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0 Introduction
Mauritius as a tourist destination.
Mauritius is a volcanic island lying off the east coast of Africa surrounded by the turquoise water of the Indian Ocean.It’s breathtaking sandy beaches,lush
natural landscapes,endemic fauna and flora along with its unique creole culture make the island the perfect holiday choice for tourists.
Being appreciated by visitors for its tropical climate,the island is well known not only because of the number of hotel and luxurious villas but because of
the endless attractions that has made it a popular place to visit in Mauritius. the multi ethnic and cultural diversity this small gem in the middle of the
Indian Ocean hides far more treasures that deserve to be discovered during visitors vacations,
Namely known as “a complete paradise” by Thomas Henry Hunxley,it is indeed the beauty of Mauritius is beyond words. The Mauritian tradition of
cooking a creole dish is very different from any other country culinary,thus it is possible to taste a lot of local food.moreover, the mesmerizing island is a unique
and perfect place to be on holidays and millions tourists seek a little adventure in this place. Mauritius is a safe country for tourists to visit. It is one of the safest
countries in Africa.

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