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Cyber Crime can be defined as Criminal Activity
involving information technology infrastructure,
including illegal access and illegal interception of
computer data to, from or victim a computer system,
Data Inference, Misuse of devices, Forgery and
electronic fraud.
The following are the types of Cyber Crime:-
 Theft Of Money
 Theft Of Data
 Fraud
Commerce on Internet is mainly transacted through
debit/credit cards. Therefore, thieves have been very
active in obtaining stolen credit cards details to
purchase goods and services over internet. This type of
Cyber Crime runs to millions of rupees per year.
Data and information is the most Valuable Commodity
any business has. The cost of creating data from scratch
can increase the cost of any hardware or programs.
Data can be stolen by physical Theft of Hardware or
through Unauthorized Access to the System,
Fraud means trying to trick someone in order to gain an
Some of these most common forms of computer frauds includes:-
 Posing as someone from an Official Organisation such as Bank
or Electricity Board in order to get their Details.
 Sending Emails to get Personal or Account Detail.
 Stealing Identity of someone, to Steal their Money or some
other criminal activity
On being the Victim of any Cyber Crime, the first step is to
report the crime to the Law Enforcement Agency. Matters
of Cyber Crime are investigated by Law Enforcement
Agency on registration of FIR. Further LEA approaches to
Indian Computer Emerging Response Team for getting
information related to technical analysis like details of
Emails, SMS, Facebook, etc.
The common Unethical Practices on internet are:-
 Plagiarism
 Cyber Bullying
 Cyber Stalking
 Hacking
 Phishing
 Spamming
Plagiarism deals with stealing of ideas and thoughts of other
people on internet and projecting them as one’s own work
without permission of the original author.
Preventing Plagiarism:-
 If you use ideas, texts, information from a website. Always
acknowledge the website from where it is taken.
 Seek written permission from the author whose content you
are using for your work.
 You can also put practices the contents in quotes for avoiding
Cyber Bullying refers to the act of threating, humilations,
torturing or harassing someone on the Internet. This includes
posting Negative Comments about someone and uploading
photos and videos to hurt that person. This has become very
common among teenagers.
Preventing Cyber Bullying:-
 Never share your photos or videos publicly on Internet.
 Keep your password strong and never share them with others
except your parents.
 Think twice before posting anything on Internet.
Cyber Stalking refers to the act of harassing an individual over
the internet. Stalkers collect personal information such as name,
contact details, social networking profile details, daily routine,
house address, date of birth, etc, of a targeted person.
Preventing Cyber Stalking:-
 Keep a low profile.
 Maintain a good social Hygiene.
 Always hide your IP Address from strangers.
 If you are being stalked on the social Media, reset your
Hacking means to gain the access on the Remote Computer to
control it resources and information without any authorization from
the Owner. The intention behind the access of the system is to steal
important data and corrupt it.
Preventing Hacking:-
 Never use Pirated Software downloaded over Internet.
 Always update your Antivirus Software in your System.
 Never open an Unknown Email message.
The fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be
from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to
reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit
card numbers is called phishing.
Preventing Phishing:-
 Never provide any personal detail like Social Media
Passwords Bank Account Details, etc.
 Never Access the Bank Website from the link provided in
Spamming refers to unwanted Emails sent in bult to multiple
users for promoting products or services. These types of
Emails are sent forcefully to the people, who otherwise do
not want to receive them.
Preventing Spamming:-
 Never provide email address unnecessarily on any
 Do not reply the Emails received in Spam Folders.
Software Piracy is the illegal copying, distributing, sharing, selling
or use of software, whether intentional or not.
The different types of Software Piracy are:-
 Counterfeiting:- It means producing fake copies of a software,
making it look authentic.
 End-User Piracy:- This occurs when an individual reproduces
copies of software without authorization,
 Internet Piracy:- this occurs when software is downloaded from
the Internet.
 Soft Lifting:- It is when someone purchases one version of the
software and downloads it onto multiple computers.
A Computer Virus is a malicious piece of computer code designed to spread
from device to device. Virus stands for “Vital Information Resource Under
Siege”. Viruses when the software or documents are transferred using a
network, a disk, file sharing methods, infected Email attachments.
