9th Day of The Novena

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9 Day of the Novena

1) CH: Come in
pilgrim, lay your
burden down We're
all comrades as we
travel on the way,
We share a common gift,
our covenant in Christ,
And we're going to
celebrate his love today,
We will sing and
celebrate his love today.
a) When we come to
join in prayer, Let us
first confess We have
looked too much to
ourselves And loved
each other less. CH
1) CH: Come in
pilgrim, lay your
burden down We're
all comrades as we
travel on the way,
We share a common gift,
our covenant in Christ,
And we're going to
celebrate his love today,
We will sing and
celebrate his love today.
b) Hear the Word
proclaimed with power
To search the hearts of
all. We shall make its
meaning new By
responding to its call. CH
1) CH: Come in
pilgrim, lay your
burden down We're
all comrades as we
travel on the way,
We share a common gift,
our covenant in Christ,
And we're going to
celebrate his love today,
We will sing and
celebrate his love today.
c) Hear the Word
proclaimed with power
To search the hearts of
all. We shall make its
meaning new By
responding to its call. CH
1) CH: Come in
pilgrim, lay your
burden down We're
all comrades as we
travel on the way,
We share a common gift,
our covenant in Christ,
And we're going to
celebrate his love today,
We will sing and
celebrate his love today.
9 Day of the Novena
2) I Confess
I confess to Almighty God
and to you, my brothers
and sisters, that I have
greatly sinned, in my
thoughts and in my
in what I have done and
in what I have failed to
do, through my fault,
through my fault,
through my most
grievous fault;
I ask blessed Mary
ever-Virgin, all the
Angels and Saints, and
you, my brothers and
sisters, to pray for me
to the Lord our God.
9 Day of the Novena
3) Lord, O Lord,
have Mercy, Lord
have Mercy on us.
Christ, O Christ,
have Mercy,
Christ have
Mercy on us.
Lord, O Lord,
have Mercy,
Lord have
Mercy on us.
9 Day of the Novena
4) Acclamation:
Alleluia, Alleluia,
Alleluia, Alleluia.
9 Day of the Novena
5) a) Bread and
wine we bring to
you Lord, Work of
our human hands.
Soon to become
Your body and
blood, Jesus
yourself, May all
who share this meal
divine be one.
b) Humbly we
bring ourselves to
you, Lord. Take our
hearts, take our
All that we have
and all that we do,
We give to you: All
for you, our
Saviour and our Go
9 Day of the Novena
6) Holy, Holy, Holy
Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth
are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the
Blessed is he who
comes in the name of
the Lord. Hosanna in
the highest, Hosanna in
the highest, Hosanna,
Hosanna in the highest.
9 Day of the Novena
7) Proclamation:
When we eat this
bread and drink this
cup we proclaim
your death O Lord,
Until you come
again, Until you
come again, Until
you come again,
you come again.
9 Day of the Novena
8) CH: Who shall
separate us from the
love of Christ? Who
shall separate us
from the love of
a) For in the
manger of a cattle
stall, Christ was
born to die for all.
8) CH: Who shall
separate us from the
love of Christ? Who
shall separate us
from the love of
b) A host of angels
then proclaimed
His birth: Peace,
good will to all on
earth. CH
8) CH: Who shall
separate us from the
love of Christ? Who
shall separate us
from the love of
c) To you is born
a Savior, Christ,
the Lord, Prince
of Peace the
Mighty God. CH
8) CH: Who shall
separate us from the
love of Christ? Who
shall separate us
from the love of
d) And certain wise
men, guided by a
star, Came to
worship from afar.
8) CH: Who shall
separate us from the
love of Christ? Who
shall separate us
from the love of
9 Day of the Novena
9) CH: O Lord,
furnace of love,
Set our hearts on
fire with charity.
a) Where there is hatred,
let's sow his love. Where
there is injury, let us
show pardon. Where
there is strife, let us
bring his peace. Where
there is error, truth. CH
9) CH: O Lord,
furnace of love,
Set our hearts on
fire with charity.
b) Where there is doubt,
let's kindle faith. Where
there's discouragement,
let's bring assurance. Where
there is sadness, let's
awaken joy. Where there is
darkness, light. CH
9) CH: O Lord,
furnace of love,
Set our hearts on
fire with charity.
9 Day of the Novena
10) CH: O Virgin
fair, star of the sea,
My dearest
Mother pray for
a) O Lady, full of God's
own grace, whose
caring hands the child
embraced, who listen
to the Spirit's word,
believed and trusted in
the Lord. CH
10) CH: O Virgin
fair, star of the sea,
My dearest
Mother pray for
b) O Lady, who felt daily
Joy, in caring for the Holy
boy, whose name was
plain and shom of
wealth, Yet was enriched
by God's own breath. CH
10) CH: O Virgin
fair, star of the sea,
My dearest
Mother pray for
9 Day of the Novena

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