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Nature & Characteristics of Industrial
• Industrial wastewater refers to the contaminated
water that results from various industrial
processes and activities. It encompasses water
used in manufacturing, processing, cleaning, and
other industrial operations that becomes
polluted with a variety of substances and
contaminants. This wastewater must be treated
before discharge or, in some cases, can be
treated for reuse within the industrial facility.
• Here are some of the impacts associated with industrial
• Environmental Impacts:
– Water Pollution: Untreated or poorly treated industrial wastewater
can contain hazardous chemicals, heavy metals, and other pollutants
that can contaminate natural water bodies, harming aquatic
ecosystems and disrupting the balance of aquatic life.
– Eutrophication: High nutrient levels, often found in industrial
wastewater, can lead to eutrophication in receiving waters, causing
excessive plant and algal growth, oxygen depletion, and harm to
aquatic organisms.
– Bioaccumulation: Some contaminants in industrial wastewater can
accumulate in the tissues of aquatic organisms, posing long-term
risks to both aquatic life and humans who consume contaminated
– Habitat Degradation: Discharging industrial wastewater into natural
water bodies can degrade habitats and harm native species, leading
to a loss of biodiversity.
• Public Health Impacts:
– Drinking Water Contamination: If industrial wastewater
contaminants reach drinking water sources, they can pose
serious health risks to communities that rely on those water
– Air Quality: Wastewater treatment processes and certain
industrial activities can release volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) and noxious odors, affecting air quality and potentially
causing health issues for nearby residents.
• Economic Impacts:
– Resource Costs: Treating and managing industrial wastewater
can be expensive for industries, including the cost of
compliance with environmental regulations.
– Legal Liabilities: Industries that do not properly manage their
wastewater may face legal penalties, fines, or litigation from
affected parties or regulatory agencies.
• Agricultural Impacts:
– Irrigation: If untreated or poorly treated industrial wastewater is
used for irrigation, it can contaminate soil and crops, potentially
affecting food safety and agricultural productivity.
• Ecosystem Impacts:
– Affecting Non-Target Species: Some contaminants in industrial
wastewater can affect non-target species, including endangered or
protected wildlife, when released into the environment.

• To mitigate these impacts, industries are subject to

environmental regulations that require the proper treatment
and disposal of their wastewater. Effective wastewater
management practices, pollution control measures, and the
use of advanced treatment technologies are essential to
minimize the adverse effects of industrial wastewater on the
environment, public health, and communities.
Wastewater treatment stages
• Wastewater treatment typically involves a series
of stages or processes to remove pollutants and
contaminants from wastewater, making it safe
for discharge into the environment or for reuse.
The stages of wastewater treatment can vary
depending on the specific treatment goals and
the characteristics of the wastewater. However,
the following are the primary stages commonly
found in wastewater treatment:
• Preliminary Treatment:
– Purpose: This stage removes large objects, debris, and grit
from the wastewater to protect downstream equipment from
damage and to improve the efficiency of subsequent
treatment processes.
– Processes: Screening, grit removal, and comminution
(shredding) are commonly used methods in preliminary
• Primary Treatment:
– Purpose: Primary treatment involves the physical separation
of settleable solids and the reduction of organic matter in
– Processes: Wastewater is held in large settling tanks or basins,
allowing solids to settle to the bottom as sludge. This stage
mainly relies on gravity settling and does not remove dissolved
or fine particulate matter.
• Secondary Treatment:
– Purpose: Secondary treatment is a biological process that
further removes dissolved and colloidal organic matter as well as
nutrients (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus) from the wastewater.
– Processes: Common secondary treatment methods include
activated sludge, trickling filters, and sequencing batch reactors
(SBRs). Microorganisms break down organic pollutants, and the
resulting sludge is separated from the treated water.
• Tertiary Treatment:
– Purpose: Tertiary treatment provides additional polishing to the
effluent, removing remaining impurities and achieving high-
quality water suitable for specific purposes, such as discharge
into sensitive ecosystems or reuse.
– Processes: Filtration, chemical coagulation and flocculation,
advanced oxidation, and nutrient removal processes are used in
tertiary treatment.
• Disinfection:
– Purpose: Disinfection is the final treatment step, which aims
to kill or inactivate pathogenic microorganisms and reduce
the risk of waterborne diseases.
– Processes: Common disinfection methods include
chlorination, UV (ultraviolet) disinfection, ozone treatment,
and chemical disinfection.
• Sludge Treatment and Disposal:
– Purpose: Sludge generated from primary and secondary
treatment processes is further treated to reduce its volume,
stabilize it, and minimize environmental impact.
– Processes: Sludge thickening, digestion, dewatering, and
drying are typical processes. The treated sludge can be
incinerated, landfilled, or used beneficially as fertilizer or in
other applications.
• Advanced Treatment (if needed):
– Purpose: In some cases, advanced treatment processes may be required
to address specific contaminants or meet stringent water quality
– Processes: Advanced treatment may include membrane filtration,
activated carbon adsorption, or other specialized processes tailored to
the wastewater's characteristics.
• Effluent Monitoring and Control:
– Purpose: Throughout the treatment process, the quality of the treated
effluent is continuously monitored to ensure compliance with regulatory
standards. Control measures are implemented to adjust treatment
processes as needed.

