Holocaust Thingo

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Made by Jayden Murphy

Pre war Jewish life
Pre war Jewish life was simple they occupied
many countries in large numbers a couple to
name being Poland, Russia, Romania and the
well known Germany. The Jewish people
were known to be successful and rich they
went to schools and had family owned
businesses that they would eventually work
at. They had no discrimination or segregation
before the Germans decided they no longer
liked Jewish people.
Reasons why the holocaust occurred
• The holocaust happened after ww1 when the Germans were
expected to pay the debt that all the other countries compiled from
the war the Germans were expected to pay because they lost the war
because of this Germany went broke but they saw that the Jewish
people were very rich and successful this lead the Germans to come
up with the idea that they were of the Aryan race that was superior
to all other races and because they now felt this way they thought it
justified to strip the jewish people of their rights and their belongings.
The six stages of the holocaust
• Stage one: racism; the Germans used racism to first separate the Jews from the
Germans they started with making your bloodline an importance if you had a
Jewish bloodline it was no good. Laws; the Nuremburg laws specified what made a
Jew a Jew and vise versa. Propaganda; the next steps they took in phase one were
making propaganda the strategies they used were cartoons, books, movies, and
posters portraying Jews as inferior and lesser than the Aryan race
• Stage two: Jews weren’t allowed to be part of normal everyday society they
couldn’t be in places such as the same schools as Germans, uni, parks, movies etc.
Jewish people at the time of the Hitler youth movement weren’t allowed to take
part worser yet the Germans stopped wanting to be friends with the Jewish
people at all. Their licenses were revoked for anything they had worked for
businesses, medical work etc. they were then excluded from their rights to vote
for laws, social, economic stand points.
Six stages continued
Stage three immigration; the Jewish people were
greatly encouraged to leave Germany when the
war began in 1939. through discrimination; vast
amount of Jewish people abandoned Germany
because they could not work as an artist, a
teacher, a doctor etc.
Stage four ghettoization; ghettos were a specific
part of a city where Jews were forced to live and
couldn't leave without permission from the Nazi
officials and non Jews were not allowed to enter.
The conditions of these ghettos where harsh,
unviable they were crowded, filthy many families
were forced to share small apartment together.
To make a bad place worse there wasn’t even
proper waste disposal, limited job opportunities.
Jews were very poor since they had to give up
their belongings when they were forced into the
Six stages further
Stage five; Jews are transported to death camps and
concentration camps rather than ghettos. The first
Nazi concentration camp was built in 1933 as a place
of death. At the beginning of world war two
concentration camps were intended to capture
enemies of state. Labour camps where inmates
worked till they starved or died of a fatal illness.
They had instated death camps or extermination
camps to kill Jewish people or prisoners of war in
large numbers as effectively as possible
Stage six; over the course of the war it was
estimated that eleven million innocent civilian's had
died not from being in an active area of war but
because they were seen as enemies of state or they
had belonged to a group that was undesired they
were killed by shootings, gas chambers and death by
over working the people killed consisted of men
women children among the eleven million six million
were Jewish this makes up two thirds of the
European population.
The intended effects of the holocaust
• The well known intentions of the holocaust were to kill off the Jewish
people as they were inferior to the Aryan race. Some others might be
intimidation towards other country's kind of like saying that we can
do what we want and you will end up like them if you intervene
Differences and similarities of the holocaust
and a modern day genocide
• The holocaust has many similarities in regards to the Rwanda
genocide in a more recent time in 1994 this genocide went over 100
days. This is similar to the holocaust because both events were
started because within the country there was a group that the
oppressors didn’t care for this being the Jewish and Tutsi people.
Another similarity was that there were a tragic amount left dead
before they had both ended.
Why the holocaust should be remembered
• The holocaust should be remembered because it is one if not the
most tragic events in human history where a hatred for an ethnic
group got far out of hand. It can be remembered from strategies like
museums for remembrance and having information about it spread
among various places on the internet or even holidays so this wont be
forgotten and so it may never be repeated.
Bibliography (websites)
• https://www.theholocaustexplained.org/life-before-the-holocaust/pr
date viewed 6/9/23
• https://www.britannica.com/event/Rwanda-genocide-of-1994 date
viewed 8/9/23

• (keep in mind that most of my information was form in class except

form these couple of things)
Bibliography (images)
• https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20220127-how-three-quarters
date viewed 6/9/23
• https://www.yadvashem.org/remembrance/archive/central-theme.ht
date viewed 8/9/23
• https://pixabay.com/photos/auschwitz-birkenau-the-holocaust-39894
date viewed 8/9/23

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