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The Concept of

Politics and
Political Ideology
Most Essential Learning Competencies
The learner will:
● identify the basic tenets of major political
ideologies (i.e., liberalism, socialism,
conservatism, etc.) and differentiate the
various views on politics;
● differentiate the political ideologies and
recognize the value of politics;
● examine the relationship between political
ideologies and configurations of political
communities; and
● critique ideas that have a direct impact on
how we try to manage ourselves as a political
• Ideology - A manner or the content of
thinking characteristic of an individual,
group, or culture; the integrated
assertions, theories, and aims that
constitute a socio-political program.
• Government - The governing body of a
nation, state, or community; Refers to the
various ways through which social life is
• Power- The ability to achieve the
desired outcome.
This lesson delves into the study of political
ideologies which involves the nature, role,
and significance of political ideas in
understanding the various political
In every dealing of humanity, people express
their opinions and/or speak their minds with
the use of political ideas and concepts such as
freedom, fairness, justice, equality, and rights
that they can interpret their individual views
as liberal, conservative, socialist, communist,
fascist, feminist, etc.
“A state is better governed
which has but few laws,
and those laws strictly

Rene Descartes
Political Ideology
Political Ideology is a set of related beliefs about
political theory and policy held by an individual, group
of individuals, or a particular social class.
Antoine Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836) coined the term
ideology during the French Revolution and was
subsequently used in public in 1796.
Ideology according to Tracy is a new ‘science idea’ from
a literal idea-logy (Heywood, 2012).
Ideology becomes a political weapon to condemn or
criticize opposing arrays of ideas or beliefs system.

A view that sees more need

for change and
improvement in social
relations requiring
governmental involvement.
The term “conservatism” is derived from
the term conservation. It is a political
philosophy that tends to support the
status quo and advocates change only in
moderation upholds the value of
tradition and seeks to preserve all that
is good about the past.
A political and economic theory of
social organization which
advocates that the means of
production, distribution, and
exchange should be owned or
regulated by the community as a
is an economic and political doctrine
advocating governmental ownership
and direction of production and services
It is an extreme left-wing ideology,
based on the revolutionary socialist
teaching of Karl Marx, characterized by
collective ownership and a planned
It is derived from a fasces an Italian word,
which means a bundle of rods with an
axe-blade protruding that signified the
authority of magistrates in Imperial Rome.
Fascism, as a state controls everything
from the production of resources, to
finance and agriculture.
Belief in the abolition of all government
and the organization of society on a
Ideologies give us a picture of the
existing reality, answering “what is
wrong”, what went wrong and why.
It explains problems that confront
modern societies by providing
futuristic visions.

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