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Chapter one

Analysis and Transmission of Signals

Communication:- is the way of transferring
messages(information) from source (transmitter) to
destination(receiver). It is sharing of information.
Communication system:- is a system which describe
the information exchange between two points.
• The major elements of communication are
transmitter of information, channel or medium of
communication and receiver of information.
Block diagram of communication system

Source Destination

Transmitter Receiver

Source :- is a place where information is
generated. Example voice, music, picture, video
and data file.
Transmitter :- is a device which used to transfer
information to channel.
Channel :-is a physical medium that connect the
transmitter and receiver. The transmission
medium may be wired or wireless.
Receiver :- is a device which received
information from channel.
Destination :- is an end where the received
message is reside. Example human, computer…
Mode of communication
• Point-to-point communication:-
• A communication take place over a link
between a single transmitter and a receiver.
• It is Bi-directional flow of information
• It required transmitter and receiver at each end
of the link.
Example Telephone communication system
• Broadcasting communication
• A communication takes place in between
single transmitter and numerous receivers.
• Unidirectional flow of information. Example:- Radio,
TV broadcast
Modes of channel operation
1. Simplex:- a one way communication system.
• Only one of the two devices on a link can transmit, the other
can only receive.
Example:- keyboard, monitor, TV broadcasting

2. Half duplex:- a two way communication system that

allow in either direction.
• Each station can both transmit and receive, but not at the
same time.
• When one device is sending, the other can only
receive, and vice versa.

• Example:- printer
3.full duplex:- a bi-directional communication.
• both stations can transmit and receive simultaneously.
Example:- cell phone conversation.
Analog and Digital Communication System

Analog communication system:- is a system design

specially to transferring information from analog
source to its destination.
• It is a data transmitting technique in a format that
utilizes continuous signals to transmit data
including voice, image, video, electrons etc.
Block diagram of Analog communication


Input Output transducer


Transmitter channel Receiver


• Input transducer:- is the device which convert one

form of energy into other form
• Transmitter:- is a device which transmits the signal
from transmitter to the channel.
• Modulation process take place inside transmitter
before sending into channel.
• The transmitter convert the electrical signal into
EM waves.
• Channel:- is the medium via which signal pass
before reaching to receiver.
• The probability of addition of noise is maximum
in channel.
• Noise:- is any unwanted signal or disturbance
which can affect our original signal,
• Receiver :- is the device which receive the signal
rom the channel.
• It convert the EM waves into electrical signal.
• Demodulation of the signal take place in receiver.
• Output transducer:- is the which convert the
electrical signal into sound signal. Ex. speaker
• Digital communication system:- is a system design to
transfer information from digital source to it‘s intended
sink( destination).
• Example:- mobile, fax, computer data
Block diagram of DCS
Source user

Source Encoder Source Decoder

Channel Encoder Channel Decoder

Modulator Demodulator
• Source Encoder:- convert information
waveforms( text, audio, image, video, etc..) into
bits, the current of information in the digital world.
• Channel Encoder:- add some redundancy in the
binary information sequence.
• Source Decoder:- is the reverse of source encoder,
it convert the output bit into waveform.
• Channel decoder:- is the reverse of channel
encoder, it remove the additional bits.
Advantage of analog communication
• It is the natural form of a sound.
• Uses less bandwidth than digital sound.
• Easier in processing.
• Not necessary to buy a new graphics board.
• High speed because no need synchronization.
Disadvantage of analog signal
• Data can become corrupted.
• Quality is easily lost.
• Lower quality signal.
• Offers poor multi-user interfaces.
Advantage of digital communication
• Digital data can be easily compressed.
• Easy to transmit the data over network.
• Error may often be corrected by the using of
• Robustness to noise
• digital circuits are Relatively inexpensive.
• Digital circuits are more reliable.
• Flexible Hard ware implementation.
• Greater dynamic range.
Disadvantage of digital communication
• It need synchronization.
• It required more bandwidth.
Analog Vs. digital communication
Basis of comparison Analog Digital
communication communication
Type of signal used Analog signal Digital signal
Noise immunity Highly affect by noise Less affected by noise
System cost Low system cost High system cost
Power consumption High power Low power
consumption consumption
Bandwidth Low bandwidth High bandwidth
Synchronization Synchronization is Synchronization is
complex easy
coding Not possible Possible
Impairments of signal in channel

• Noise :- is unwanted signal.

• Distortion :- a contamination of signal caused by
the imperfect nature of medium.
• Attenuation:- the disturbance message signal
occurred due to resistance nature of channel.
Communication system resource
In any communication system the primary
resources are transmitted power and channel
• Transmitted power:- the average power of the
transmitted signal.
• Channel bandwidth:- the band of frequency
allocated for the transmission of the message
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