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● POINT : A point shows an exact / definite position. It has
no size or shape (NO DIMENSION). It is shown by a dot
and named by any capital letter of English alphabet.
For example: Point A is written as A

The tip of a pencil can be thought of as a point.

● A line is a straight path of points that keeps going in
both directions forever.
● In geometry, a line is drawn with arrowheads on both
the sides.
● Since a line never ends, we cannot measure its length.
● To name a line, use any two points on it.
For example, to name this line, we use two points on it,
A and B, and call it Line AB or Line BA.
● A line segment is a part of line with two endpoints.
● It has fixed length (ONE DIMENSION), that we can
measure using a scale.
● It has no breadth / width.
● It cannot be extended in any direction.
● For example, this line segment can be called Line
segment AB or Line segment BA.
● The points A and B are its end points.
● A ray is a part of line that starts at one point, and
keeps on going in one direction forever.
● A ray has one end point called the initial point.
● It does not have fixed length, so we cannot measure
its length.
● Remember! There is only one way to name a ray,
which is starting from its endpoint.
● For example, this ray can be called Ray XY (but not
Ray YX).
Now, let’s watch this
video and enhance our
learning about the basic
concepts of GEOMETRY.
Straight lines, line segments and rays can be horizontal, vertical
and slanting (oblique)
Lines can also be drawn in a zig-zag way called as curved lines.
Two lines that cross
each other at a point,
are called intersecting
The point at which
they cross or
intersect, is called the
Point of Intersection.
In the figure shown:

lines AB and CD are

crossing each other at
point O.

O is called as the
point of intersection.
Key Points
● A point shows a definite / exact position. It has
no size or shape.

● A line is a straight path of points that can be

extended in both the directions. It does not
have fixed length. It cannot be measured.It has
no end point.
Key Points
● A line segment is a part of line with two end
points. It has fixed length, that can be
measured. It has no width / breadth.
● A ray is a part of line with one end point. It can
be extended only in one direction. It does not
have fixed length, so it cannot be measured.
● Two lines that cross each other at a point,
are called intersecting lines . The point at
which they intersect, is called the Point of

● Lines CD and AB
intersect at point O.
● Zig-zag lines are curved lines.

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