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Describing the advert (Evian)

• The main advertisement that Evian used in their campaign is about what drinking Evian water does
to your body. A group of CGI babies are in a park inside of a city (This makes me think of central park
in New York however it could be anywhere) one of the babies turn on a boom box and the song
Rappers Delight comes on. The babies then start rollerblading and dancing to the music all while
they hold and skate around bottles of Evian water. A pink screen the pops up and the music stops.
There is then white text on the pink screen about how drinking Evian water keeps your body
youthful. The music and dancing babies then continues. It then ends with a white screen with Evian’s
logo and slogan “Evian live young” on the screen. There is also a woman voice saying the slogan with
a French accent making the words “Evian” and “young” rythme, to make it more of a gimmick. The
advertisement overall is very simple and clean yet quite effective with getting its point and product
across to its audience. Regardless of whether you thought that advert was cool and smart or if you
thought the CGI babies were creepy in some way you would remember the advertisement of the
other parts of the campaign relating to the advert. For example, I personally remember about 7-10
years ago when you would see bottles of Evian water on the shelves at a supermarket and it would
have two pictures on the bottle, one was of an adult and the other was a picture of that adult as a

Aims and objectives:

The original campaign first began in 2009 and was aired the same year. The makers of the campaign BETC made the
campaign for Evian to get people to buy and drink their water to then make a lot of money. They clearly made a lot
because they managed to pay for Gigi Hadid and other celebrities to be part of the campaign, the company has also
become one of the most well-known brands of mineral water today. Evian produce 72,000 bottles per hour, which
range from costs like £1.15 - £1.45 meaning the company had profits of at least £82,800 from those 72,000 bottles
alone. Evian has also previously won a Gold Award in 2009 at the London International Awards for Best Visual Effect.
The company also has famous ambassadors like Dua Lipa (cousin of Gigi Hadid) and Emma Raducanu
Target audience:
The target audience is males and females ranging from age 17 – 65 (every adult). I also believe that the social grades
Campaign for the audience ranges from grade A to grade C2 because those people will have more money to spare and shall see
began in the idea of buying better mineral water compared to the grades D and E who might not have the money to spare due
2011 to financial difficulty. Their campaign involves people male and female who are in that age bracket so that they can be
easily compared to their younger self.
Campaign message/ selling point:
Evian’s message is that “People who buy and drink Evian’s water product they will feel and look younger and healthier.”
Hence why they compare people to their baby form so that you get the sense that they feel younger because you will
look close to your younger self. They also included how the drink is pure mineral water that has been filtered naturally
for 15 years, this also gives the water a “unique, crisp” taste, which makes them stand out from the other water brands
like Fiji and Smartwater.
Methods/ techniques/ lines of appeal:
Slogan – “Evian. Live young”
Evian would also have famous people partner/feature/collab on an advert or whole campaign who will attract people of all ages (adults) and most
social status’s the brand because they look up to these celebrities and trust their opinion on certain things.
The person and their past self as a baby is a key sell method to make them recognisable and thought of with similar images.
The clean and basic campaigns that Evian use to do were also very handy to have because people could easily tell what the advert was about
because Evian used it so much.
The idea of comparing someone to their past baby self became a craze. Evian decided to make the Baby&Me app where people could compare
themselves to their baby self, which would also make Evian profit along with the water while also self-promoting their water.
With their print adverts in particular it of someone (famous or not) wearing an outfit, which involved a white T-shirt which would have a picture of
a babies body but cut so the persons head is the babies head, these became a symbol of the campaign and all of the print adverts for this
campaign had this theme.
Representation of the campaign:
In my opinion the campaign for Evian water to be shown as clean and tidy but also quite high quality. For example, is uses the stereotype that
when a product wants to look expensive and high quality it will go down the clean, tidy and minimalistic look when it comes to the print
campaign. Obviously when it comes to the TV advert the campaign must be quite eye catching and rememberable, so they did drift away from the
white background and white costumes. Hence the use of the advert that’s background is a random city park. While also keeping with their other
huge marketing strategy which is the babies dressed in white. I don’t believe that there is any issues. This is because they use a variety of people
and babies of different ethnicities and gender and there is no violence involved in any of their adverts.
