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These are the two acts, which can severely affect the
business of the hotel industry and therefore should
not be overlooked. Therefore the plan of action
should be prepared which can be implemented in
such a situation.
These can be classified into four basic categories.
Disturbance in the immediate vicinity of the hotel.
Disturbance in communities away from the hotel.
Disturbance aimed at the hotel itself.
Disturbance in the hotel.
Consequence of such acts
of disturbances.
Panic among hotel guest and staff.
Rumor spread like wild fire.
Guest not able to approach / leave the hotel
due to the road blockages.
Loss of revenue.
Shortage of supplies and provisions due to
prolonged disturbance.
Damages to the property / mob break-in.
Staff unable to come to work due to disruption
of transportation services.
Possible injuries to guest and staff.
Remain in constant touch with the police control to
find out the facts and disseminate true information
to the Duty manager and HR for handling guest and
staff queries.
Coordinate with police to provide escort if required
To provide assistance to purchase department if
Reinforce perimeter security by requesting help from
police for additional deployment.
All security staff to be summoned and
accommodated in the hotel.
Only the main entrance to the hotel should be
protected by security throughout the duration of the
HR to make arrangements for staff.
If forced entry is made, control situation till
such time the police arrives.
If possible vehicles belonging to guest, the hotel
and the staff can be moved to a safe area.
Security may take help from staff of other
departments to perform security duties.
Continues patrol of the entire property should
be undertaken round the clock.
Consider safekeeping of vital records/money.
Protect all the hotels vital machinery pertaining
to maintenance.

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