• The selection and combination of these treatment stages depend

on the nature of the wastewater, its intended use, and local
environmental regulations. Wastewater treatment plants are
designed to efficiently remove pollutants and protect public health
and the environment.
Important contaminants of concern in
industrial wastewater treatment
• The categories of contaminants you
mentioned, including suspended solids,
nutrients, priority pollutants, refractory
organics, heavy metals, and dissolved
inorganics, are common types of
contaminants often found in industrial
wastewater. Here's more information about
each category:
• Suspended Solids:
– Definition: Suspended solids refer to solid particles that are
suspended in water but are not dissolved. They can include
organic matter, clay, silt, and other particulate material.
– Concerns: Excessive suspended solids can reduce water clarity,
impair aquatic habitats, and clog treatment equipment. They
may also carry contaminants and pathogens, affecting water
quality and aquatic ecosystems.
• Nutrients:
– Definition: Nutrients in wastewater typically refer to nitrogen
and phosphorus compounds, including ammonia, nitrate,
nitrite, and phosphate.
– Concerns: Elevated nutrient levels can lead to eutrophication in
water bodies, causing excessive plant and algae growth, oxygen
depletion, and harmful algal blooms. Nutrient removal is crucial
for protecting water quality.
• Priority Pollutants:
– Definition: Priority pollutants are a list of specific chemicals and
substances designated by regulatory agencies due to their
potential environmental and health risks.
– Concerns: These pollutants can include organic chemicals, heavy
metals, pesticides, and other substances known to be toxic,
carcinogenic, or persistent in the environment. Compliance with
regulatory limits for priority pollutants is essential.
• Refractory Organics:
– Definition: Refractory organics are organic compounds that are
resistant to biological degradation and may persist in the
environment for an extended period.
– Concerns: These compounds, often found in industrial
wastewater, can be challenging to remove and may require
advanced treatment methods. Some refractory organics can
have adverse health effects and environmental impacts.
• Heavy Metals:
– Definition: Heavy metals include elements with high atomic
weights, such as lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, and
– Concerns: Heavy metals are toxic to aquatic life and can
accumulate in ecosystems. They may also pose health risks to
humans if they enter the food chain. Strict controls are in
place to limit their discharge into water bodies.
• Dissolved Inorganics:
– Definition: Dissolved inorganics encompass a wide range of
inorganic compounds that are dissolved in water, such as ions,
salts, and minerals.
– Concerns: High levels of dissolved inorganics, including
certain ions (e.g., chloride, sulfate), can affect water quality
and aquatic life. Specific limits are established to prevent
excessive concentrations.
Physical Characteristics
• Physical characteristics are key parameters
used to assess the quality of water and
wastewater. These characteristics provide
important information about the state and
condition of the water and can indicate the
presence of contaminants or other issues.
Here are explanations of some common
physical characteristics:
Physical Characteristics
a) Total Solids
b) Odors
c) Temperature
d) Color
e) Turbidity
• Total Solids:
– Definition: Total solids represent the concentration of all matter that remains
as residue when a water sample is evaporated to dryness. It includes both
suspended and dissolved solids.
– Importance: Total solids can indicate the overall level of contamination in
water. High levels of total solids can affect water quality, making it unsuitable
for various uses.
• Odors:
– Definition: Odors in water can result from the presence of certain chemicals,
gases, or microorganisms. These odors can be perceived as unpleasant or even
– Importance: Odors are often an early warning sign of water quality issues. Foul
odors can indicate the presence of contaminants or conditions that may need
• Temperature:
– Definition: Temperature measures the degree of hotness or coldness of water.
It can vary seasonally and geographically.
– Importance: Temperature affects various water characteristics, including
dissolved oxygen levels, biological activity, and chemical reactions. Sudden
temperature changes can stress aquatic life.
• Color:
– Definition: Color in water is caused by dissolved organic and inorganic substances.
It can range from clear to various shades of yellow, brown, or green.
– Importance: Color can be an indicator of the presence of natural organic matter or
industrial effluents in water. High color levels can affect aesthetics and may require
• Turbidity:
– Definition: Turbidity measures the cloudiness or haziness of water caused by the
presence of suspended particles, such as silt, clay, and microorganisms.
– Importance: Turbidity can reduce water clarity, affect light penetration in aquatic
ecosystems, and interfere with disinfection processes. High turbidity can indicate
erosion or pollution.
• These physical characteristics are often measured and monitored as part of
routine water quality assessments and regulatory compliance.
Understanding these characteristics helps in identifying the presence of
pollutants, assessing the suitability of water for specific uses (e.g., drinking,
recreation, industrial processes), and making informed decisions regarding
treatment or remediation actions. Additionally, water quality standards and
guidelines often define acceptable limits for these physical parameters to
ensure the safety and health of ecosystems and human populations.
Classification of Total Solids
• Total solids in water and wastewater can be
classified into two main categories based on
their physical characteristics:
– suspended solids and
– dissolved solids.
• These classifications help to understand the
nature of solids in water and are important for
water quality analysis and treatment
Fig. (2-1) Classification of Total Solids
• Suspended Solids (SS):
• Definition: Suspended solids are solid particles that are
present in water and can be seen with the naked eye
or under a microscope. They are typically larger
particles that are not dissolved and are suspended in
the water column.
• Characteristics: Suspended solids include materials like
silt, clay, organic matter, bacteria, algae, and other
visible particles.
• Measurement: Suspended solids are quantified by
filtering a known volume of water through a pre-
weighed filter, drying the filter to remove water, and
then weighing the filter again to determine the weight
of the solids.
• Dissolved Solids (DS):
• Definition: Dissolved solids are solid particles that are
present in water but are molecularly dispersed and
cannot be seen with the naked eye. They are in
solution and cannot be easily removed by filtration.
• Characteristics: Dissolved solids include a wide range
of inorganic and organic substances, such as salts,
minerals, ions, sugars, and dissolved gases like oxygen
and carbon dioxide.
• Measurement: Dissolved solids are typically measured
by evaporating a known volume of water and weighing
the remaining solids. The residue left behind after
evaporation represents the dissolved solids content.
• In addition to these two main classifications, total solids can also be
further categorized into specific types based on their composition or
origin. For example:
– Organic Solids: These are solids of organic origin, such as plant matter, algae,
and microorganisms. They can be found in both suspended and dissolved forms.
– Inorganic Solids: These are minerals, salts, and other inorganic materials that
can be present as dissolved or suspended solids.
– Fixed Solids: These are solids that remain as residue after evaporating water
from a sample. Fixed solids are typically composed of minerals and other
inorganic materials.
– Volatile Solids: These are solids that are lost when a sample is heated to a high
temperature, representing the organic portion of the solids. Volatile solids are
commonly used to assess the biodegradable organic content of wastewater.
• Understanding the classification of total solids is essential for water
quality monitoring, wastewater treatment design, and compliance with
regulatory standards. Different treatment processes are used to remove
or reduce specific types of solids, depending on their classification and
2.1.2 Chemical Characteristics
a) Organic Matter b) Inorganic Matter
– Fats, Oils, and Grease
– Surfactants – pH
– Phenols – Alkalinity
– Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOC) – Nitrogen
– Pesticides & Agricultural – Phosphorus
– Parameters of Organic Content
– Sulfur
• Biochemical Oxygen Demand – Toxic Inorganic
– The BOD 5 test results are Compounds
used to:
– The limitations of the BOD5 – Heavy Metals
test are as follows:
• Chemical Oxygen Demand
Chemical Characteristics
• Chemical characteristics of water and
wastewater, such as those you've listed,
provide insight into the presence of various
organic and chemical contaminants. Here's an
explanation of each of these chemical
• Organic Matter:
• Definition: Organic matter in water includes
carbon-based compounds originating from
natural sources (e.g., decaying plant material)
or human activities (e.g., wastewater
• Importance: High levels of organic matter can
contribute to oxygen depletion, promote
microbial growth, and affect water taste and
• Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG):
– Definition: FOG represents lipids, oils, and greases that can enter wastewater from
various sources, including food service establishments, kitchens, and industrial
– Impacts:
• In sewer systems, FOG can accumulate and lead to blockages and overflows, causing
costly maintenance and environmental issues.
• In wastewater treatment plants, FOG can interfere with treatment processes,
reducing treatment efficiency and increasing operational costs.
• When released into natural water bodies, FOG can create surface slicks, harm aquatic
life, and disrupt the balance of aquatic ecosystems.
• Surfactants:
– Definition: Surfactants, short for surface-active agents, are chemical compounds
that reduce the surface tension of water. They are commonly found in detergents,
soaps, and cleaning products.
– Impacts:
• High levels of surfactants in natural water bodies can disrupt the surface tension,
making it difficult for organisms like insects to walk on water.
• Surfactants can form stable foams in rivers and lakes, which may impede gas
exchange and affect aquatic organisms' respiration.
• Some surfactants can be toxic to aquatic life and can bioaccumulate in food chains.
• Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC):
– Definition: VOCs are organic compounds that readily vaporize into the air. They
include various industrial chemicals, solvents, gasoline components, and natural
substances like terpenes.
– Importance: VOCs can contaminate groundwater and surface water through
atmospheric deposition and runoff. Some VOCs are known to have adverse health
effects, and they contribute to air pollution.
• Pesticides & Agricultural Chemicals:
– Definition: Pesticides include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and other
chemicals used in agriculture to control pests and enhance crop growth. These
chemicals can enter water bodies through runoff and leaching.
– Importance: Pesticides and agricultural chemicals can have detrimental effects on
aquatic ecosystems and may pose risks to human health if they contaminate
drinking water sources. Monitoring and proper management are essential to
minimize their environmental impact.
• Addressing these specific types of organic matter in water is critical for
maintaining water quality, protecting human health, and preserving aquatic
ecosystems. Effective wastewater treatment processes and pollution
control measures are implemented to manage and mitigate the impact of
these organic contaminants on the environment.
• Phenols:
– Definition: Phenols are a class of aromatic compounds that contain a hydroxyl
(OH) group attached to a benzene ring. They can be found in industrial effluents,
coal-tar products, and some natural waters.
– Impacts:
• Phenols can be toxic to aquatic organisms, leading to reduced biodiversity in affected
water bodies.
• They can produce undesirable taste and odor in drinking water, affecting its quality and
• High concentrations of phenols can contaminate groundwater, making it unsuitable for
drinking or irrigation.

• Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC):

– Definition: VOCs are organic compounds that readily vaporize into the air. They
include various industrial chemicals, solvents, gasoline components, and natural
substances like terpenes.
– Impacts:
• VOCs can contaminate groundwater, posing risks to drinking water supplies and
potentially leading to health concerns if exposure occurs.
• Some VOCs can evaporate into the atmosphere and contribute to air pollution, leading to
respiratory and environmental issues.
• In aquatic ecosystems, VOCs can affect aquatic organisms and disrupt natural balances.
• Pesticides & Agricultural Chemicals:
• Definition: Pesticides include herbicides, insecticides,
fungicides, and other chemicals used in agriculture to
control pests and enhance crop growth. These
chemicals can enter water bodies through runoff and
• Impacts:
– Pesticides and agricultural chemicals can contaminate
surface water and groundwater through runoff and leaching.
– These chemicals can harm aquatic life, particularly fish and
amphibians, by disrupting their reproductive and metabolic
– In drinking water supplies, the presence of pesticides and
agricultural chemicals can pose health risks to humans,
especially if they exceed regulatory limits.
• Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5):
– Definition: BOD5 measures the amount of dissolved oxygen consumed by
microorganisms while breaking down organic matter over a five-day period.
– Importance: BOD5 is a key indicator of organic pollution and the biodegradability
of organic matter in water.

– The BOD5 test results are used to:

• Assess the level of organic pollution in water.
• Determine the effectiveness of wastewater treatment processes.
• Estimate the oxygen demand on aquatic ecosystems.
– Limitations of the BOD5 test:
• It takes five days to complete, which can be time-consuming.
• It may not accurately reflect the presence of all types of organic pollutants.
• It requires well-controlled laboratory conditions, which may not be practical in the field.

• Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD):

