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Presented by Beverly N. Abulac

Learning Outcome:
Envision the extent on how
mathematics progress in the future.

Illustrations by Mat Moore

What does teaching

math look like in the
In ten years?

Teaching mathematics…

Before we can understand the
future of math teaching, we
need to experience a bit of a
paradigm shift.

Do you think you know
what reading looks


Just because we’re used
to it, this does not mean
it is “the way.”

Text on paper is
just a technology.

Illustrations by Mat Moore

Features of Text
 Ability to review
 One-to-many
 Asynchronous
 Can be translated
 Cheaper than lecture

Lecture is just a
Features of Lecture
 One-to-many
 Synchronous
 Q&A
 Child care

Learning that involves Any repetitive
information transfer will be assessment or learning
replaced by technology task that can be
replaced by a
computer will be.

Will teachers be
replaced by

Killer Features of Teachers
 Creative
 Flexible
 Motivating
 Coaching
 Synchronous
 Q&A
 Childcare

Many math teachers say that what they do
in the classroom cannot be mimicked by
technology. They say the classroom is highly
interactive and engaging for all the

But what does the research say?

Math Classroom Mapping Research
From Vilma M. Mesa
University of Michigan

The classroom is highly
interactive for the teacher and
engaging for all the about 3

Killer Feature of Tutor
 Teacher but one-to-one

Bloom 2-sigma Study (1985)
The average student tutored one-to-one
using mastery learning techniques
performed two standard deviations better
than students who learn via conventional
instructional methods.

For any topic, there’s a field of potential questions, identification
of misconceptions, and learning assets that a tutor could provide.

Some students already know it. Get them to
the next topic quickly.

For students who don’t have initial knowledge, each
one may take a different path. That’s fine.

Other students take a circuitous route. That’s okay too.

The only technology that will
improve learning outcomes for the
majority of students in math is that
the technology that begins to mimic
a tutor-student relationship.

So, math teaching in the future…

(1) Learning math becomes a team activity,
where technology is one of the team members.

Good Math Technology
 Adaptive experience
 Instant feedback
 Competency tracking
 Exploration spaces
 Provide scaffolding
 Alternate learning paths

(II) Motivation is Key
Math is often an abstract concept which
children have trouble imagining in everyday
use. However, the technological advancements
of today and tomorrow rely on

Hands-on learning projects can help students
understand the correlation between math and

 Teaching coding in
the classroom

 Incorporation of LEGO Robotics

 Incorporation of EdTech
Math Games

 Virtual Reality Lessons
 Virtual Field Trips

(III) Embracing Tech Tools

(IV) Teachers shift from the role
of an instructor to the role of a
learning coach
 Communicating
 Questioning
 Challenging
 Accountability
 Encouraging
 Showing new perspectives
 Monitoring

“Anyone that can be replaced by a
computer should be.”

-Arthur C. Clarke

No matter how good the software,
learners will still need the coach,
because we/they are human.

It is the connection with a learning

community that keeps most of us
moving forward in education.

Stop wasting time doing
things that a computer (or
robot) can do better.


Thank you for listening!


Illustrations by Matt Moore

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