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Homework Due Weds 28th Feb


Your Turn ‘Teenagers are often passive and

You have an example question about inactive when it comes to social or
teenagers. political issues. They spend more
You need to express your opinion in time scrolling the issue, than
response to the question. speaking about it.’

Write an article for a local

magazine where you explain
your point of view in response
to the statement.
Write a headline.
You need to hint to your audience what your opinion is. Consider HOW you want
teenagers to be represented. Reference language from the statement.

Example: Teenagers Today: Ludicrously lazy or deceptively discerning?

Teenagers: Are they simply not bothered?

Teenagers don’t need your judgement

Challenge: Try to include a colon, rhetorical question and humour or alliteration.

‘Teenagers are often passive and inactive when it comes to social or
political issues. They spend more time scrolling the issue, than speaking
about it.’

Introduction Write an article for a local magazine where you explain your point
of view in response to the statement.

Explain what has caused an interest in this subject.

o Over the last few ______, there has been a notable ______ in
the number of …
o In _____ alone, a portion of ___% of …are now ….
o Many seem to believe this is due to … , and that could solely be
down to…
o Is this … ?

Try to include a variety of adjectives describing teenagers.

‘Teenagers are often passive and inactive when it comes to social or
political issues. They spend more time scrolling the issue, than speaking
about it.’

First Paragraph Write an article for a local magazine where you explain your point
of view in response to the statement.

Example: Teens Today

Start exploring your first point

When teenagers across the country are… they can seen be as …

However, in (where you live), this is simply not the case.
The reality instead reveals teenagers are…
This is the real state of affairs, and not …

Try to include alliteration or imperative language.

‘Teenagers are often passive and inactive when it comes to social or
political issues. They spend more time scrolling the issue, than speaking
about it.’

Second Paragraph Write an article for a local magazine where you explain your point
of view in response to the statement.

Explore your second point

In recent (months/years/weeks), there seems to be a growing sentiment that

teenagers are….
Throughout my own teenage years so far, I have discovered that …
I am not sure I would therefore consider this feeling of … about teenagers to be
entirely (fair/unfair), hence I would argue that…
I am going to presume I am not alone in this.

Try to include hyperbole.

‘Teenagers are often passive and inactive when it comes to social or
political issues. They spend more time scrolling the issue, than speaking
about it.’

Third Paragraph Write an article for a local magazine where you explain your point
of view in response to the statement.

Explore your third point

If one were to ask a (name a figure, parent/teacher), they might say teenagers
are “…”.
Comments such as this only help to …
This echoes a ______ point of view which I do/do not…
Whose … ?

Try to include a rhetorical question at the end.

‘Teenagers are often passive and inactive when it comes to social or
political issues. They spend more time scrolling the issue, than speaking
about it.’

Fourth Paragraph Write an article for a local magazine where you explain your point
of view in response to the statement.

Explore your fourth point. Find another news story which you can respond

Just (yesterday/last week), there was an (article/speech) in … where teenagers

were commented as being … “….”.
These views are directly in agreement/opposition to my own where…
This is not/is the type of representation my contemporaries would want …

Try to include a fact.

Question 5: ‘Prisons nowadays are too much of a luxury and not enough of a
Conclusion punishment. There needs to be a change.’
Write an article for a national newspaper where you explain your point of
view in response to the statement.

Final paragraph. You need to include a short conclusion returning to the statement. Echo the
tone of your introduction.
You should decide on a POSITIVE or NEGATIVE ending:

Despite all the …, there is an It is unclear as to how teenagers will be
overwhelming sense that teenagers are viewed … . Perhaps for my
in fact… . This gives me … for my contemporaries and myself we will
generation. simply be seen as … .

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