– Definition: COD measures the amount of oxygen required to chemically oxidize
both biodegradable and non-biodegradable organic matter in water.
– Importance: COD provides a more rapid assessment of organic and oxidizable
inorganic pollution than BOD5.
• Inorganic matter in water encompasses a wide range of elements and
compounds that can have significant effects on water quality and the
environment. Here's an explanation of the types of inorganic matter you
mentioned, along with their impacts:
• pH:
– Definition: pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of water on a scale from 0
(most acidic) to 14 (most alkaline), with 7 being neutral.
– Impacts:
• Extreme pH levels can harm aquatic life by affecting the solubility of minerals and
• Changes in pH can disrupt aquatic ecosystems and affect the availability of nutrients to
aquatic organisms.
• Alkalinity:
– Definition: Alkalinity measures the water's capacity to resist changes in pH,
mainly due to the presence of bicarbonates, carbonates, and hydroxides.
– Impacts:
• Adequate alkalinity helps stabilize pH in aquatic systems, supporting a healthy and
stable environment.
• Low alkalinity can lead to pH fluctuations and make water bodies more susceptible to
• Nitrogen:
– Definition: Nitrogen compounds, including nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+), can enter
water bodies through agricultural runoff, wastewater discharges, and atmospheric
– Impacts:
• Excessive nitrogen can cause eutrophication in water bodies, leading to harmful algal blooms and
oxygen depletion, which harms aquatic life.
• Nitrate contamination of groundwater can pose health risks if it exceeds drinking water standards.
• Phosphorus:
– Definition: Phosphorus is a nutrient commonly found in water, often originating from
fertilizers, detergents, and wastewater discharges.
– Impacts:
• Elevated phosphorus levels can contribute to eutrophication, promoting excessive plant and algae
growth in water bodies.
• This can lead to reduced water clarity, oxygen depletion, and adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems.
• Sulfur:
– Definition: Sulfur can occur in various forms in water, including sulfate ions (SO4^2-),
hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and other sulfur compounds.
– Impacts:
• Hydrogen sulfide can produce foul odors, corrode infrastructure, and be toxic to aquatic organisms.
• Sulfate can contribute to water hardness and affect water treatment processes.
• Toxic Inorganic Compounds:
– Definition: Toxic inorganic compounds can include various elements like arsenic,
mercury, cadmium, and lead, which can contaminate water through natural
sources or industrial activities.
– Impacts:
• These compounds can be highly toxic to aquatic life, leading to mortality and disruptions in
aquatic ecosystems.
• Human exposure to certain toxic inorganic compounds in drinking water can have severe
health consequences.
• Heavy Metals:
– Definition: Heavy metals, including copper, zinc, and chromium, can enter water
from industrial discharges, stormwater runoff, and natural sources.
– Impacts:
• Heavy metals can accumulate in aquatic organisms, potentially reaching levels harmful to
both aquatic life and human health if they enter the food chain.
• They can also contaminate sediments, posing long-term environmental risks.

