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Digital defense


What is digital defense?

 Digital Defence is the new sixth pillar of Total Defence. The other five
pillars of Total Defence are Military, Civil, Economic, Social and
Psychological Defence.
 It requires Singaporeans to a) practise good cybersecurity habits, b)
guard against fake news and disinformation, and c) consider the impact
of our actions on the community.
 It is basically a call to arms for Singaporeans to be more aware of the
impact that they create on the cyberspace, and to take responsibility for
said impact.
Why is digital defense important for total defense?

 Now more than ever, technology is playing a huge role in our

daily lives.
 People are forging relationships based on pictures of Instagram
or posts on Reddit.
 With the amount of data that we all put online nowadays,
irresponsibility of that data can be dangerous.
 In our current pandemic context, fake news regarding the
vaccines have proven to have said disastrous effects.
How can we as students contribute towards digital
1. Don’t spread fake news! As students we must be critical thinkers,
consider what you are reading and its credibility. Remember, if you’re
not sure, don’t share it.
2. Set up proper passwords and use extra security measure such as 2-factor
authorization. Protecting yourself and your privacy is crucial to the
security of your society as a whole.
3. Spot out and stamp out cyberbullying, block people who are being
abusive or rude to you on social media, advise your friends to do the

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