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University of Central Punjab

Name: Arslan Abbas

Muhammad Saad
Roll No: G2F22UASAF033
Class: ADP Accounting and Finance
Semester: 3rd
Course: Entrepreneurship
Submitted To: Prof Muhammad Ali
All the praise is for Allah, the most merciful and beneficial, who blessed us with the
knowledge, gave us the courage and allowed us to accomplish this task.
We are specially indebted to Professor Muhammad Ali for instilling in us enough
knowledge and making us know about Entrepreneurship and all of its essential items.
After frequent searches on internet, gathering data from different sites, and after a lot of
discussion with friends we prepare this project and came to know how entrepreneurs
work and also challenges faced by them.
First Product Theme: Color Changes Clothes
Brand Name: Shade Shift Clothes
Pros and cons:

 Versatility
 Fashion Appeal
 Artistic Applications
 Sunlight Responsiveness
 Limited Lifespan
 Cost
 Limited Color Options
 Production Challenges
Second Product Theme: Reducing environmental pollution
Brand Name: Sweet Serve Cups
Third Product Theme: Bluetooth dual SIM Adapter
Brand Name: IKOS
Advantages and Disadvantages:

 Dual SIM Functionality
 Bluetooth Connectivity
 Compatibility
 Call Forwarding
 Notifications

 Battery Drain
 Compatibility Issues
 Call Quality
 Complex Setup
 Cost
 Security Concerns
BRAND NAME: TempXpress AquaFusion
PRODUCT THEME: Instant Hot and Cold-Water Null
Pros and Cons:

 Instant Convenience
 Energy Efficiency
 Customization
 Smart Integration
 Space-Saving Design
 Safety Features
 Voice Control
 Water Purification (Optional)

 Cost
 Maintenance Complexity
 Dependency on Technology
 Installation Requirements
 Limited Space for Adjustments
 Potential for Technical Failures
Business we Choose:

We are going to choose sweet serve cups in which we are going to make edible cups. The main
reason of choosing this business is that it is cost effective. It takes less amount to start this business.
It also has less competitors according to Pakistani market. Unfortunately, if we face any loss, it will
not damage us very badly as we are going to invest our own money that’s why we have less capital.
Description of a Business:
Name of Business: Green Bite Solution

GreenBite Solutions offers a range of eco-friendly and edible products that contribute to a
greener planet and enhance your dining experience. Their innovative products, including edible
plates, straws, and biodegradable food packaging, aim to make a positive impact on the world
while preserving flavor. GreenBite Solutions aims to transform food consumption while
minimizing environmental footprint, promoting a sustainable and delicious future.

Our Mission:
GreenBite Solutions is dedicated to revolutionizing dining with eco-friendly and edible
products, crafting a sustainable and delicious future for all.
Why we choose this business:

We have started GreenBite Solutions because we really care about the environment and
wanted to do something good for the planet. Making edible plates, straws, and packaging is
our way of helping to reduce the waste we create, especially the harmful plastic kind. We
saw that more and more people want to use things that are good for the Earth, So GreenBite
Solutions is our contribution to creating cool and tasty alternatives. It's not just about being
eco-friendly; it's also about making our meals more fun and unique. Plus, it's a chance to be
a part of the solution to plastic pollution and show that we can enjoy delicious food without
harming the environment. GreenBite Solutions is our way of combining a love for tasty
things with a passion for making the world a better place.
My request to all of you is that become part of our business to make this world more
beautiful and happier.Top of Form
Our Launched Product Details:
Product Theme: Reducing environmental pollution
Brand Name: Sweet Serve Cups
Product Introduction:
Sweet Serve Cups: A New Tea Experience
 Sweet Serve Cups are innovative, indulgent cups that transform tea drinking into a unique
 They are not just containers but an edible companion to the tea-drinking journey.
 Sweet Serve Cups add a flavorful twist to the tea-drinking experience, enhancing the
enjoyment of sipping and munching.
 They offer pure satisfaction with every sip and bite, making them ideal for tea enthusiasts
or those looking to spice up their beverage routine.
 Sweet Serve Cups are an edible celebration of taste and innovation, turning ordinary tea
time into an extraordinary experience.
Slogan: "Cups that Crunch, Tea that Brunch!"
How we make our product:
From Raw Material to Final good:

 Ingredients for 10,000 Edible Cups: Equipment's:
 22 pounds of wheat flour Large bowls

 5.5 pounds of softened unsalted butter Big mixer

 5.5 pounds of powdered sugar Large ovens
 About 1.25 teaspoons of salt Lots of cupcake/muffin tins
 12.5 tablespoons of vanilla extract Plastic wrap
 250-375 tablespoons of cold water Rolling pin
Cooking spray or butter
Parchment paper
Big boxes
1. Make the Dough: a. Mix softened butter and powdered sugar in a big bowl. b. Use a big mixer to
beat them until fluffy. c. Add vanilla extract and salt, keep mixing. d. Add flour gradually, mixing
until it forms a dough. e. If the dough is crumbly, add cold water bit by bit. Split the dough, wrap in
plastic, and put in the fridge for 30 minutes.
2. Preheat Ovens: Heat multiple ovens to 350°F (175°C).
3. Roll the Dough: a. Take a dough part and let it soften a bit. b. Roll it on a floured surface until it's
4. Cut and Shape: a. Use a cutter or something round to cut circles. b. Put circles in greased muffin
tins to make cup shapes.
5. Bake: Put tins in the heated ovens. Bake 12-15 minutes until the edges are golden.
6. Cool: Let cups cool in tins, then move to big racks to cool more.
7. Repeat: Keep rolling, cutting, and baking until all the dough is used.
8. Serve: Once cups cool, fill them with your favorite treats.
9. Store: Put cups in big airtight containers to keep them fresh.
Cost: 6 days cycle: for Sweet Serve Cups

