第7课 一共多少钱

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初级口语 I 教学课件

初级口语 I
第 7 课 一共多少钱
I 语音部分
Pronunciation Part
Read and distinguish
Read aloud
Read aloud
Read aloud
Ⅱ 学习新课
New study
New words Ⅰ
Text 1
Text 1
Practice to learn
New words Ⅱ
New words Ⅱ
Text 2
Text 2
Practice to learn
Ⅲ 功能句
Functional sentences
[ 谈论需要 ] Talking about needs
[ 询问价格 ] Inquiring about prices
[ 钱数表达 ] Expressions of amounts of money
Ⅳ 课堂活动与练习
Classroom Activities and Exercises
Substitution drills
Substitution drills
Substitution drills
Substitution drills
Substitution drills
Complete the following dialogue
Complete the following dialogue
Complete the following dialogue
Group work
Group work
Review and Presentation
Review and Presentation

What is it ? How to say it in Chinese?

Review and Presentation

What is it ? How to say it in Chinese?

Review and Presentation

What is it ? How to say it in Chinese?

Review and Presentation

What is it ? How to say it in Chinese?

Review and Presentation

What is it ? How to say it in Chinese?

Review and Presentation

What is it ? How to say it in Chinese?

Review and Presentation
Challenge Yourself
Communication task


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