Campaign logistics:
All of Evian’s TV adverts fit into the guidelines (up to 30 seconds long) of TV advertisement. However, the company would then release a longer
versions of the adverts onto the internet via YouTube and social media pages like Instagram and Facebook, the scheduling involved with the
companies' campaigns is anytime day of night. A sponsorship with Wimbledon allowed Evian to have campaigns for the event and their water.
For example, the image above with one of Evian’s main campaign ideas, which is the babies dressed in white. The babies are dressed in white
tennis clothes, they had tennis equipment, and the background is a tennis pitch like at Wimbledon. Showing their partnership and promoting
both Evian and Wimbledon. It also was allowed the collab with Tennis player Emma Raducanu because there was the tennis and Wimbledon's
Print/ audio &visual/ audio/online advertisements:
In one of the arguably biggest/ most successful and memorable advert that Evian made involved the CGI group of babies dancing and
rollerblading to the song Rappers Delight. This song was at the time when this advert was released (2013) was one of the biggest songs of the
time, the majority of the western world population knew this song. This is also quite a joyful song, and the babies in the advert are dancing and
rollerblading to the music quite happily matching the joyful energy of the song. In the advert there is also bottles of Evian water with their
recognisable logo on the bottle therefore letting people know it's their advert and so that if the audience want the water, they know what to
look for. Therefore, making Evian’s water memorable along with the advert.
Relevant legal and ethical issues:
There is no violence or offensive language/behaviour or material in the Evian adverts. They wouldn’t need the permission to film their adverts
because a lot of them are filmed in public. (if they weren’t done in public and the setting is faked because it was done in a studio, they would
need the consent and to pay whoever owns that studio or even the entire building) however, they would need to gain permission to film
people for the adds, no matter if they are someone random or if they are a model in the advert. There is also no slander of any other company
or anyone. Making it quite innocent to all.
Evian campaign:
ASA – The Advertising Standards Authority is the people who check and bring out guidelines and boundaries so that pieces of
media meet guidelines to be shown in the United Kingdom. Some of their guidelines include: Misleading environmental claims
and social responsibility, Guidance on the presentation of mid-contract price increases in the telecoms ads and Guidance on
avoiding racial and ethnic stereotyping in ads.
How is the ASA involved in Evian’s campaigns do you ask? Simple, Evian would need to make their adverts fit into the ASA
guidelines. Otherwise, Evian would not be allowed to release their adverts into the UK advertisements. However, the ASA doesn’t
have the power to strictly enforce the following of the guidelines.
OFCOM – The Office of Communications is the advertising regulators, which are government approved, they have a lot of power
across television, radio, telecoms and postal sectors. Some of their guidelines include: Approach to enforcement, Business Impact
Target, Diversity and equality, Environmental Policy and many more.
The OFCOM are involved in Evian’s campaigns because Evian similarly to the ASA have to ensure that their adverts fit into the
OFCOM guidelines, and if they don’t the OFCOM does have the facilities to enforce the following of their guidelines.
BBFC – The British Board of Film Classification is responsible for classification and censorship of media pieces that are shown in
cinema advertisements in Britain, which are non-governmental. They are responsible for the age ratings on some adverts and
more. For example if the adverts has violence in it of foul language, then the BBFC will rate it as an 18 or higher, however the
company of that advert were aiming for a 15..
This will come into Evian’s advertising campaign only if they want to advertise in cinemas. The BBFC will look at the advert and
then give it a BBFC rating, if they were aiming for a specific rating and didn’t get it then Evian would work on the advert so that it
fitted into the guidelines to be rated that specific rating by the BBFC. They wouldn’t need to do anymore work if the advert already
fitted into the guidelines of being that specific rating.
