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What is technology?

‘’The definition of technology is

science or knowledge put to practical
use to solve problems or invent useful
tools. .. The use of scientific kmowlege
to solve practical problems especially
in induusty and commerce.’’
In Households…
 In the past of 50 years, households have
adopted several technologies.
 They give homeowners and apartment
dwellers more control over their home
and improve security
In Education
 Used to support both teaching
and learning technology
infuses classrooms with digital
learning tools.
In Business…
 Technology has a biig impact on business
 Technology can bring many benefits that
will increase revenue make and produce
thegood customers demand.
 The main role of technology in business is
to drive growth and improve operations.
In Manufacturing and Construction
 Techmology was identified as the most important area
of manufacturing process decision making, followed
by quality assurance and control.
 Building information Modeling (BIM) Software. Virtual
Reality and Wearables. 3D painting. Artificial Intelegence.
 Technology became an important
role in all humans life.
 It improves the work very easy.
 Technology makes life more easy
 It has positive and negative effects
on the word.
 It made the world like a village.

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