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Streamling Network

Operations with AI
By Trivedi Divyansh K.

● Introduction to Streamling Network Operations

● The Role of AI in Network Operations
● Challenges and Solutions
● Use Cases
● Conclusion
Introduction to Streamling Network Operations

● The goal of streamlining is to make network operations more efficient, reduce complexities, and enhance
overall performance. This can involve a combination of improving processes, implementing automation, and
utilizing advanced technologies.

● Some Key Aspects :

○ Automation
○ Centralized Management
○ Cloud Integration
○ Monitoring and Analytic
The Role of AI in Network Operations

● Using AI and ML, network analytics customizes the network baseline for alerts, reducing noise
and false positives while enabling IT teams to accurately identify issues, trends, anomalies, and
root causes. AI/ML techniques, along with crowdsourced data, are also used to reduce unknowns
and improve the level of certainty in decision making.

● Resource Optimization : AI can analyze network usage patterns and automatically adjust
resources to meet demand. This ensures efficient utilization of network infrastructure and
optimizes performance.

● Self Healing Networks : Advanced AI algorithms can autonomously diagnose and repair network
issues, minimizing human intervention.
● Improved network visibility and insights: AI provides deeper insights into network behaviour
and performance, enabling data-driven decision making.

● Adaptive security: AI-powered systems can dynamically adjust security measures based on the
current threat landscape and network activity. This proactive approach provides more effective
protection against evolving cyber threats.

● Predictive maintenance: AI can learn from historical data and network behavior to predict
potential issues before they occur. This allows network operators to take preventive
measures, ensuring optimal network performance and minimizing disruptions.
Challenges and Solutions

● Challenges :
1. Data Quality and Availability
2. Lack of skilled personnel
3. Integration with Existing Systems
4. Cost and ROI

● Solutions :
1. Invest in data quality and infrastructure
2. Train and upskill personnel
3. Use Open Source Tools and standards
4. Start small and scale gradually
Use Cases

● Predictive Maintenance
● Network Traffic Optimization
● Security Threat Detection and Prevention
● Automated Configuration and Provisioning
● Self Healing Networks

● Networks are subjected to enormous pressures in a hyperconnected society. Network operations

must adopt transformational technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) to navigate this
constantly changing landscape.

● We have looked at the significant effects AI is having on simplifying network operations in this
presentation, from intelligent traffic management and preemptive maintenance to self-healing
infrastructure and customized user experiences.

Thank You

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