Product Cost for 10000 cups

Wheat Flour 2320

Softened Butter 1600

Powder Sugar 600

Vanila Extract 100

labor 20000 2 rupee per cup

Parchment paper 1000

Plastic wrap 1000

Boxes 2500

Final Cost 29000 (excluding equipment cost) per cup

Chart Title
9% 8%
3% 5%
3% 2%

Wheat Flour
Softened Butter
Powder Sugar
Vanila Extract
Parchment paper
Plastic wrap

One time Purchase:
3 deck 2 ovens price 700000
Big mixers price 30000
10 bowls prices 50000
Rolling pins 5000
Other expenses 100000
Initial marketing expenses 200000
Chart Title

0% 7%


initial marketing expenses
52% bowls
rolloing pins
other expenses

Final price:

29000+1000 other expenses like electricity etc. + 5000-rupee car rent+ 3000 petrol of car and
2000 for delivery person+ 5000 marketing expenses for 6 days cycle = 45000 total for 10000
cups for the duration of 6 days.
It cost 4.5 rupees to make one cup and we sell it for 7.5 rupee per cup. According to this we
earn 30000 rupees for 6 days cycle and for month we almost earn 150000 out of which we
also spend 50000 in giving salary to our guard and also to deal with other things.
Chart Title




final prodct cost

car rent
7% car petrol
dilevery expense
other expenses

OUR Market:
Our Industry: currently our industry is Food and Beverage Industry.
As we all know that Pakistani people loved to drink tea. So, in this way almost whole country is our market. In
numbers we can comfortably say that we almost have 12 to 14 crore people in our market.
As currently, we are producing our product in Rawalpindi so at first our primary focus is to cover Rawalpindi
division which includes following districts:
1. Rawalpindi district
2. Chakwal districts
3. Muree district
4. Islamabad district
5. Attock district
6. Islamabad district
These all district cover almost have 10 million population which is our primary market so far.
At first, we are going to hit universities, colleges, and offices. Because mostly people in these sectors are young
and educated so they know about environmental issues in country it become easy for us to sale our product.
As we are going to target universities and offices so we first plan to start B to B business. We will
next plan to sell our product to customers but it will take some time. We also plan to go abroad in
next future inshallah.

Our competitors:
Currently in Pakistani market there is no our big competitor. Some people are making same items
but they are producing it in home.

We will first start our distribution by ourselves through our own vehicles. For this we also take
one APVs on rent for which we have to pay 25000 rent per month which will be adjusted in our
product sales price.
Marketing Plan:
We are currently following some marketing strategies to make our product familiar to people:
 Storytelling on social media: We are currently going live on our Facebook channels and
Instagram accounts and tell people our background and why we choose this business and
what are benefits of our products. This cost us nothing.
 Free Demos: We are currently spending one whole day on street and on different malls and
let people try our tasty cups for free. This cost us almost 5000 every month which is added in
our product final cost.
 Collaborations with Cafes: This is our main source of marketing. We collaborate with
different cafes at universities and on offices. In this we are motivating people to use our cups
and also give our cups for free we also give free sample to our potential customers so they
become our members permanently.
Location of our business: Our business is located at Rawalpindi Adiyala Road. Basically,
our factory is built in a big house and I own that house that’s why we are not paying any rent.
We have several facilities in our factory:
1. Electricity
2. Gas
3. Clean water
4. All equipment necessary to make our product like ovens and mixers etc.
5. Extra rooms for rest of labor
6. Store room
7. Washroom
8. Security cameras and security guard
9. Backup generator
10. Other related items
Our Growth Plan:

Green Bite Solutions Growth Plan

• Understanding customer preferences and increasing menu offerings.

• Utilizing social media to showcase eco-friendly products.
• Partnering with other businesses or celebrities for brand promotion.
• Offering special deals to attract customers.
• Using customer feedback to improve products.
• Exploring new locations for product sales.
• Ensuring team engagement and knowledge sharing.
• Monitoring global trends and simplifying online operations.
Sources of Finance:
We both people invest 20 lacs in this business out of which almost 13 lac is invested and
remaining is in our bank account. We both invest 10 10 lac each and also have 50% equity in
business. No money is outsourced from any other person. Zero % equity of company is
diluted till now. We also didn’t take any loan from any people.
Monthly Burns and Earning:
Currently we divide our work in 6 days cycle. We complete our production in 4 to 5 days and
then one whole day is contributed for delivering. For one cycle we burn almost 45000 rupee
and for month we burn 225000 and our earning in one cycle is 30000 rupee and total cost of
good sold in one cycle is 75000. According to this we earn almost 150000 in one month and
30000 is paid to security guard.

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