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Teacher Teaching

Presented by :
Naurah Salsabila Nasution (NIM 2211121031)

Micro Teaching Course

DIK D 2021
Table of Contents

01. Definition of Teacher Teaching Skills

02. Teacher Teaching Skills

Definition of Teacher
Teacher teaching skills are also complex skills which
Teaching Skill are basically a complete integration of a very large
number of various skills.
It is very important for teachers to master basic
teaching skills, especially to create a dynamic learning
atmosphere, so educators must plan things that can make
students interested and mentally ready to participate in
the learning process, thereby providing a positive effect
on learning activities.
Opening and Closing Class Management Skills
Lessons Skills

4 Teacher
Guiding Small Group Small Group and Individual
Discussions Skills Teaching Skills
Opening and closing a
lesson skill

The opening and closing a lesson skill is one of the

important skills to implement because by opening and
closing a lesson the teacher can help students to prepare
themselves for learning and the teacher is able to
determine the achievement of the objectives of the
learning carried out.
Class Management
Class management skills are very influential in creating
optimal, effective and efficient learning conditions. Teacher skills
in managing the classroom are an important aspect or factor in
creating or maintaining conducive classroom conditions in an
effort to achieve learning goals.
Guiding Small Group Discussions Skills

The guiding small group discusion skill is a skill that is mastered by

the teacher. In teaching activities, teachers sometimes carry out group
discussion activities. Discussion activities involve mental and emotional
activities that can improve interpersonal relationships. So the teacher's
skills in guiding small group discussions are needed to ensure the
continuation of the discussion effectively.
Small Group and Individual
Teaching Skills
Small group and individual teaching skills are the ability of
teachers, instructors and lecturers to develop healthy and close
interpersonal relationships between teachers and students, as well as
between students and pupils, both in small groups and individually.
Small group and individual teaching skill is a form of learning that
allows teachers to pay attention to each student, and establish a more
intimate relationship between teacher and students and between students
and students.
It can be concluded that teachers must have skills in teaching in
the classroom. The teacher's teaching skills include skills for
opening and closing lessons, class management skills, skills for
guiding small group discussions, and small group and individual
teaching skills. If the teacher has good teaching skills, it will also
have a good impact on the teaching and learning process in the
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Thank You
Wahyudi. (2011). Visi Ilmu Pendidikan. Jurnal. Pontianak: Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan,
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