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A small group of thoughtful people could

change the world. Indeed, it's the only

thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
Group and Individual

Kinds of Groups

Group Dynamics

Volunteer associations
Most Important Concepts in sociology…
Several meanings of “group” in the sociological literature…
Any physical collection of people
A number of people who share some common
A number of people who share some organized patterns of
recurrent interaction.
Any number of people who share consciousness of
membership together and of interaction.
Can be defined as two or more humans who interact with
one another, share similar characteristics and collectively
have a sense of unity.
It is through group experience that human beings become
distinctively human.

We enter the world as animals with extraordinary learning

capacities (soul)…

We internalize the norms of our culture, and come to share

values, goals, sentiments, and most of what sets us apart from
other animals.
Primary groups
Secondary groups
In-Group and Out-Group
Formal and Informal Groups
Reference Groups
Status Group
Pressure Group
Ethnic Group
Racial Group
Interest Group
Primary groups are small groups with intimate, kinship-based
relationships: families.
Secondary groups are large groups involving
formal and institutional relationships.
Comparing Primary and Secondary Groups
Primary Groups Secondary Groups
Physical Small number Large number
Conditions Long duration Shorter duration
Intrinsic (belonging
naturally) value on Value goals of group
relationship more than relationship
Inclusive knowledge of Limited knowledge of
Social members members
Characteristics Freedom and External constraint
spontaneity Formal norms and
Informal norms and controls
Friends Clerk/Customer
Sample Husband/Wife Performer/Spectator
Relationships Parent/Child Officer/Subordinate

Play Group Professional

Sample Groups Family Corporation
Work team Government Agency
In-Group- A group or category to which people feel
they belong.

Out-Group- A group or category to which people feel

they do not belong.

Reference Groups- are the referring points of the

individuals, towards which he is oriented and which
influences his opinion, tendency and behavior.

Status Group- A term used by Max Weber to refer to

people who have the same prestige or lifestyle,
independent of their class positions.
Pressure Group-a group in which individuals are similar
in political and economical interests, try to influence
the policy of government.

Ethnic Group- A group that is set apart from others

because of its national origin or distinctive cultural

Racial Group- A group that is set apart from others

because of obvious physical differences.

Interest Group- A voluntary association of citizens who

attempt to influence public policy.
The social process by which people interact face-to-face in small
groups is called group dynamics.
The word “dynamics” comes from the Greek word meaning
“force”; hence group dynamics refers to the study of forces
operating within a group.

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