• Managing and monitoring these inorganic constituents in water is essential

to protect both the environment and public health. Regulatory standards
and pollution control measures are in place to mitigate the adverse impacts
of these substances on water quality and ecosystems.
Biological Characteristics
• Microorganisms:
• Definition: Microorganisms in wastewater include bacteria,
viruses, protozoa, and algae. They can be both beneficial
(helping with wastewater treatment) and harmful (causing
waterborne diseases).
• Impacts:
– Beneficial bacteria play a key role in biological wastewater
treatment by breaking down organic matter and converting
harmful substances into less toxic forms.
– Harmful microorganisms, such as pathogenic bacteria and
viruses, can pose health risks if wastewater is not properly
treated before discharge or reuse.
Need for Industrial Wastewater Treatment
• The need for industrial wastewater treatment
plants is crucial for several reasons, and these
can be outlined in point form:
• Environmental Protection:
– Prevents the release of harmful pollutants and
chemicals into natural water bodies, which can harm
aquatic life and ecosystems.
– Reduces the risk of groundwater contamination, which
can affect drinking water sources.
• Compliance with Regulations:
– Ensures compliance with local, state, and federal
environmental regulations and permits, avoiding costly
fines and legal penalties.
• Public Health:
– Protects public health by treating wastewater to
remove harmful substances and pathogens that can
cause diseases if released into the environment.
• Resource Conservation:
– Recovers valuable resources, such as water, energy,
and chemicals, from industrial wastewater, reducing
resource consumption and costs.
• Cost Savings:
– Reduces disposal costs associated with hauling and
treating wastewater off-site.
– Minimizes the risk of legal liabilities and cleanup
expenses in case of contamination incidents.
• Improved Reputation:
– Demonstrates a commitment to environmental
responsibility and sustainability, enhancing a
company's image and reputation.
• Long-Term Sustainability:
– Ensures the sustainability of industrial operations by conserving
water resources and minimizing the negative impact on the
• Quality Control:
– Allows for the consistent treatment of wastewater, ensuring that
it meets specific quality standards before discharge or reuse in
industrial processes.
• Community Relations:
– Fosters positive relations with local communities by mitigating
concerns about industrial pollution and its effects on nearby
• Risk Mitigation:
– Reduces the risk of accidents and emergencies related to
uncontrolled wastewater discharges, protecting both employees
and the surrounding environment.
• Resource Recovery:
– Facilitates the recovery of valuable byproducts from
wastewater, such as metals, nutrients, or organic matter,
which can be reused or sold.
• Adaptation to Changing Regulations:
– Provides flexibility to adapt to evolving environmental
regulations and standards, ensuring ongoing compliance.
• Technological Advancements:
– Takes advantage of advancements in wastewater treatment
technologies to improve efficiency and reduce
environmental impacts.
• Global Responsibility:
– Contributes to global efforts to reduce pollution and combat
climate change by minimizing the environmental footprint of
industrial activities.
Common Types of Wastewater Treatment
• After treatment objectives have been established for a specific
project and the applicable regulations have been reviewed, the
degree of treatment can be determined by comparing the influent
wastewater characteristics to the required effluent wastewater
• A number of different treatment and disposal or reuse alternatives
are then developed and evaluated, and the best alternative is
• The contaminants in wastewater are removed by physical, chemical,
and biological means. The individual methods usually are classified as
– physical unit operations,
– chemical unit processes, and
– biological unit processes.
Physical Unit Operations
• Treatment methods in which the application
of physical forces predominates are known as
physical unit operations. Because most of
these methods evolved directly from man’s
first observations of nature, they were the first
to be used for wastewater treatment.
• Screening, flocculation, sedimentation,
flotation, filtration, and gas transfer are typical
unit operations.
• Screening:
• Purpose: Screening is used to remove large solid
objects and debris from wastewater to protect
downstream equipment and processes from
• Process: Wastewater flows through screens with
various opening sizes. Solids and objects larger than
the screen openings are trapped and removed.
• Types: Bar screens, coarse screens, fine screens, and
drum screens are commonly used.
• Applications: Screening is employed in the
preliminary treatment of wastewater to remove
materials like leaves, plastics, and sticks.
• Coagulation:
• Purpose: Coagulation is the process of destabilizing colloidal
and suspended particles in wastewater by adding chemicals
known as coagulants. This allows the particles to come
together and form larger, settleable flocs.
• Process: Coagulants, such as aluminum sulfate (alum) or ferric
chloride, are added to wastewater. These chemicals neutralize
the electrical charges on particles, promoting particle collisions
and floc formation.
• Types: Common coagulants include aluminum-based and iron-
based coagulants.
• Applications: Coagulation is a critical step in the removal of
turbidity, suspended solids, and some dissolved substances in
water and wastewater treatment. It is often used in
conjunction with flocculation to enhance the formation of
settleable flocs.
• Flocculation:
• Purpose: Flocculation is employed to promote the
aggregation of fine suspended particles into larger,
settleable flocs for easier removal.
• Process: Coagulants or flocculants are added to
wastewater to neutralize charges and encourage
particle collisions, resulting in floc formation.
• Types: Chemical coagulants (e.g., aluminum sulfate)
and flocculants (e.g., polymers) are commonly
• Applications: Flocculation is a crucial step in the
removal of fine particles, organic matter, and
colloidal substances in water treatment processes.
• Sedimentation:
• Purpose: Sedimentation allows the settling of
suspended particles and flocs to the bottom of a
tank or basin for separation from clarified water.
• Process: Wastewater is held in a quiescent tank,
allowing gravity to facilitate the settling of
heavier particles.
• Types: Primary and secondary sedimentation
tanks are used in wastewater treatment plants.
• Applications: Sedimentation is employed to
remove solids, sludge, and settleable flocs from
• Flotation:
• Purpose: Flotation involves the attachment of
fine particles and grease to air bubbles, which rise
to the water's surface for removal.
• Process: Air is introduced into wastewater to
create bubbles, which attach to hydrophobic
particles and substances.
• Types: Dissolved air flotation (DAF) and induced
air flotation (IAF) are common methods.
• Applications: Flotation is used to remove
suspended solids, fats, oils, grease, and some
chemicals from wastewater.
• Filtration:
• Purpose: Filtration is employed to remove small
suspended solids and particles from water,
providing a final polish to treated wastewater.
• Process: Water passes through a porous medium,
such as sand, gravel, or membranes, trapping
• Types: Sand filtration, multimedia filtration, and
membrane filtration are common methods.
• Applications: Filtration is used in both municipal
and industrial wastewater treatment to produce
clear and clean water.
• Gas Transfer:
• Purpose: Gas transfer involves the introduction
