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The decision to choose a career is one of the most
important choices a person can make in their life. It
requires careful consideration and reflection to ensure
that the chosen career path aligns with one's interests,
skills, and values. The field of Criminology has
emerged as a popular choice among students due to its
intriguing nature and the opportunity to make a
meaningful impact on society. Criminology involves
the study of crime, its causes, and its consequences,
providing students with a wide range of career
opportunities in law enforcement, criminal justice,
research, policy-making, and rehabilitation. As the
demand for professionals in this field continues to
grow, understanding the factors that influence career
choices in Criminology becomes crucial.
The present study aimed to delve into the factors
that influence the career selection of Criminology
students in University of Cebu Lapu-lapu and
Mandaue. By examining the initial career thoughts
of these students, measuring the level of influence
from various factors, determining their career
preferences within the field of Criminology, and
exploring the relationships between initial career
thoughts, career selection, and the level of
influence, the study sought to provide valuable
insights into the career decision-making process of
Criminology students.
To conduct the study, a quantitative survey research method was employed,
involving a sample size of 399 Criminology students from University of Cebu Lapu-
lapu and Mandaue. A self-made survey questionnaire was carefully designed to
gather comprehensive data on the participants' initial career thoughts and their level
of influence from various factors. The collected data were then meticulously
tabulated and interpreted to draw meaningful conclusions.
The findings of the study shed light on the initial career thoughts of Criminology
students in University of Cebu Lapu-lapu and Mandaue. It was revealed that a
significant majority of participants (77.7%) initially considered pursuing a career in
Law Enforcement and Investigation. This inclination towards law enforcement
reflects the common perception of Criminology as a field primarily associated with
police work and detective roles. However, it is important to note that Criminology
offers a diverse range of career paths beyond law enforcement, and students should
be aware of the multitude of opportunities available to them.
In addition to Law Enforcement and Investigation, the study also
uncovered other career preferences within the field of Criminology among the
participants. These included Community Service, Courts and Law, Research,
Planning, and Teaching, Correction, and Other fields. These varied career
preferences indicate that students are not solely focused on law enforcement but
also harbor interests in areas such as community engagement, legal systems,
research, and rehabilitation.
To gain a deeper understanding of the factors influencing career selection,
the study measured the level of influence from different sources, namely family
influence, personal influence, and social influence. The findings revealed
interesting insights. Family influence was found to be the least influential factor,
suggesting that students are more likely to follow their own decision based on
their own abilities and aspirations rather than solely relying on their parents'
advice. On the other hand, personal influence emerged as the most influential
factor, indicating that students prioritize their own interests, skills, and values
when making career choices. Social influence was considered moderately
influential in the career selection of Criminology students. The presence of
successful individuals in the students' environment, such as professionals in the
field or influential figures, was found to inspire and guide students towards
specific career paths. This highlights the role of role models and societal
expectations in shaping students' perceptions and career aspirations. The study
underscores the importance of considering both personal and social factors
when exploring career options in Criminology.
In terms of career selection, the majority of
participants (72.2%) chose Law Enforcement and
Investigation as their preferred career path within
Criminology. This was followed by Courts and Law,
Community Service, Research, Planning, and
Teaching, Correction, and Other fields. These results
indicate that students are primarily drawn towards
careers related to law enforcement, reflecting the
common perception of Criminology. However, it is
crucial to provide students with information and
exposure to the diverse career paths within
Criminology to ensure they make informed
decisions aligned with their interests and skills.
Based on the findings, the study concluded that there
is a significant difference between initial career thoughts
and actual career selection among Criminology students in
Cavite. This suggests that students' initial perceptions of the
Criminology field may differ from their ultimate career
choices. However, the study did not find a significant
relationship between the level of influence and career
selection of Criminology students. This indicates that while
various factors may influence students' career choices, the
level of influence does not necessarily determine their final
career path.
The study recommends that the findings be utilized to provide
encouragement and support for Criminology students in their chosen
career paths. By understanding the factors that influence career
choices in Criminology, educators, parents, and students can work
together to provide guidance and resources that facilitate informed
decision-making. The study also suggests further exploration of the
impact of different factors on career selection within the field of
Criminology to gain a more comprehensive understanding of
students' career decision-making process. Ultimately, the study's
results can be utilized to design programs and initiatives that help
students make informed career choices and prepare them for
successful and fulfilling careers in the field of Criminology.

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