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Presented by: Hoang Phan Nguyen
• The marketing mix, the four Ps
• SWOT analysis & the market environment
• Marketing strategies and the Marketing plan
• Pricing and positioning strategies
Marketing plan
• A marketing plan is a report that outlines your marketing
strategy for the coming year, quarter or month.
• Typically, a marketing plan includes: An overview of your
business's marketing and advertising goals. A description of
your business's current marketing position
Marketing tactics
• Marketing tactics are a series or set of strategic methods or
actions aimed at promoting a business’ goods or services. The
aim is to maximize sales and maintain a competitive good or
• What are some important marketing strategies?
• Why is market segmentation useful for
A chief marketing
Example of marketing strategy
Spotify: Offer a Different User Experience
• Today, Spotify is one of the best known global companies on the
planet. But how did this Swedish brand come to conquer the world?
• There are many streaming music services, but what makes Spotify
unique is its focus on helping users discover new content. Spotify
breaks the mold of typical music streaming platforms and
instead offers listeners a totally new user experience.
• For example, in addition to the typical filter by genre, Spotify also
allows users to choose music based on their moods, whether you want
to workout, to sleep, or even need some songs to sing in the shower.
This helps users discover songs that would never have occurred to
them and in turn, reinforces their relationship with the brand. They are
also the leaders in using artificial intelligence to curate playlists
specifically based on their users’ habits, like Release Radar and
Discover Weekly.
Coca-Cola: Be Supportive

• Many bands consider collaborating with charitable causes as part of

their corporate social responsibility, but not all approaches prove to be
successful. Coca-Cola is a good example of how solidarity causes can
contribute to internationalize a brand and improve its image.
• Coca-Cola collaborates with many small programs focused on local
communities. For example, it built 650 facilities to provide drinking
water in the town of Beni Suef in Egypt and supports an initiative to
improve school facilities in India.
Nike: Promote Your Values

• There are very few brands that are as recognizable as Nike and its
“Just do it” slogan. From the beginning, this brand has focused its
marketing on promoting brand values, such as overcoming adversity
or innovation.
• To convey this culture to its audience, Nike relies heavily on
storytelling: ads that tell inspiring stories and provoke positive
emotions in users. In addition, brand values are not only present in
your marketing, but in everything you do.
• Porter generic strategies are also very useful.
These common marketing strategies focus on
product differentiation and cost leadership
• A competitive advantage is a quality or
characteristic that allows a person or a company
to perform better than a competing person or
Market Positioning

• Market Positioning refers to the ability to influence consumer perception

regarding a brand or product relative to competitors. The objective of
market positioning is to establish the image or identity of a brand or
product so that consumers perceive it in a certain way.
• For example:
• A handbag maker may position itself as a luxury status symbol
• A TV maker may position its TV as the most innovative and cutting-
• A fast-food restaurant chain may position itself as the provider of cheap
Pricing strategies
Marketing activities
• Data collections
• Content creation
• Target users that abandoned your shopping cart or online form
• Welcome or activation programs
• Collect reviews
• Birthdays messages
• Sales emails
• Post sales email
Marketing Mix
• The marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a
company uses to promote its brand or product in the market.
The 4Ps make up a typical marketing mix - Price, Product,
Promotion and Place.
The Marketing Mix 4Ps are:
• Product includes options, quality, design, features, packaging
and other related services.
• Price includes list price, marked price, discounts, shipping
costs and competitors’ prices.
• Place includes distribution channels, platforms, websites and
other online presences, physical locations, inventory, and
• Promotion includes branding, content marketing,
advertising, search, influencer relations, social media, PR and
Marketing Mix
• Product - the product (or service) that the customer obtains
• Price - how much the customer pays for the product
• Place – how the product is distributed to the customer
• Promotion - how the customer is found and persuaded to buy
the product
Marketing 7Ps
•People – All companies are reliant on the people who run them from front line Sales
staff to the Managing Director. Having the right people is essential because they are
as much a part of your business offering as the products/services you are offering.
•Processes –The delivery of your service is usually done with the customer present so
how the service is delivered is once again part of what the consumer is paying for
•Physical Evidence – Almost all services include some physical elements even if the
bulk of what the consumer is paying for is intangible. For example a hair salon would
provide their client with a completed hairdo and an insurance company would give
their customers some form of printed material. Even if the material is not physically
printed (in the case of PDFs) they are still receiving a “physical product” by this
Marketing strategy
• A marketing strategy is a series of steps or actions taken by a business
to increase sales, grow a brand or to feature the value of the product,
known as a value proposition.
• A marketing strategy appeals to the customer and aims to make them
want to learn more about the business or its products.
• To appeal to the customer, a business needs to understand who the
customer is and how they make purchasing decisions.
• With specific goals in mind, companies can design a marketing
strategy to reach them. Developing a marketing strategy generally
follows an outline of steps to reach the goal.
Marketing plan
• A marketing plan is an operational document that outlines an
advertising strategy that an organization will implement to generate
leads and reach its target market.
• For example, in addition to the typical filter by genre, Spotify also
allows users to choose music based on their moods, whether you want
to workout, to sleep, or even need some songs to sing in the shower.
This helps users discover songs that would never have occurred to
them and in turn, reinforces their relationship with the brand. They are
also the leaders in using artificial intelligence to curate playlists
specifically based on their users’ habits, like Release Radar and
Discover Weekly.
Nike: Promote Your Values

