Exploring Heutagogy

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John W. Schlatter

I am a Teacher.
I was born the first moment that a question
leaped from the mouth of a child.
I have been many people in many places.
I am Socrates exciting the youth of Athens
to discover new ideas through the use of

I am Anne Sullivan tapping out the secrets

of the universe into the outstretched hand
of Helen Keller.
I am Aesop and Hans Christian Andersen
revealing truth through countless stories.

I am Marva Collins fighting for every child’s

right to an education.
The names of those who have practiced
my profession ring like a hall of fame for

Booker T. Washington, Buddha, Confucius,

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Leo Buscaglia, Moses
and Jesus.
I am also those whose names and faces
have long been forgotten but whose lessons
and character will always be remembered
in the accomplishments of their students.
I have wept for joy at the weddings of
former students, laughed with glee at the
birth of their children and stood with head
bowed in grief and confusion by graves dug
too soon for bodies far too young.
Throughout the course of a day I have been
called upon to be an actor, friend, nurse and
doctor, coach, finder of lost articles, money
lender, taxi driver, psychologist, substitute
parent, salesman, politician and a keeper of
the faith.
Despite the maps, charts, formulas, verbs,
stories and books, I have really had nothing
to teach, for my students really have only
themselves to learn, and I know it takes the
whole world to tell you who you are.
I am a paradox. I speak loudest when I listen
the most. My greatest gifts are in what I am
willing to appreciatively receive from my
Material wealth is not one of my goals,
but I am a full-time treasure seeker in my
quest for new opportunities for my students
to use their talents; and in my constant search
for those talents that sometimes lie buried in
I am the most fortunate of all who labor.
A doctor is allowed to usher life into the
world in one magic moment.

I am allowed to see that life is reborn

each day with new questions, ideas and
An architect knows that if he builds with
care, his structure may stand
for centuries.

A teacher knows that if he builds with love

and truth, what he builds will last forever.
I am a warrior, daily doing battle against
peer pressure, negativity, fear,
conformity, prejudice, ignorance and
But I have great allies: Intelligence,
Curiosity, Parental Support, Individuality,
Creativity, Faith, Love and Laughter all
rush to my banner with indomitable support.
And who do I have to thank for this
wonderful life I am so fortunate
to experience, but you the public,
the parents.

For you have done me the great honor

to entrust to me your greatest contribution
to eternity, your children.
And so I have a past that is rich in
memories. I have a present
that is challenging, adventurous and
fun because I am allowed to spend my
days with the future.

I am a teacher...and I thank God for

it every SINGLE day.
At the end of the session, the
participants are expected to:
1. define Heutagogy;
2. explain the principles of
Heutagogy; and
3. share how Heutagogy was used or
can be used in the classroom.
Label the different features with

10 minutes

Heutagogy is a learner-centered
teaching approach that empowers
students to take control of their
learning. It is based on the idea that
individuals can direct their learning
and development and should actively
participate in education.
Heutagogy, or self-determined
learning, is a student-centered
instructional methodology that
focuses on the development of
autonomy, capacity, and
1. Learner Agency
The fundamental and central
principle of the strategy is learner
agency, according to which the
student is the primary agent of his or
her learning process.
2. Self-Efficacy And Capability
- self-efficacy, which relates to the learner’s
belief in his or her abilities.
- capability relates to the learner’s ability to
demonstrate an acquired competency or skill
in new and unique environments. The
combination of both components has the
potential to create transformational learning.
3. Metacognition And Reflection
This component relates to the students’ ability
to reflect, recollect and critically reflect upon
what they have learned. Therefore,
metacognitive skills are essential to the
strategy, as it is a process of thinking about
one’s learning.
4. Non-Linear Learning
The strategy provides the students
with a variety of options based on
which they choose their own paths,
which is the definition of non-
linear learning.
5. Learning How To Learn
This component deals with
learning the processes that the
students need to use to learn new
things or topics.

1. Learner Defined Learning
The first step includes teachers and
students coming together to identify
learning needs and
learning outcomes.
1. Learner Defined Learning
One way of facilitating the process is to have the
learner review their unique context via questions such
 What does the learner want to learn or achieve?
 What results should we expect from the learning
 What specific curriculum objectives are required?
2. Flexible Curriculum
To ensure the success of the heutagogical
approach, institutes and teachers must enable the
flexibility of the curriculum. In addition, it should
include learners’ questions, motivations, and how
thinking shifts as a result of what they have learned.
They should be able to create a curriculum for
themselves (under the guidance of teachers) that can
integrate their individual needs.
2. Flexible Curriculum

- Learning Stations - Choice Boards

- Project-based Learning - Flipped


- Individualized Learning Plans

- Interest-based Workshops
3. Flexible And Negotiated Assessment
In heutagogy, students do not require to undergo
standardized tests; they develop their own
assessments. It gives them the freedom to assign
context, explore beyond the outcome and be
creative. Consequently, this will enable them to
demonstrate competency and skill.
3. Flexible And Negotiated Assessment
- Alternative Assignments
- Self-reflection Portfolio
- Peer and Self-Assessments
- Negotiated Exams
4. Collaborative Learning
Students would initially face difficulty
regarding Heutagogy in education due to its
independent nature, especially if they are not habituated to
taking responsibility for their learning. Hence, teachers
must encourage collaboration in the classroom to ease the
transition in self-directed learning.
Collaborative learning help learners attain a common goal
and solve problems together by sharing and reinforcing
knowledge and skills.
Directions: Answer one set of questions only.
1. Which Heutagogical approach in the classroom have
you used?
Describe how you did it and how was the learning
experience of the learners.
How are you going to improve it?
2. Which Heutagogical approach would you want to
apply in your classroom?
How are you going to do it?
“If your gift is that of serving
others, SERVE WELL; If you
are a teacher, TEACH WELL.”
Romans 12:7, NLT

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