or removal of gases, such as oxygen or carbon
dioxide, for various purposes, including aeration
and pH control.
• Process: Gases are introduced or removed using
diffusers, bubblers, or spargers.
• Types: Aeration is a common gas transfer
• Applications: Gas transfer is critical for
biological processes, such as activated sludge,
and for pH control in wastewater treatment.
• Coalescence:
• Purpose: Coalescence is a process that promotes the merging or
combining of tiny oil or grease droplets suspended in wastewater to
form larger droplets, making it easier to separate and remove them.
• Process: Typically, coalescence is achieved using coalescing media or
devices that provide a surface where oil droplets come into contact
and merge together. Gravity then causes the larger droplets to rise
for separation.
• Types: Coalescing media can include baffles, plates, or coalescing
filters, and various coalescence techniques are employed, such as
inclined plates or coalescing tubes.
• Applications: Coalescence is commonly used to remove oil, fats, and
grease (OFG) from wastewater, particularly in industries like food
processing, oil refineries, and restaurants. It is an important step in
the pretreatment of wastewater before further processing.
Chemical Unit Processes
• Treatment methods in which the removal or conversion of
contaminants is brought about by the addition of chemicals or by
other chemical reactions are known as chemical unit processes.
• Precipitation, adsorption, and disinfection are the most common
examples used in wastewater treatment.
• In chemical precipitation, treatment is accomplished by producing
a chemical precipitate that will settle. In most cases, the settled
precipitate will contain both the constituents that may have
reacted with the added chemicals and the constituents that were
swept out of the wastewater as the precipitate settled.
Adsorption involves the removal of specific compounds from the
wastewater on solid surfaces using the forces of attraction
between bodies.
• 1. Precipitation:
• Purpose:
– Precipitation is used to remove dissolved contaminants from wastewater by converting
them into solid particles that can be easily separated.
• Process Description:
– A chemical is added to the wastewater to form insoluble precipitates with the
contaminants. This chemical is known as a precipitant or coagulant.
– As the precipitant reacts with the contaminants, solid particles form and settle out of the
water due to gravity.
– After settling, the clarified water is separated from the settled solids, often using
sedimentation or filtration.
• Types:
– Chemical Precipitation: Common chemicals used include lime (calcium hydroxide), alum
(aluminum sulfate), and ferric chloride. These chemicals react with contaminants to form
– Biological Precipitation: Some microorganisms can facilitate precipitation by converting
dissolved substances into solid particles under specific conditions.
• Applications:
– Removal of heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, and mercury, from industrial wastewater.
– Reduction of phosphorus levels in municipal wastewater to prevent eutrophication in
receiving waters.
– Treatment of water from mining operations to remove harmful contaminants.
• 2. Adsorption:
• Purpose:
– Adsorption is used to remove dissolved organic and inorganic contaminants from
wastewater by adhering them to a solid surface (adsorbent).
• Process Description:
– Wastewater passes through a bed or column filled with an adsorbent material (e.g.,
activated carbon or zeolites).
– Contaminants in the water are attracted to and adsorbed onto the surface of the adsorbent
– The treated water, now free of the adsorbed contaminants, exits the system.
• Types:
– Activated Carbon Adsorption: Activated carbon is a highly effective adsorbent known for
its ability to adsorb a wide range of organic compounds and some inorganic substances.
– Zeolite Adsorption: Zeolites are crystalline aluminosilicates with a porous structure, used
for selective removal of specific ions and molecules.
– Biochar Adsorption: Biochar, a form of charcoal produced from organic materials, can be
used as an adsorbent for organic contaminants.
• Applications:
– Removal of organic pollutants like pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals
from wastewater.
– Reduction of odor and taste compounds in drinking water treatment.
– Removal of heavy metals and radioactive materials from contaminated water.
• 3. Disinfection:
• Purpose:
– Disinfection is used to kill or inactivate pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, and
protozoa) in wastewater to ensure its safety for discharge or reuse.
• Process Description:
– A disinfectant, such as chlorine, ozone, ultraviolet (UV) light, or chlorine dioxide, is added to
the wastewater.
– The disinfectant interacts with the microorganisms, disrupting their cellular structures or
metabolic processes.
– After a specified contact time, the treated water is monitored to confirm the reduction in
microbial pathogens.
• Types:
– Chlorination: Chlorine gas or hypochlorite solutions are commonly used for disinfection.
– UV Disinfection: UV light is applied to water to disrupt the DNA of microorganisms.
– Ozonation: Ozone gas is used to oxidize and destroy microorganisms and organic
– Chlorine Dioxide: Chlorine dioxide is an effective disinfectant with minimal disinfection
• Applications:
– Treatment of municipal wastewater before discharge into receiving waters.
– Disinfection of drinking water to ensure its safety.
– Treatment of hospital wastewater and other sources of potentially infectious wastewater.
2.3.3 Biological Unit Processes
• Biological unit processes are a crucial
component of wastewater treatment, utilizing
microorganisms and biological reactions to
break down organic matter and remove
nutrients from wastewater. These processes
are essential for transforming pollutants into
more environmentally benign forms. Here are
some key biological unit processes used in
wastewater treatment:
• Activated Sludge Process:
– Description: In this widely used biological treatment method,
wastewater is mixed with a culture of microorganisms (activated
sludge) in an aeration tank. The microorganisms consume organic
matter and remove nutrients, and then the treated water is
separated from the sludge.
– Impacts: Activated sludge systems effectively reduce organic
pollutants and nutrient levels, producing treated effluent suitable
for discharge or further treatment.
• Trickling Filter:
– Description: Trickling filters consist of a bed of rock or synthetic
media over which wastewater is evenly distributed.
Microorganisms attached to the media biofilm treat the
wastewater as it trickles over them.
– Impacts: Trickling filters provide efficient organic matter removal
and are particularly effective for small to medium-sized
wastewater treatment plants.
• Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC):
– Description: RBCs consist of a series of rotating discs partially
submerged in wastewater. Microorganisms attach to these discs
and are periodically exposed to air as they rotate, providing
oxygen for biological treatment.
– Impacts: RBCs are suitable for treating wastewater with low to
moderate organic loads and are known for their low
maintenance requirements.
• Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR):
– Description: SBRs are cyclic activated sludge systems that
perform wastewater treatment in batches. Each cycle includes
stages for aeration, settling, and decanting, allowing for greater
process control and flexibility.
– Impacts: SBRs are highly adaptable and can achieve efficient
removal of organic matter and nutrients. They are often used in
small and decentralized wastewater treatment systems.
• Anaerobic Digestion:
