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Using the Coaching Process to

Support Data Driven Instruction

Erica Hartley (@ericadhartley)
David Warrenfeltz (@davwarren3)
Eastern Elementary, Hagerstown, MD

Presentation access:
Reflection Sheet
Intended Outcomes
➢ Learn about coaching processes to support teachers in:
○ analyzing data
○ responding to data
➢ Analyze coaching questions and scenarios that can be used to
support data analysis and reflection

How do we create a culture of
transformational coaching to
enhance data conversations?
At Eastern Elementary we have….
- 13 non-tenured teachers
- 64.7% FARMS students
- Title one funding utilized for coaching
- Flexibility within our schedule
- An administrator who believes in and protects coaching
- A school that achieved all time highs in 5/6 categories on the
2018 PARCC assessment
What do we mean by “coaching”?

Chart from Jim Knight’s “A Close Up Look at 3 Approaches to Coach

How do we get teachers
to “listen” to the data?
As a data coach you must...
1. Know the Test 2. Preview the Data 3. Prepare the Data
Work through the assessment Analyze the data yourself. What Determine exactly what data you
yourself to ensure that you know trends do you see? What specific need and how to present it in order to
exactly what it is assessing and points do you want the teacher to get the teacher to the desired point/s.
where students might go wrong. uncover in the data?

4. Anticipate 5. Prepare
Reactions Responses
How do you anticipate the Have a general idea of how you will
teacher/team will respond? Which of respond to each of the possible
these responses are valid and which reactions. Consider steps you can
are not? take to coach the teacher to the
desired points.

Know the Test
‘What’ and ‘How’ Are We Assessing?

Ensure a Clear Analyze Assessments

Understanding of the Teachers/teams should
Standards analyze assessments before
- Unpack Standards administering them to
- Vertical Progressions ensure that they assess the
correct standards and
provide the desired data.

Preview the Data
What is the Data Telling You, the Data Coach?

What big picture How do these What response do

trends do you see trends compare to you hope to see
in the data? what you based on the
expected? trends in this

Prepare the Data
Anticipate Reactions
How is the Teacher Going to Respond?

How is the How comfortable What is the

teacher going to is this teacher with teacher’s
respond initially? data? What are the perception the
teachers previous assessment? Of
experiences with their students?

Prepare Responses
Teacher Response = “Wow, my students did really bad.”
IF….. Then…..

The students did perform poorly relative to “Based on the data, it does seem that students did not perform as well as we
what they should have... might have anticipated. What may have led to this?”

The students actually performed relatively “Looking specifically at your data, who performed below where you would
well compared to how they should have... have anticipated?”....or….”Based on previous data, I am noticing that some
of your students (insert student names) actually performed better than they
have on past assessments (insert silent pause)”

The students performed as expected... “I really appreciate the high expectations that you have for your students.
What do you see in terms of their performance on previous assessments
compared to the performance on this assessment”
Teacher Response = “Wow, my students did really well!”
IF….. Then…..

The students performed poorly relative to “What do you see in the data that makes you say that?”
what they should have...

The students actually performed relatively “It was really exciting to see how your students performed on this
well compared to how they should have... assessment, what would you attribute that to?”

The students performed as expected... “It was really exciting to see how your students performed on this
assessment. I notice that they have also done really well on past
assessments. What do you see as your next steps to continue to move them
Teacher Response = “Well this assessment is not fair!”
*Assuming the assessment IS FAIR….!!*

IF….. Then…..

The teacher does not know the demands of “Thinking about the demands of the standards, what is it about this
the grade level standards... assessment that you feel is not fair?”

The teacher is a constant “excuse “What is it specifically about this assessment that you feel is unfair?”

The teacher is the teacher who “handholds” “How have your students performed when you have asked them to complete
the students... rigorous assessments independently in the past?
Now that you, the data coach
are prepared...
Bringing It To The Teacher

● Provide the data

● Determine an analysis and response tool
● Give teachers time to work through the process
● Provide support/coaching as needed

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Analyze and Respond
Any questions?

Erica Hartley (@ericadhartley)

David Warrenfeltz (@davwarren3)
Eastern Elementary, Hagerstown, MD

Presentation access:

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