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Mentor Teacher Training

August 8, 2022
Group 1 Group 2

8-8:45 Introductions, Overview,

Hopes and Fears

9-9:45 Resources to Maximize Resources/Co-Teaching

Intern Success Strategies

10-10:45 Strategies for Co- Intentional Listening and

Teaching Coaching Stances

Feedback and Data Coaching Simulation

❖ Student teacher assignments

❖ Types of Internships

❖ MSDE Credits

❖ 4 hours of additional pay for meeting with student teacher

WCPS’ Aspiring Educator Academy Over
❖ Open to any pre-service teacher interested in teaching in WCPS

❖ 10 sessions (5 per semester) after school

❖ WCPS specific PD and support with hiring and application

❖ Participants get to participate in a mock interview and have a screening

interview set-up for them

Why mentoring?
3-2-1 Bridge

3- Things that excite you about the opportunity to mentor a student teacher

2- Things that worry you about mentoring a student teacher

1-Metaphor, headline, image for how you hope the mentoring experience goes
WCPS Internship Expectations
Resources to Maximize Intern
Previous Experiences
What positive experiences have you had as a mentor and/or an intern?

What negative experiences have you had as a mentor and/or an intern?

What role did the mentor play in both of these types of experiences?
Resources to Maximize Intern Success
Strategies for Co-
Defining Co-Teaching
➢ Co-Teaching is….

➢ Co-Teaching is not….

➢ When would you want to utilize a co-teaching model? When

would you not want to?
Co-Teaching Articles
➢ Edutopia Article

➢ A Better Model for Student Teaching

➢ Co-Teaching: How to Make it Work

Time to Plan
➢ Think of a lesson you implemented last school year when you
were the only teacher in the room.
○ How could you adapt that lesson to utilize the intern in
order to better support your students?
■ What opportunities would structuring the lesson this
way provide your intern.
At the end of your intern’s time with you…..
What experiences do you want to ensure they have had?

What aspects of who you are as a teacher do you hope they will have inherited?

What will you do before AND during their placement to make these things
Choose to share
★ A mentoring experience from the past

★ A challenging situation from last school year

★ Your favorite experience from this summer

Intentional Listening
Jim Knight on Listening
In your experience….

❖ What are the habits of a good listener?

❖ What are the habits of a poor listener?

Let’s practice….

Choose to share
★ A mentoring experience from the past

★ A challenging situation from last school year

★ Your favorite experience from this summer

Let’s reflect….
❏ What strategies did the listener use that showed they were listening?
❏ How did it feel as the listener? How does this compare to a “normal” everyday conversation?
❏ How did it feel as the speaker? How does this compare to a “normal” everyday conversation?
Three Approaches to Coaching
❖ What is the purpose for each type of coaching?
❖ Thinking about mentoring a student teacher…
when might you use each type of coaching?
➢ In your experience, what do you look/listen
for to identify which type of coaching stance
to take?
Coaching Simulation Round 1

❖ One person will take on the role of the teacher

❖ One person take on the role of the mentor

Coaching Simulation Round 2

❖ Switch roles from Round 1


Evaluation on Frontline



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