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Human Resource Management

in Islamic Perspective

Meika Kurnia Puji Rahayu, Ph.D.

HRM is a comprehensive
set of management tasks
and activities, which
involves recruiting,
developing and
maintaining workforce, in
ways that contribute to the
overall organizational
1 Hire the best suitable candidate for the job

Human resource 2 Low turnover

management or
Have your employees believe that their
HRM is important in 3 salaries are fair relative to others in the
business today.
The main 4 Have people doing their best

importance of HRM
5 Comply to all the labor laws
in business are:
To not waste time and money on repetitive
6 interviews

To not have your company taken to court

7 because of discriminatory actions


Syariah -
Akhlak Aqidah

Economic Religious
Political activities, activities (HR,
Social activities, activities
Marketing, etc.)
Why Management is Important ?
Goods Has a Use
Become a Satisfying
Value Tool
Service (Utility)

Limited Islamic Perspective

Limited - Poverty Distribution of Goods
- Individual and Services
Enough Economic
needs Not Enough
Unlimited Increase in the
Poverty country's GDP and
Perspective of Capitalism and Socialism
Management in Islamic Perspective

Q.S As Sajdah : 5
‫ُيَد ِّبُر اَأْلْمَر ِم َن الَّس َم اِء ِإَلى اَأْلْر ِض ُثَّم َيْع ُرُج ِإَلْيِه ِفي َيْو ٍم َك اَن ِم ْقَد اُر ُه َأْلَف َس َنٍة ِمَّم ا َتُع ُّد وَن‬
He conducts every affair from the heavens to the earth, then it all ascends to Him
on a Day whose length is a thousand years by your counting.

Q.S. Yunus : 3
‫ِإَّن َر َّبُك ُم ُهَّللا اَّلِذ ي َخ َلَق الَّس َم اَو اِت َو اَأْلْر َض ِفي ِس َّتِة َأَّياٍم ُثَّم اْسَتَو ٰى َع َلى اْلَع ْر ِشۖ ُيَد ِّبُر اَأْلْمَر ۖ َم ا ِم ْن َش ِفيٍع ِإاَّل‬
‫ِم ْن َبْع ِد ِإْذ ِنِهۚ َٰذ ِلُك ُم ُهَّللا َر ُّبُك ْم َفاْع ُبُد وُهۚ َأَفاَل َتَذَّك ُروَن‬
Surely your
Lord is Allah
Who created
the heavens
and the earth
in six
Management in Islamic Perspective

In the Islamic context, management is also called "tadbir - idarah

siyasah" which comes from the lafadz "dabaro, adaaro, saasa".
According to Al-Hawary Management (Al-Idarah) is:

“About, knowing where to go, what difficulties to avoid, what

forces to apply, and how to steer the ship and members as well as
possible without wasting time in the process of doing it.”

Something that is right (true) that is not managed properly, will be defeated by something that is
wrong that is managed properly.“
(Ali bin Abi Talib)

‫* ُثَّم َجَع ْلَنٰـ َك َع َلٰى َش ِريَع ٍۢة ِّم َن ٱَأْلْم ِر َفٱَّتِبْع َها َو اَل َتَّتِبْع َأْهَو ٓاَء ٱَّلِذ يَن اَل َيْع َلُم وَن‬

Now We have set you ˹O Prophet˺ on the ˹clear˺ Way of faith. So

follow it, and do not follow the desires of those who do not know

˹the truth˺. (QS. Al-Jatsiyah : 18)

Maqoshid al-Syariah al-Islamiyah
(According to Imam Asy-Syatibi)

1. Protecting religion (hifdz ad-diin)

2. Protecting the soul (hifdz an-nafs)
3. Protecting the offspring (hifdz an-nasl)
4. Protecting the mind (hifdz al-aql)
5. Protecting the wealth (hifdz al-mal)


HR Management in Islamic
Perspective (Sharia Perspective)

Sharia principles and implementing them into economic

practices and business practices carried out by a corporation,
is not a labelling process or is symbolic in nature, but
substantively INTEGRATED into the functions of managing
human resource, systems and business processes being
carried out.
(Syafaruddin Alwi)
Character HR Professional Conduct Reason of Doing So

Siddiq Do the right thing (according to the Vision, Mission and Values and
objectives of the Shari’ah), especially, goals of RSI SA
related to one’s position
Amanah Carry out obligations and Job description, responsibilities
responsibilities to achieve the goals, in the office and performance
KPIs and targets set evaluation

Tabligh Education, coaching, mentoring, RSI The need for HR who has a
values and putting them into action mindset of Islamic attitudes and
Fathonah Innovative, good entrepreneurship in The demands for change
office, creative, problem solver, continuously respond to
smart and wise in decision changes in the business
making environment

Islamic Values based Activities

Islamic Philosophy on
Islamic Human Resource
Every human resource is a leader in
the field of work that is their