Describing the advert (Lucazade)
• The main advert for Lucozade's advert starts off with David with his sling facing off a huge angry
Goliath in front of a crowd of people. There is a narrator who says the character names. When
each name is said the camera zooms in on that said character so you cant mistake who is who.
There is also heroic music is the background to emphasise the fights importance. The word “THE
PRQUEL” appear in big bold letter while the narrator reads the text. It the fades onto a new scene
which is where David lives with Friends. David is asleep and next to him is his friends talking about
how he's got to now fight Goliath because he insulted him. They then sit down at a table while
talking about how u shouldn't call people giants. There is then a knock on the door to a angry
Goliath. David then goes to the window where it light shines down onto a bottle of Lucozade.
David then drinks the Lucozade and becomes more awake and alert while his hair fixes itself. He
then asks to his friend to hand him his weapon which he is told its broken. Its then suggested that
David uses a sling instead which David makes a sarcastic comment. It then cuts to a rock wall
screen with the slogan “ENERGY BEATS EVERYTHING” in big bold letters while the narrator read
the slogan. The advert appears a little quick and over the top with scene setting and clothes giving
us a look at how much the advert cost Lucozade. However its quite comedic making it memorable.
Lucozade campaign:
Aims and objectives:
The original David and Goliath advert began in 2018. The aim of the Lucozade campaign is to overall get people to
buy their product, which is a sports drink, they did this through making a comedic and rememberable advert.
According to the Grocer the company spent £10 million on this campaign alone. So that they could revive he brand
and put its mark back on the drinks market after £63 million was wiped from its value the previous year (2017).
However, unlike Evian this campaign did not win any awards however they are arguably known as the leading
energy drink branks in the UK. This obviously worked since the company's net worth went from $43 billion in 2016
to $53.01 billion in 2018.
Target audience:
The target audience for this campaign in my opinion is for males from the ages 12 – 35. You can see this because in com/url?sa=t&rct=j
the David and Goliath advert there are no women at all, and no men above the age of 35. it also targets quite =web&cd=&cad=rja
sporty or physically active men because the advert suggests that to be ready for the day or do anything productive KEwj6hta-gPr_AhU_
or “heroic” (like David taking on Goliath) then all you need to do is drink Lucozade that has the natural electrolytes RUEAHanxBo8Qwqs
to energize yourself. This creates a extremely niche target audience, which limited the success of the campaign ps%3A%2F%2Fwww.
Campaign message: tch%3Fv%3DXXCJ--T
The Campaign message is like what I said above. That if people want to energize themselves to take on things like 1lj2kXmO1cSvYbSD-
exercise etc. (like David) then all they need to do is drink a bottle of Lucozade. There unique selling point is that the 49
drink contains electrolytes and carbohydrates these two this are responsible for hydrating and giving someone
energy. Therefore, making is a good product for very psychically active people like fitness freaks or youngsters.
Lucozade campaign:
Methods/techniques/lines of appeal:
Slogan – “Energy beats EVERYTHING yours, David’s, the universes. showing that people need energy every day and that you can do anything with
that energy. Exaggerating with the word everything being in big capital letters.
They say that the advert was the prequel to the original film which was released in 1960 and directed. The advert was directed by the famous US
comedy director Harold Einstein.
The famous poster of the David and Goliath advert (on the previous slide) was oil painted by Boris Vallejo and his wife Julie Bell. Known for the
illustrations for the original Star Wars trilogy, Conan the Barbarian and Tarzan.
Lunched with the partnership with the newest Tomb Raider at that time (Shadow of the Tomb Raider.)
Representation of the campaign:
I believe that the Lucozade energy drink has be represented quite well. For example, because it's an energy drink then it should show something
quite fast pace, or the actors be quite energised and not tired in the slightest. I think that the Lucozade company has done this because the actor
playing David is not tired at all once, he drinks the Lucozade, and his hair fixes itself indicating that he is now hydrated energised and ready to take
on Goliath. He also acts a little less sluggish once he's drunk the Lucozade.
There is a few major signs of sexism in this advert as there aren’t even women in the campaign. There is also no signs of racism in any way.
