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Philippine Literature
Let’s discover and share our knowledge about Philippine


Teacher: Sir. Jess DATE:2023.10.

“Understand the theme
of the literature during
third republic”
Table Of Contents

01 Introduction 02 Title here

03 Title here History 04 Title here

Part 01

The Third Philippine Republic
The Third Philippine Republic
Period of the Third Republic (1981-1985)

After ten years of military rule and some changes in the life of the Filipino which started under the New
Society, Martial Rule was at last lifted on January 2, 1981.
To those in government, the lifting of military rule heralded a change. To their perceptions, the Philippines
became a new nation and this; former President Marcos called “The New Republic of the Philippines.”

A historian called this the Third Republic. The First Republic he claimed was during the Philippine
Republic of Emilio Aguinaldo when we first got our independence form the Spaniards on June 12, 1898.
The Second was when the Americans granted us our independence on July 4, 1946.
This period, January 2, 1981, was the Third Republic when we were freed from
Military Rule.
During this period, it cannot be denied that many people seethed with rebellion and
protest because of the continued oppression and suppression.
The Third Philippine Republic
Period of the Third Republic (1981-1985)

This was further aggravated when former Senator Benigno S. Aquno Jr., the idol of the Filipino masses,
whom they hoped to be the next president, was president, was brutally murdered on August 21, 1983.
This stage of the nation had its effect on our literature. After the Aquino assassinated, the people’s voices
could no long be contained. Both the public and private sectors in government were chanting, and
shouting; women, men and the youth became bolder and their voices were raised in dissent.

We can say that Philippine literature, in spite of the many restrictions, still surreptitiously
The Third Philippine Republic

First Republic

First During the 12th of June year 1898 when we first got our
Republic independence from the spaniards.

Third Republic Second Republic

Third Second
Republic Republic
On the 2nd of January year 1981 When the americans granted us our
when the Philippine was freed from independence on the 4th of July
military rules. year 1946.
Part 02
The Palanca
The Palanca Awards
The Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for literature
which was launched in 1950 , continued its recognition of
the best in the literary fields –poetry, short story, essays,
and the one and three-act plays.

In 1984, the Palanca Awards started choosing the best in novel writing. This contest,
held every three years, gives time for local writers to write more beautiful and quality
works. The next contest on the best novel was held in 1987. La Tondeña continues to be
its sponsor.
Part 03

Philippine Types
of Literature
Philippine Type of Literature
Insert title here
Briefly elaborate on what you want to discuss

Title here Title here

68% It serves a variety of purposes, making

presentations powerful tools for
72% It serves a variety of purposes, making
presentations powerful tools for

Insert title here
Briefly elaborate on what you want to discuss

A picture is worth a thousand

words Title Title
Making presentations powerful Making presentations powerful
It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations tools tools
powerful tools for convincingIt serves a variety of
purposes, making presentations powerful tools for

Title Title
Title here Making presentations powerful Making presentations powerful
tools tools
Part 04

Insert title here

Briefly elaborate on what you want to discuss.

Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures,

speeches, reports, and more. Most of the time, they're presented before an audience.
Insert title here
Briefly elaborate on what you want to discuss

Title here
Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and
01 teaching.

Title here 02
Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and
teaching. Title here
03 Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and

Title here 04
Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and
Insert title here
Briefly elaborate on what you want to discuss

01. 02. 03.

Title here Title here Title here
Making presentations Making presentations Making presentations
powerful tools for powerful tools for powerful tools for
convincing and teaching. convincing and teaching. convincing and teaching.
Middle School
Briefly elaborate on what you want to discuss.

Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. Most of the time,
they're presented before an audience.

Speaker name:XXX DATE:20XX.01.01


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