Human resource is the company's

strategic partner

And agent of change

HRM is a comprehensive
set of management tasks
and activities, which
involves recruiting,
developing and
maintaining workforce, in
ways that contribute to the
overall organizational
10 principles that govern Islamic human resource management
1. Niya (intention): Islam places great importance on the intentions of
individuals. In this sense, the Prophet said the following: “The reward of
deeds depends on the intentions, […]” (Al-Bukhari, 5:58:238). Therefore,
employees should be managed according to their intentions, rewards and
punishments are determined by their intentions and unintentional mistakes
should be overlooked. ·
2. Taqwa (faith): Faith is following the directions of God and His Prophet. In
this sense God said the following: “So Fear Allah as much as you are able
and listen and obey and spend [in the way of Allah]; it is better for
yourselves” (64:16). This verse encourages individuals (including
employees) to be beneficial to the organization. ·
3. Ihsan (i.e. perfection or benevolence or proficiency): Ihsan is the pursuit of the
worship of God. The following Hadith of the Prophet defines Ihsan: “Ihsan is to
worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not achieve this state of devotion,
then (take it for granted that) Allah sees you” (Al-Bukhari). ·
4. Adl (justice): Justice occupies an important place in Islam and the following
verse makes this clear: “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for
Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from
being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is
Acquainted with what you do” (5:8). Justice is important because it leads to the
fundamental pillars, fairness and equality, of the Islamic social system (AlKahtani,
2014). The Prophet ruled that there is no difference between human beings except
that of Faith. The fellow Hadith show clearly this statement “There is no difference
between an Arab and a non-Arab, between a white man and a black man except that
of faith” (Said, 1979). In relation to HRM, employees should be treated fairly and
justly regardless of their background or culture or other.
5. Amana (trust): Trust is necessary for the proper functioning of any
society. Islam clearly calls for the respect of trust and forbids betrayal
and the following verse makes this clear: “Indeed, Allah commands
you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge
between people to judge with justice” (4:58). Employees must use the
resources provided to them responsibly and any abuse will be
considered treason.
6. Sidq (sincerity): Sidq is manifested in the sincerity and truthfulness of
employees’ actions and words and Islam considers it important. The
Hadith of the Prophet states that: ” […] And adhere to truth, for truth
leads to good deeds, and good deeds lead to paradise. If a man
continues to speak the truth and makes truth his object, he will be
recorded in Allah’s presence as eminently truthful” (Abu Dawud).
7. Etqan (perfection): Islam encourages the pursuit of perfection in the work done
by an individual and therefore employees must perform their duties as required.
8. Ikhlas (devotion): This principle is similar to that of Sedq. Islam clearly calls for
Ikhlas and every Muslim worker must take into account that God is observing it.
9. Shura (consultation): Decision-making in Islam is governed by the principle of
Shura. God states: “And those who have responded to their lord and established
prayer and whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves, and
from what We have provided them, they spend” (42:38). The application of this
principle within organizations will enhance the role of employees. ·
10. Sabr (patience): In the Quran and Sunnah there are many statements that call for
believers to be patient and show its importance. The application of this principle
by the staff (including the leaders) of the organization will undoubtedly allow
the organization to reap only positive results.
28:26.One of the two daughters suggested, “O my dear father! Hire
him. The best man for employment is definitely the strong and
trustworthy ˹one˺.”
28:26. Dan salah seorang dari kedua (perempuan) itu berkata, “Wahai ayahku! Jadikanlah dia sebagai
pekerja (pada kita), sesungguhnya orang yang paling baik yang engkau ambil sebagai pekerja (pada kita)
ialah orang yang kuat dan dapat dipercaya.”

(12:55) Yusuf said: "Place me in charge of the

treasures of the land. I am a good keeper and
know my task
 Islam requires that the recruiter must be sholeh and adl.
 The recruiting process must be fair, candidates must be treated
equally without discrimination or otherwise.
 The recruiter is required to inform potential candidates clearly and
truthfully about the jobs offered.
 The recruiter must inform the candidates about the working
conditions, possible promotions, salary, and any other information
concerning the jobs in competition.
 This information will allow the candidates to have a clear idea of
the potential work which will allow them to take a position in
relation to the job offered according to their skills, abilities and
“Do not nominate them (officers) on account of favoritism or egoism.
These two attributes reflect injustice and treachery.” (Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi
Performance Appraisal

He said, "As for one who wrongs, we will punish him. Then he
will be returned to his Lord, and He will punish him with a
terrible punishment”. (Surat Al-Kahf:87)

Dia (Zulkarnain) berkata, “Barangsiapa berbuat zalim, kami

akan menghukumnya, lalu dia akan dikembalikan kepada
Tuhannya, kemudian Tuhan mengazabnya dengan azab yang
sangat keras.
۞ ‫ِاَّن َهّٰللا َيْأُم ُر ُك ْم َاْن ُتَؤ ُّد وا اَاْلٰم ٰن ِت ِا ى َاْهِلَه َو ِاَذ ا‬
‫َح َك ْم ُتْم َبْيَن الَّناِس َاْن َتْح ُك ُم ْو ا ِباْلَع ْد ِل ۗ ِاَّن َهّٰللا ِنِعَّم ا َيِع ُظُك ْم‬
‫ِبٖه ۗ ِاَّن َهّٰللا َك اَن َسِم ْيًع ۢا َبِص ْيًر ا‬
Quran (4:58): “Indeed, Allah commands you to return trusts to their
rightful owners; and when you judge between people, judge with
fairness. What a noble commandment from Allah to you! Surely Allah is
All-Hearing, All-Seeing..

Sungguh, Allah menyuruhmu menyampaikan amanat kepada yang berhak menerimanya, dan
apabila kamu menetapkan hukum di antara manusia hendaknya kamu menetapkannya dengan
adil. Sungguh, Allah sebaik-baik yang memberi pengajaran kepadamu. Sungguh, Allah Maha
Mendengar, Maha Melihat.
What are the Islamic management principles of HRM?
Islamic management is based on mutual trust between
managers and subordinates. Manager and worker
should be sincere to organization. Selection and
recruitment is based on merit. Justice is the most salient
and important characteristics of Islamic management.

Leadership is the "test of responsibility"

Drive change
Respect the difference Leaders as
Value expertise Role Models
in their work
Maintain harmonious environment
Has the characteristics of:
Amanah, Sidiq,
Tabligh and
Business Environment

Vision, Strategy, Priority & Goals

Core Capabilities
The Five Human Resource
Recruitment & Management Training &
Selection Development
People Career
Management Management

Syari’ah Principles

HR recruitment & RESOURCES,
selection and TAQWA
HR maintenance and


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