The only stereotypes that are featured in this campaign is that the majority of people who were living at the time David and Goliath happened (11 th
century) were wearing rags and very grubby peasantry clothing.
There is also the indication of violence because there is a scene where David is about to fight Goliath with a sling however there is no actual
violence shown in the advert.
The main things that people will find offensive with this campaign is that it mocks and that its incorrect because David defeated Goliath because of
his faith in God, not a Lucozade.
I personally believe that the representation of men can be positive and negative. Positive because it shows that men need to build back of energy
levels like everyone else and that with enough energy can take on quite a few major things. However negative because it shows men fighting it out,
which men don’t necessarily need to do ever.
Campaign logistics:
Like with Evian's campaign, Lucozade makes there advert a maximum of 30 seconds long so
that it can fit into the correct timings for them and the schedules of TV and other media
outlets. They use this advert mainly on TV there are also billboards showing the poster for
the campaign. This is because a lot of their target audience (12 – 35) were mainly use the
TV as their form of media projection and wouldn’t be on social media as much.
For the campaign being first released in 2018 Lucozade partnered with the reacent Tomb
Raider movie (Shadow of The Tomb Raider) that came out at around the same time.
Print/ Audio & Visual/ audio/ online advertisements:
The print used in the advert is quite exaggerated. For example with the section of the
advert that contained the slogan and on the poster the print is all in capital letter everything
is the around the same size but the word “everything”, which is stretched to a larger size,
exaggrerrating that a Lucozade energy is quite powerful and can give you energy to do
litrally everything. This also makes use read the slogan with exaggeration and in the same
way the big voice man does in the advert, making it more memorable.
There is a lot of feedback about this advert most of it is positive. For example there is a
tabloid website title of “Lucozade Proves ‘Energy Beats Everything’ with Campaign of
Biblical Proportions by Grey London.” and “Lucozade puts a PC spin on ‘David and Goliath”.
However there are also some negatives like “Ban the offensive David and Goliath Lucozade
Lucozade campaign:
Legal and ethical issues:
There is not actual violence in this campaign to worry about, all there is the indication of violence because David was about to take on Goliath because there is a
scene where David and Goliath are about to fight each other.
There is also no offensive language, behaviour or material in this advert all there is the joke about David calling Goliath a giant which snowflakes could try and take it
out of context however its clearly a joke and nothing serious
They wouldn’t of needed to get any permission to film because the video looks like it was a random environment with no one there. Or the environment was CGI
meaning that they again wouldn’t need to gain any permission to film.
There is also no slander in anyway everything is comedic to be rememberable.
Regulatory bodies:
ASA – The Advertising Standards Authority is the people who check and bring out guidelines and boundaries so that pieces of media meet guidelines to be shown in
the United Kingdom. Some of their guidelines include: Misleading environmental claims and social responsibility, Guidance on the presentation of mid-contract price
increases in the telecoms ads and Guidance on avoiding racial and ethnic stereotyping in ads.
They fit into the workings of the Lucozade campaign because the company can check the ASA guidelines so that the campaign fits into the codes and conventions to
then show the campaign in the UK.
OFCOM – The Office of Communications is the advertising regulators, which are government approved, they have a lot of power across television, radio, telecoms
and postal sectors. Some of their guidelines include: Approach to enforcement, Business Impact Target, Diversity and equality, Environmental Policy and many more.
They fit into the making of the Lucozade campaign because it shows if the advert is under their guielines and if not work on the campaign and return so that the
campaign can be shown to the public.
BBFC – The British Board of Film Classification is responsible for classification and censorship of media pieces that are shown in cinema advertisements in Britain,
which are non-governmental. They are responsible for the age ratings on some adverts and more. For example if the adverts has violence in it of foul language, then
the BBFC wil rate it as an 18 or higher, however the company of that advert were aiming for a 15.
The BBFC fits into the workings of the Lucozade campaign because they show the company what age rating they believe the campaign is so that the campaign can
either be released or worked on further.

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