Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

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NBC- 3
13 Areas of Physical Assessment
I. Social Status -Patient X is a 21 years old female, primigravida patient who was admitted to the OB ward for pregnancy-induced
hypertension. Born on March 16, 2002. The patient is from Guinzadan Sur, Bauko, Mountain Province. Patient X currently lives with her
husband’s siblings. Her husband serves as the family's head. The couple and 6 of the siblings of her husband live in one house. The patient
states that she has a good relationship with her husband, her husband's family and their neighbors.

II. Mental Status -

When Patient X became aware that she is pregnant, due to fear, she tried taking cortal once (a drug used for abortion). Upon admission, patient
X is conscious

III. Emotional Status he patient was participative in responding to the questions and she is open to giving information

about her condition during the interview and cooperates on the procedure actively when being assessed.

IV. Sensory Status -

● Visuals - he patient experiences double vision while walking or standing. She can distinguish objects such as pen and a thermometer
placed at 5 meters. Her eyes are symmetrical upon observation.

● Auditory- Patient has no corrective auditory deficit. No auditory device was used by the patient. She can distinguish voices from a
● Olfactory - Her nose is symmetrical, with no nasal flaring and no discharge observed. She has intact smell as manifested by the ability to
distinguish familiar odor.
● Tactile - Patient’s facial sensations are intact and symmetrical on both sides. Sharp and smooth object was introduced to the patients’ skin, and
she was able to identify both.

V. Motor Status
The patient is conscious and has a decreased activity tolerance. She can grasp or grab anything in a firm grip. Extremities are warm to touch. Further,
no tremors and deformities noted on both upper and lower extremities.

VI. Body Temperature

The patient axillary temperature falls within the range of 36.6 to 36.9 degrees Celsius

VII. Respiration Rate

The patient’s breathing rate is between 18 and 23 breaths per minute. The patient's breathing pattern is normal to moderate, with slight-exaggerated
breaths due to pain in labor.
13 Areas of Physical Assessment
VIII. Nutritional Status
Prior to admission, Patient X meal intake is 3-5 times a day. The food served is usually vegetables, Instant goods, and sometimes meat. She always eats
fruits and vegetables since his husband works as a vegetable transporter (vegetable truck driver). She has no religious dietary food restrictions.

IX. Circulatory Status

During her labor, patient X’s BP ranges from 130/80 mmHg to 160/100 mmHg and her pulse rate ranges from 73 bpm to 100 bpm.

X. Elimination Status
Upon Admission, Patient X did not defecate and voided 5 times but there is presence of edema in both of her feet, when pressed, goes back 10-15 seconds.
13 Areas of Physical Assessment
XI. Reproductive Status

Patient X had her menarche at 12 years old. She is sexually active.

XII. Sleep and Rest Pattern

Patient X usually sleeps 6-7 hours a day before the admission but upon admission, she wasn’t able to sleep due to pain in labor.

XIII. Skin Appendages

Patient X’s skin is brown in color. Her conjunctiva is pinkish in color. Her nails are short and pinkish nail beds. Her lips are pale and slightly dry
as evidenced by cracked lips.

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