– Description: Anaerobic digestion is a biological process that
occurs in the absence of oxygen. Microorganisms break down
organic matter in wastewater to produce biogas (mainly
methane) and stabilized sludge.
– Impacts: Anaerobic digestion not only treats organic
wastewater but also produces renewable energy (biogas) and
reduces the volume of sludge that needs to be disposed of.
• Constructed Wetlands:
– Description: Constructed wetlands are engineered systems that
mimic natural wetlands. They use plants and microorganisms to
treat wastewater as it flows through shallow, water-saturated
soil or substrate.
– Impacts: Constructed wetlands are effective at removing
organic matter, nutrients, and some contaminants, making
them a sustainable and eco-friendly treatment option.
• Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR):
• Description: BNR processes optimize the
activity of specific microbial populations to
remove nitrogen and phosphorus from
wastewater. This typically involves anaerobic
and aerobic stages.
• Impacts: BNR processes are essential for
reducing nutrient pollution in wastewater,
preventing eutrophication in receiving waters,
and ensuring compliance with regulatory
• Physical wastewater treatment processes can be classified into
several categories based on their primary mechanisms and objectives:
• Screening:
– Purpose: Removal of large objects and debris from wastewater to protect
downstream equipment and prevent clogging.
– Process: Wastewater flows through screens with various opening sizes,
trapping large solids.
– Types: Bar screens, coarse screens, fine screens, drum screens.
– Applications: Preliminary treatment in municipal and industrial wastewater
treatment plants.
• Grit Removal:
– Purpose: Removal of heavy inorganic particles, such as sand, gravel, and
small rocks, to prevent damage to equipment and reduce abrasion.
– Process: Wastewater is slowed down, allowing grit to settle, and then it is
mechanically or manually removed.
– Types: Grit chambers, vortex separators.
– Applications: Preliminary treatment to protect pumps, screens, and other
• Primary Sedimentation:
– Purpose: Separation of settleable solids and the reduction of
organic matter.
– Process: Wastewater is held in a quiescent tank or basin, allowing
gravity to settle out heavier particles.
– Types: Primary sedimentation tanks.
– Applications: Primary treatment in wastewater treatment plants,
removal of settleable solids.
• Flotation:
– Purpose: Removal of fine suspended solids, oil, and grease by
using air bubbles to lift them to the water's surface.
– Process: Air is introduced into wastewater, creating bubbles that
attach to particles and substances.
– Types: Dissolved air flotation (DAF), induced air flotation (IAF).
– Applications: Treatment of industrial and municipal wastewater
with high levels of fine solids, fats, oils, and grease.
• Filtration:
– Purpose: Removal of small suspended solids and particulate matter.
– Process: Wastewater passes through a porous medium (e.g., sand,
gravel, membranes) that traps particles.
– Types: Sand filtration, multimedia filtration, membrane filtration.
– Applications: Final polishing of treated wastewater, drinking water
• Aeration:
– Purpose: Introduction of oxygen into wastewater to support
biological processes and remove odors.
– Process: Air is diffused or bubbled into wastewater, promoting the
growth of aerobic microorganisms and the oxidation of
– Types: Surface aerators, diffused aeration, mechanical aerators.
– Applications: Activation of biological treatment processes,
prevention of anaerobic conditions.
• Coalescence
– Purpose: To facilitate the removal of oil and grease
contaminants from wastewater, improving water
quality and regulatory compliance.
– Process: Coalescence employs specialized surfaces or
media where droplets collide, adhere, and grow in
size. Gravity then separates the larger droplets for
– Types: Coalescence methods include plates, filters,
tubes, and packed-bed coalescers.
– Applications: Widely used in industries like food
processing, oil refineries, and automotive
maintenance to prevent environmental contamination
• Chemical wastewater treatment processes involve the use of
various chemical reactions and compounds to remove
contaminants from wastewater. These processes are essential
for treating wastewater when physical or biological methods
alone may not be sufficient. Chemical treatment processes
can be classified into several categories based on their
mechanisms and objectives:
• Coagulation and Flocculation:
– Purpose: To destabilize suspended particles and colloidal materials
in wastewater, making them clump together (coagulation) and form
larger particles (flocculation) that can be more easily removed.
– Process: Chemical coagulants (e.g., aluminum sulfate or alum, ferric
chloride) are added to wastewater, causing the particles to
neutralize charges and come together.
– Applications: Used in the removal of turbidity, color, and certain
metals from industrial and municipal wastewater.
• Chemical Precipitation:
– Purpose: To remove dissolved metals and other ions from
wastewater by converting them into insoluble solid precipitates.
– Process: Chemicals such as lime (calcium hydroxide) or sodium
hydroxide are added to adjust pH and induce precipitation
– Applications: Removal of heavy metals (e.g., lead, mercury) and
phosphate compounds from industrial and municipal wastewater.
• Chemical Oxidation/Reduction:
– Purpose: To break down and transform organic and inorganic
pollutants through oxidation or reduction reactions.
– Process: Chemical oxidants (e.g., chlorine, ozone, hydrogen
peroxide) or reducing agents (e.g., sodium bisulfite) are added to
initiate chemical reactions.
– Applications: Destruction of organic contaminants,
dechlorination of wastewater, and control of odor.
• Neutralization:
– Purpose: To adjust the pH of acidic or alkaline wastewater to a
neutral range for subsequent treatment or safe discharge.
– Process: Acidic wastewater is neutralized by adding alkaline
substances (e.g., lime), and vice versa.
– Applications: Acid mine drainage treatment, pH control in
industrial processes, and corrosion prevention.
• Adsorption:
– Purpose: To remove dissolved organic and inorganic
contaminants by adhering them to a solid adsorbent material.
– Process: Wastewater flows through a bed of adsorbent
material (e.g., activated carbon, zeolites) where contaminants
are adsorbed onto the surface.
– Applications: Removal of organic compounds, such as
pesticides and pharmaceuticals, from industrial and municipal
• Ion Exchange:
– Purpose: To remove specific ions from wastewater by
exchanging them with ions on a solid resin material.
– Process: Wastewater is passed through ion exchange columns
containing resin beads with selective ion-binding properties.
– Applications: Softening of water, removal of heavy metals,
and purification of process water.
• Disinfection:
– Purpose: To kill or inactivate pathogenic microorganisms
(e.g., bacteria, viruses) in wastewater to prevent the spread
of waterborne diseases.
– Process: Disinfectants like chlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone,
or UV light are added to wastewater.
– Applications: Final treatment of drinking water, municipal
wastewater, and hospital or pharmaceutical wastewater.
• Biological wastewater treatment processes utilize microorganisms (e.g.,
bacteria, fungi) to break down organic and inorganic contaminants in
wastewater. These processes harness the natural biological activities of
microorganisms to degrade pollutants and are commonly used in both
municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. Biological treatment processes
can be classified into several categories based on their primary mechanisms and

