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26 Sunday of the Year

1) CH: Sing to the
Mountain sing to the
seas, raise your voices,
lift your hearts. This is
the day the Lord has
made, let all the Earth
a) I will give thanks to
you my Lord you have
answered my plea. You
have saved my soul
from death, you are my
strength and my Song.
1) CH: Sing to the
Mountain sing to the
seas, raise your voices,
lift your hearts. This is
the day the Lord has
made, let all the Earth
26 Sunday of the Year
2) Lord O Lord have
mercy, Lord have mercy
on us. Christ O Christ
have mercy, Christ have
mercy on us. Lord O
Lord have mercy, Lord
have mercy on us.
3) Glory to God in the
highest and on earth
peace to people of
good will. We praise
you we bless you we
adore you.
We glorify you we
give you thanks for
your great glory.
Lord God heavenly
King, O God almighty
Lord Jesus Christ, only
begotten Son, Lord
God, Lamb of God, Son
of the Father, you take
away the sins of the
world, have mercy on
You take away the sins
of the world, receive
our prayer, you are
seated at the right
hand of the Father,
have mercy on us.
For you alone are the holy
one, you alone are the
Lord, you alone are the
most high, Jesus Christ,
with the holy Spirit, in the
glory of God the Father.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
26 Sunday of the Year
4) Response:
Remember, your
mercy Lord.
26 Sunday of the Year
5) Acclamation:
Alleluia. Alleluia
26 Sunday of the Year
6) Bread and wine
we bring to you Lord,
work of our human
hands. Soon to
become your body
and blood,
Jesus yourself. May
all who share this
meal divine be one.
Humbly we bring
ourselves to you
Take our hearts take
our will. All that we
have and all that we
do, we give to you.
All for you our
Saviour and our God.
26 Sunday of the Year
7) Holy, Holy, Holy,
Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth
are full of your glory,
Hosanna in the
Blessed is he who
comes in the name of
the Lord. Hosanna in
the highest, Hosanna
in the highest,
Hosanna, Hosanna in
26 Sunday of the Year
8) When we eat this
bread and drink this cup,
we proclaim your death
O Lord, until you come
again, until you come
again , until you come
again, you come again.
26 Sunday of the Year
9) CH: What thanks O
Lord can I render thee,
for all the gifts thou
hast showered on me.
Each day I'll sing of
your praise and glory.
Alleluia, alleluia.
a) Give thanks to the
Lord upon the harp,
with a ten stringed lute
sing him songs, O sing
him a song that is new,
play loudly with all
your skill. CH
9) CH: What thanks O
Lord can I render thee,
for all the gifts thou
hast showered on me.
Each day I'll sing of
your praise and glory.
Alleluia, alleluia.
b) O sing to the glory of
his name, Say to God
how great are thy
deeds. Burnt offering
to thee I will bring, to
thee I will pay my
vows. CH
9) CH: What thanks O
Lord can I render thee,
for all the gifts thou
hast showered on me.
Each day I'll sing of
your praise and glory.
Alleluia, alleluia.
26 Sunday of the Year
10) CH: Give
thanks to the Lord
for he is good(3)
Yes, eternal is his
a) I will sing to my God
never ceasing, all my life
I will tell of his wonders.
He's the maker of all
earth and heaven, of
the Oceans, the seas
and all they hold. CH
10) CH: Give
thanks to the Lord
for he is good(3)
Yes, eternal is his
b) The Almighty is faithful
forever, he is just to the
poor and the outraged. It
is he who gives bread to
the hungry, who delivers
the captives from their
chains. CH.
10) CH: Give
thanks to the Lord
for he is good(3)
Yes, eternal is his
26 Sunday of the Year
11) CH: Thank you,
Lord, for all you've
done. Things both
great and small and for
Jesus Christ your Son,
Thank you most of all.
a) You forgive us when
we falter, You bring
healing when we sin.
You redeem our life
from bondage, and
renew us deep within.
11) CH: Thank you,
Lord, for all you've
done. Things both
great and small and for
Jesus Christ your Son,
Thank you most of all.
b) As the rains come
down from heaven and
it makes the earth yield
fruits. So the word that
you once planted, in
our hearts has taken
root. CH
11) CH: Thank you,
Lord, for all you've
done. Things both
great and small and for
Jesus Christ your Son,
Thank you most of all.

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