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The impact of genetic

modification of human foods.


Pathway I

Protecting consumers with the latest in food testing technology. Chemical news. (2021). Chemical industry journal

According to Uzogara (2000) food genetic

engineering is the science that involves
the deliberate modification of the genetic
material of plants or animals.

Dr. Lao, medical geneticist and specialist at the Diagonal Clinic. [ Photo – based in clinical genetics, it is the medical specialty that is responsible
for genetic diagnosis and counseling]. (2019). Viaempresa.
Impacts of genetic

Some broader concerns include environmental

Genetic Engineering: History, DNA, Proteins, Techniques, Process, and Applications. [ photo-based in the process of manually adding new DNA to an
contamination, unintentional gene transfer to wild plants, organism].(2019).
possible creation of new viruses and toxins, limited access
to seeds due to patents on genetically modified food plants,
the threat to genetic diversity of crops, religious, cultural and
ethical concerns, as well as fear of the unknown (Uzogara,
Benefits of
modified foods
Conner & Jacobs (1999) explain that the
general approach of food genetic engineering
is to ensure year-round availability of food,
improvement in nutritional quality and
extension of shelf life as some of the reasons Gonzales, C.,(2022). How genetic engineering creates more nutritious and healthy foods and protects crops from
devastating diseases. [photho – based in genetically modified food].Agroavances.
why This science will benefit consumers,
farmers and the environment.

The use of genetic modifications with appropriate

regulation, constant monitoring and research are
essential to avoid possible harmful effects on
humans and the environment. The nutritional and
health benefits of genetic engineering are many
and will be useful to the growing world population.

Rivero, E., (2015). IBM and Mars team up for food safety. [Photo – based in food safety]. Unocero.

•Conner, A., & Jacobs J. (1999, July 15). Genetic engineering of crops as potential source of genetic
hazard in the human diet. Mutation research / genetic toxicology and enviromental mutagenesis.
44(1-2).223 -234.

•Key, S., Ma, JK - C., & Drake, P. (2008). Genetically modified plants and human health. Journal of the
royan society of medicine. 101(6). 290 – 298.

•Uzogara, S., (2000, May). The impact of genetic modification of human foods in the 21st century: A
review. Biotehnology advances. 18(3). 179 - 206.

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