• 媒体翻译是对公司媒体内容的翻译, • Media Translation is the translation
of a company’s media content, so
that the company can engage with
audiences in new locations all over
文档、图像和视频文件。媒体内容 the world. The term media
可以包括从新闻稿到宣传视频的任 translation encompasses text
何内容 。 documents, images and video files.
Media content can include anything
from press releases to promotional

1. 作用 Zuòyòng = Function 10. 配音 Pèiyīn = Dubbing

2. 演员 yǎnyuán = actor 11. 创建 Chuàngjiàn = create

3. 受众 shòuzhòng = audience 12. 字幕 Zìmù = Subtitles

4. 仅 jǐn = only 13. 覆盖 Fùgài = Override
14. 网站 wǎngzhàn= website
5. 限于 xiànyú = limited
15. 博客 bókè= Blog
6. 理解 lǐjiě = to understand
16. 团队 tuánduì = teams
7. 特定 tèdìng = specific
8. 吸引 xīyǐn = attract
9. 直播 Zhíbò = live streaming

媒体翻译的作用非常重要。例如,一部电 The role of media translation is very

important. For example a film is cast
影以一种语言演员。 in one language.
Without translation, the audience is
如果没有翻译,受众仅限于理解该特定语 limited only to the people that
言的人。为了吸引全世界的参观,电影制 understand that particular language.
To gain viewers all over the world,
作人为他们的电影和数字内容配音或创建 filmmakers dub their films and digital
字幕,然后将其翻译成多种语言,以便他 contents or create captions and then
translate them into multiple
们的作品可以 覆盖全球。
languages so that their production
can reach over the globe.
What are the media related documents for translation?
1. Digital Contents 数字内容 = digital content means the online programs accessible
via a password protected portal on the Website for which Licensee is purchasing a
license to, and includes videos, lessons, activities, discussion guides, journal and
workbook pages, Guided audio collection, comments, ideas, articles, information,
data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, messages, and
other materials.
2. Press releases 新闻稿
3. Multimedia Presentations 多媒体演示
4. Customers letters and invoices 客户信函及发票
5. Brochures and other marketing materials 宣传册和其他营销材料
6. Full press kits 完整的新闻资料袋
7. News articles 新闻文章
8. TV and radio reports 电视和广播报道
9. Films and TV dramas ( subtitling and dubbing) 影视剧 (字幕、配音)
10. Songs 歌曲
11. Websites and blogs 网站和博客
12. Corporate communications 企业通讯
13. Media Translation Teams 媒体翻译团队


3. 发票 : Value-added Tax invoice
4. 宣传册和其他营销材料
KKCL 宣传册
5. 新闻稿
• 新闻来源

• https://m.ruanwenshijie.com/news/413.html
6. 完整的新闻资料袋
• 新闻来源

• https://prnews.io/cn/blog/press-kit.html
7. 电视和广播报道
• https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?

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