• There are very few brands that are as recognizable as Nike and its
“Just do it” slogan. From the beginning, this brand has focused its
marketing on promoting brand values, such as overcoming adversity
or innovation.
• To convey this culture to its audience, Nike relies heavily on
storytelling: ads that tell inspiring stories and provoke positive
emotions in users. In addition, brand values are not only present in
your marketing, but in everything you do.
Marketing Mix
Example of marketing plan
Create a marketing plan
The AIDAR model shows how a marketing strategy works:

• Awareness: The act of creating attention for the brand or service through
various mediums
• Interest: The step of generating interest to encourage buyers to want to
know more
• Desire: Creating an emotional connection to the buyer so they want the
product or like the brand
• Action: The step when the buyer picks up a brochure, calls to learn more or
makes a purchase
• Retention: Once someone becomes a customer, the business turns its focus
to satisfy the customer so they return and perhaps refer the company to
friends and family.
· How do we make buyers aware of our
products or services?
· What is our outreach strategy?
· What is our brand awareness campaign?
· Which tools or platforms do we use?
· What should the messages be?

·How will we gain their interest?

· What is our content strategy?
· Social proof available to back up our reputation?
· How do we make this information available
and where ? I.e. on website, via videos, customer

· What makes our product or service desirable?

· How do we interact personally to make an emotional connection?
· Online chat?
· Immediate response to Twitter feed?
· Share tips, Customer’s feedback and advice?
· What is the call to actions and where do we
place them?
· Is it easy for consumers to connect and where
would they expect to find it?
· Think about which marketing
channel/platform you are using and how to
engage i.e. Across emails, website, landing pages,
inbound phone calls etc.

· What is the proposition to retain loyalty?

· At what stage do we encourage this on-line and off-line, and how?
• To reach customers and build a company's brand, a business sets goals
according to what they want to accomplish with each marketing
strategy. Goal setting includes knowing the company's value and
targeting the ideal buyer.
• Marketing strategies build timelines and measure the success of the
strategy to determine its return on investment (ROI), which can factor
into whether or not the strategy is implemented again. Using the
process of SMART goals helps define the strategy and specify the
For example, a coffee company is launching its new flavor to coincide with the holidays. Here is how it sets a SMART goal to grow sales:

• Specific: The company wants to gain 1,000 new customers.

• Measurable: The company wants to accomplish this by the end of the year.
• Actionable: The company determines where its advertising will be most
• Relevant: The product is holiday-themed, and the launch is scheduled for
• Time-bound: A specific timeline lets the company aim for a particular
outcome and adjust the goal as needed.
• SWOT Analysis is a simple but useful framework for analyzing
your organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats. It helps you to build on what you do well, to address
what you're lacking, to minimize risks, and to take the greatest
possible advantage of chances for success
The market environment
• The market environment or business environment is
a marketing term and refers to factors and forces that
affect a firm's ability to build and maintain successful
customer relationships.
The market environment
• The micro environment
• The macro environment
Micro environment
Macro environment

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