• Aerobic Biological Treatment:

– Purpose: To treat wastewater in the presence of oxygen to support the growth of
aerobic microorganisms that consume organic matter.
– Process: Wastewater is aerated, providing oxygen for microorganisms to metabolize
and biodegrade organic pollutants.
– Applications: Municipal sewage treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, and
activated sludge processes.
– Types:
• Activated Sludge Process: Involves the aerobic treatment of wastewater with a mixed microbial
culture in aeration tanks, followed by settling in secondary clarifiers.
• Sequential Batch Reactors (SBR): Wastewater is treated in batches, with alternating cycles of
aeration and settling in the same tank.
• Membrane Bioreactors (MBR): Combines biological treatment with membrane filtration for
solids separation, resulting in high-quality effluent.
• Anaerobic Biological Treatment:
– Purpose: To treat wastewater in the absence of oxygen, utilizing anaerobic
microorganisms that convert organic matter into biogas (methane and carbon
– Process: Wastewater is placed in anaerobic digesters, where microorganisms
break down organic pollutants under anaerobic conditions.
– Applications: Treatment of high-strength organic wastewater, such as sludge
from sewage treatment plants and industrial effluents.
– Types:
• Anaerobic Digestion: Converts organic matter into biogas and produces stabilized
sludge as a byproduct.
• Anaerobic Upflow Sludge Blanket (UASB): Features a specialized reactor design to
enhance anaerobic treatment.
• Nitrification-Denitrification:
– Purpose: To remove nitrogen compounds (ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite) from
wastewater through two biological processes: nitrification and denitrification.
– Process: Nitrifying bacteria oxidize ammonia to nitrate, and denitrifying
bacteria convert nitrate to nitrogen gas under controlled conditions.
– Applications: Municipal wastewater treatment, especially in areas with strict
nitrogen discharge limits.
• Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR):
– Purpose: To remove nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus from
wastewater, reducing the risk of eutrophication in receiving
– Process: Combines various biological processes, including
nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorus removal, to achieve
nutrient removal.
– Applications: Municipal wastewater treatment plants facing
nutrient discharge limits.
• Biological Filtration:
– Purpose: To remove organic and inorganic contaminants by
passing wastewater through a filtration medium populated with
biofilm-forming microorganisms.
– Process: Microorganisms attached to the filter media metabolize
and remove pollutants as wastewater flows through.
– Applications: Drinking water treatment and treatment of
industrial wastewater with soluble contaminants.
Aerobic Biological Treatment:
• Aerobic suspended growth processes are a category of biological
wastewater treatment methods that rely on the use of aerobic
microorganisms suspended in the wastewater to biodegrade organic
pollutants. Here are some common examples of aerobic suspended
growth processes:
• Activated Sludge Processes:
– Description: Activated sludge is a widely used method where wastewater is
mixed with a culture of microorganisms (activated sludge) in an aeration
tank. The microorganisms consume organic matter, and then the mixture is
settled to separate the biomass (activated sludge) from the treated water.
– Applications: Municipal sewage treatment, industrial wastewater
treatment, and facilities with high organic loads.
• Plug Flow with Recycle:
– Description: This process involves creating a plug flow reactor where
wastewater flows in a linear fashion with controlled mixing. Recirculation of
a portion of the treated effluent is used to maintain the desired microbial
– Applications: Effective in treating industrial wastewater with variable flows
and pollutant concentrations.
• Aerated Lagoons:
– Description: Aerated lagoons are large, shallow basins where wastewater is
exposed to air and microorganisms are naturally present or added. Oxygenation
promotes the growth of aerobic bacteria, which break down organic matter.
– Applications: Often used in small communities or as a polishing step in
wastewater treatment.
• Sequential Batch Reactors (SBR):
– Description: SBR is a batch-type process where wastewater is treated in cycles.
Each cycle includes phases of filling, aeration, settling, and decanting. The
biomass (activated sludge) remains in the reactor.
– Applications: Suitable for small wastewater treatment plants and facilities with
variable flow rates.
• Aerobic suspended growth processes are effective in removing organic
matter, suspended solids, and nutrients from wastewater when oxygen is
provided to support the growth of aerobic microorganisms. These
processes are versatile and can be adapted to various wastewater
characteristics and treatment goals. Proper control of aeration, sludge
retention time, and other operational parameters is essential for their
successful operation.
• Aerobic attached growth processes are biological wastewater
treatment methods where microorganisms are attached to a solid
support medium, and wastewater flows over or through this medium
to allow the microorganisms to degrade organic pollutants. Here are
some examples of aerobic attached growth processes:
• Trickling Filter:
– Description: In a trickling filter, wastewater is distributed over a bed of solid
media (e.g., rocks, plastic, or synthetic materials) where microbial biofilm
forms. As wastewater trickles down through the media, microorganisms
attached to the media's surface metabolize and remove organic matter.
– Applications: Commonly used in municipal wastewater treatment plants,
especially for secondary treatment.
• Roughing Filter:
– Description: Roughing filters are similar to trickling filters but are primarily
designed for preliminary or primary treatment. They provide basic solids
removal and reduction of organic load before further treatment.
– Applications: Often used in developing countries or as a pretreatment step
in industrial wastewater treatment.
• Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC):
– Description: RBCs consist of multiple rotating disks or drums partially
submerged in wastewater. Microorganisms grow as a biofilm on the
rotating surfaces and come into contact with the wastewater as they rotate.
– Applications: Effective in treating industrial and municipal wastewater with
high organic loads, particularly for small to medium-sized treatment plants.
• Fixed Film Nitrification Reactor:
– Description: These reactors are designed specifically for nitrification, the
conversion of ammonia (NH3) to nitrate (NO3-) by nitrifying bacteria. They
typically use plastic media where nitrifying bacteria form a biofilm.
– Applications: Used in wastewater treatment plants to achieve nitrification,
which is an essential step for reducing ammonia levels in effluent.
• Aerobic attached growth processes are known for their stability and
resistance to shock loads. They are particularly useful in treating
wastewater with high organic content and are often employed as
secondary treatment processes in wastewater treatment plants.
Proper maintenance of the attached biofilm and control of
operational parameters are crucial for their effective operation.
• Wastewater treatment plant sludge treatment and disposal are crucial
aspects of the overall wastewater treatment process. Sludge is the solid or
semisolid residual material generated during the treatment of wastewater.
Proper management of sludge is essential to prevent environmental
contamination and public health risks. Here are common methods for
sludge treatment and disposal:
• Thickening:
– Purpose: To increase the solids concentration in sludge, reducing its volume and
making it easier to handle.
– Process: Gravity thickening or mechanical methods (e.g., centrifuges, belt presses)
are used to remove excess water.
– Advantages: Reduced volume, lower transportation costs.
– Disadvantages: May require chemical additives for enhanced thickening.
• Stabilization:
– Purpose: To reduce the potential for odors, pathogens, and organic content in
– Process: Anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, or lime stabilization can be used to
stabilize sludge.
– Advantages: Reduced odor, pathogen reduction, and improved dewatering.
– Disadvantages: Energy and maintenance requirements for digestion.
• Dewatering:
– Purpose: To further reduce the moisture content of sludge,
making it suitable for transport and disposal.
– Process: Mechanical methods like filter presses, centrifuges, or
drying beds are used to remove water.
– Advantages: Lower transportation costs, reduced sludge volume.
– Disadvantages: Energy-intensive, requires regular maintenance.
• Thermal Treatment:
– Purpose: To reduce sludge volume and produce energy or heat.
– Process: Incineration or pyrolysis can be used to combust the
sludge at high temperatures.
– Advantages: Significant volume reduction, energy recovery.
– Disadvantages: High capital and operational costs, air emissions
control required for incineration.
• Land Application:
– Purpose: To beneficially use sludge as a soil conditioner or
– Process: Sludge is treated to meet regulatory requirements
and then applied to agricultural or reclamation lands.
– Advantages: Recycling nutrients, improving soil quality.
– Disadvantages: Potential for nutrient runoff, careful
regulation and monitoring required.
• Landfilling:
– Purpose: To dispose of sludge in a secure landfill.
– Process: Sludge is dewatered and placed in lined landfills
meeting environmental regulations.
– Advantages: Secure disposal, containment of contaminants.
– Disadvantages: Space and transportation costs, potential for
long-term environmental impacts.
• Ocean Disposal:
– Purpose: Historically used for offshore disposal of treated sludge.
– Process: Sludge is treated and then discharged into the ocean following strict
– Advantages: Large disposal capacity.
– Disadvantages: Environmental concerns and regulatory restrictions.
• Emerging Technologies:
– Purpose: To explore innovative methods such as algae-based systems or
resource recovery.
– Process: Research is ongoing in areas like algae cultivation for nutrient recovery
or converting sludge to biofuels.
– Advantages: Potential resource recovery and reduced environmental impact.
– Disadvantages: Experimental and may have high development costs.
• The choice of sludge treatment and disposal method depends on factors
such as sludge composition, regulatory requirements, available
resources, and environmental considerations. Many wastewater
treatment plants employ a combination of these methods to effectively
manage and dispose of sludge while recovering valuable resources
whenever possible.

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