Some of the Computer Viruses are:-
 Boot Sector Viruses
 File Viruses
 Trojan Horses
 Macro Viruses
 Email Viruses
 Spyware
 Malware
Cyber Security refers to the body of technologies,
processes and practices to protect data, networks,
information, devices and programs.
It is important because Government, Military,
Corporates, Financial and Medical Corporation
collects, processes and store huge amount of data on
computers and other devices.
The following Computer Ethics has to be remembered, while using
 Never use the information which is provided by the Copyrights.
 Do not post negative information on the Internet because it can
harm many people.
 Always use Original Software.
 Never use technology to keep an eye on other’s system.
 Be respectful to others while Communicating on the Internet.
Privacy is one of the Individual’s right to keep his/her Personal
Information secret from others an reveal it to only the selective
Ones. Accessing one’s personal data without his/her consent is
Unethical and Illegal.
Protecting Privacy:-
 Never share your Account Details like login ID or Passwords
with others.
 Cookies stored in your system from different websites can cause
leakage of information.
 Avoid of keeping Confidential Details in your System, if not
IT ACT 2000
The information Technology Act 2000, of the Indian Parliament
notified on 17th October 2000. It is the primary law in India dealing
with cybercrime and electronic commerce. The Act provides a legal
framework for electronic governance by giving recognition to
electronic records and digital signatures. It also defines cyber
crimes and prescribes penalties for them. The Act directed the
formation of a Controller Of Certifying Authorities to regulate the
issuance of digital signatures. It also established a Cyber Appellate
Tribunal to resolve disputes rising from this new law.
Intellectual Property Rights are legal rights that protect creations
and/or inventions resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial,
scientific. Literacy or artistic fields. The most common IPRs include
parents, copyrights, marks and trade secrets.
The acts are regarded to IPRs are:-
 Copyright Act
 Industrial Property Rights
 Patent
 Trademark
Netiquettes is a combination of the words Network and Etiquette and is
defined as a set of rules for acceptable online behaviour.
N Some of the General Netiquettes are:-
 Obey Copyright Laws:- While copying text or pictures, obey copyright
laws. Don’t steal.
 Be Aware of Cyberbullying:- If you are targeted by cyberbullying do
no respond, Keep all the records, with dates and time if possible. Talk
to your parents about the issue.
 Respect Others:- Do not post any abusive words about any person on
the Internet.
 Be Tolerant and Careful:- Be open to understand the point of view of
others on the Internet. Don’t jump into conclusions.
Social Networking is the use of Internet based social media sites to stay
connected with friends, family, colleagues, customers. Or clients.
Some of the basic Social Networking Netiquettes are:-
 Screen Name:- When creating your screen name, do not include your
personal information.
 Password:- Do not share your passwords with any one except your
 Personal Information:- Don’t give your personal information to anyone
on the Internet without your parents permission.
 Online Friends:- Do not agree to meet your any online friend without
the consent of your parents.
Some of the basic Email Netiquettes are:-
 Do Not Shout:- Don’t capitalize all your letters, no matter how
urgent your email is, as you will look aggressive – its like
shouting over email.
 Pay Attention to spelling:- Grammar, spelling and punctuation
should be one of the top concerns in writing emails.
 Think Before You Speak:- Never use offensive language in your
 Take a Look Before Sending a Message:- Always remember to
go through the Emails before sending it.
The Safety Measures which you have to keep in mind, while using
 Don’t share your personal information.
 Double check any links before click you click.
 Use secure public WI-FI networks.
 Use a VPN with your WI-FI connection.
 Only log into sites that start with “https:///”.
 Use antivirus and antimalware software.
 STEP 1:- Use Updated Antivirus Software
Antivirus is a kind of software used to prevent, scan, detect and delete
viruses form a computer.
 Advantages:- Protection from viruses and their transmission, Block
spam and ads, Defence against hackers and data thieves, etc.
 STEP 2:- Keep Your Firewall Turned On.
A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and
outgoing network traffic.
 STEP 3:- Keep the Operating System Updated.
Software Updates are important because they often include critical
patches to security holes.
It is always important to keep your data private and safe. Cyber-attacks have
evolved throughout the years to enter your system/ network undetected.

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