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Sessions: L1 – L3

Lecturer: Solomon Abiam, GCTU

Contact Information:

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam •1

Information Systems

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam •2

Learning Objectives
After this lecture and additional reading, students will be able to:

• Understand the definition of an information system.

• Differentiate between data and information.

• Grasp the fundamental concepts of - systems and sub-systems.

• Describe the essential hardware components in an information system.

• Describe the various software components in an information system.

03/10/2024 Solomon Abiam •3

Information system
An information system (IS) is an interconnected
set of components used to collect, store,
process and transmit data and digital

03/10/2024 Solomon Abiam •4

Information system CON’T
• An information system is a formal,
sociotechnical, organizational system
designed to collect, process, store,
and distribute information.

• From a sociotechnical perspective,

information systems are composed
by four components: task, people,
structure, and technology.

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam •5

Integrated Information Systems
• Set of interrelated components that
collect, process, store and distribute
information used by/support one or
more business process(es)

• Support decision making, coordination,

and control

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam •6

Market Intelligence System for Strategic
Business Planning
• An information system employed
by organizations to analyze
market trends and competitor
data, aiding in strategic planning
for the enhancement of business

• IS is a computer system that

implements business strategies.

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam •7

Collaborative Innovation
• Operational management professionals and Information Services
experts collaborate, leveraging Information Systems to brainstorm
and address business challenges. The outcome is a recognition that
reimagining computer methods opens up new possibilities for gaining
a competitive edge

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam •8

Metrics and Analytics in Information
It provides companies with tools to
apply metrics and analytical
methods to their information
repositories, enabling them to
identify growth opportunities and
precisely enhance operational

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam •9

IS for Business Advancement
• IS helps businesses and organizations categorize, store, process and
transfer the information they create and receive.
• The ideas came from business operational people, and Information
Services supplied the technological capabilities to realize profitable

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 10

Four main actors
• Business firms
• Managers and employees
• Suppliers of hardware and
• Firm’s environment (legal,
social, etc context)

03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam 11

The Information System Pyramid

At each level of the information

pyramid there are also
information systems which deal
specifically with that type of

03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam 12

The Information System Pyramid CON’T

• The first level represents transaction processing systems

focused on operational decisions.
• The second level represents management information systems
focused on tactical decisions.
• The third level represents executive information systems
focused on strategic decisions

03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam 13

Benefits of Information System
• Supports a better focused investment in IT - improves ROI on
information investment

• Reduced costs of information processing – saves money

• Better information storage, sharing and re-use of knowledge

• Reduces time and effort expended on searching for and managing

information – relieves pressure on time/resources

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 14

IS Career Paths
• Data Analyst
• Database Administrator
• Information Security Analyst
• Software Developer
• IT Project Manager
• Systems Analyst
• IT Consultant

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 15

Information vs. Data

• Data are streams of raw facts

• Information is data shaped into

meaningful form

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 16

Three activities produce information in an

Input: Captures raw data from

organization or external

Processing: Converts raw data

into meaningful form.

Output: Transfers processed

information to people or activities
that use it.

03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam 17

Fundamental Concepts - Systems and Sub-systems

• A system is a collection or group of

parts that interact with each other to
function as a whole and with a
purpose. E.g. Computer System,
Financial System.

• A subsystem is a smaller, self-

contained system within a larger

• It performs specific functions or tasks

and contributes to the overall
functionality of the larger system.

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 18

Holism vs. Reductionism
• Holism emphasizes the study of the
entire system as a whole,
considering the interactions and
relationships between components.

• Reductionism breaks down a

system into its individual
components for detailed analysis.

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 19

Types of Systems

Systems can be
• closed systems that have no
interaction beyond themselves.

• open systems that interact with

and change their environment
(beyond their own boundary).

• Isolated system refers to a

computing system or a network
that operates independently from
other systems or networks.

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 20

Characteristics of a System
• Components
• Interconnection
• Interdependence
• Boundary
• Purpose or Goal
• Input/Output
• Environment
• Control
• Emergent Properties
• Hierarchy
• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 21
Computer Hardware Components
• Computer hardware refers to
the physical components of a
computer system (both internal
and external) devices, that are
used for processing, storing, and
displaying data.
• Hardware components form the
foundation of an information
system, working in conjunction
with software, data, and human
users to support the overall
functioning of the system

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 22

An Overview of Software
• What is software?
• Software, also called a program, is a set of
instructions and associated documentation
that tells a computer what to do or how to
perform a task.
• It tells the computer what tasks to perform
and how to perform them.

• computer software refers to the
set of instructions or programs
that enable a computer to
perform specific tasks,
processes, or functions.
• Software is a critical element
working with hardware, data,
and people to facilitate the
processing, storage, retrieval,
and communication of

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 24

Where can we find softwares?


Among many other places …......


03/10/2024 25
Software is almost everywhere


An Overview of Software


Application software
software (Operating

Layer 2 Layer 1

Types Application Software
• Proprietary
• Owned by companies or an individual who developed it.
• There are restrictions on its use and the source code is
kept a secret
• Designed to solve a unique and specific problem
• In-house
• Development of application software using the
company’s resources
• Contract
• Developed for a particular company
• Off-the-shelf
• An existing software program that can be used without
considerable changes expected

Proprietary Off-the-shelf
software software

In-house Customized Standard

developed package package

In-house Contract
customized customization

Types of Software

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 30

System Software

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 31

Application Software

• 03/10/2024 • Solomon Abiam • 32

Scope of Influence
• Personal
• Information systems that serve the needs
of an individual user
• Workgroup
• Two or more people who work together to
achieve a common goal
• Enterprise
• Information systems that support the firm
in its interaction with its environment.

Personal Use

• The use of information system or a

software to achieve a person goal.
• Think of anything you might want to do on
a computer, and someone has probably
created application software for it.
• However, there are a number of general
types of applications that most users have
installed on their computer.
• Examples is using Microsoft word to
complete your final project work.

Workgroup Applications

• A workgroup is a collection of individuals working together on a task.

Many personal applications extend into workgroup applications.
• Workgroup software applications are also referred to as 'collaborative
software,' or 'groupware.'
• There are several categories of workgroup applications, including:
• Electronic communications: applications send messages, documents
and files between people on different computer systems.
• Electronic conferencing : software that makes it possible to have
meetings in real-time without being physically present in the same
• Scheduling and coordination tools: facilitate scheduling meetings and
other group activities.
Enterprise Applications
• An Enterprise is an organization with a large number of employees, typically
distributed over a number of offices located at different geographic locations.
• An enterprise application is therefore a big complex business application.
• They must be scalable, distributed and component-based. They are deployed on a
variety of platforms across corporate networks, intranets, or the Internet.
• Examples:
• Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
• Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
• Business Intelligence.
• automated billing systems
• payment processing
• content management
• HR Management

Supply Chain

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
• Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP):
• A set of integrated programs that manage a
company’s vital business operations for an entire
multi-site, global organization
• Vendors include:
• Oracle
• PeopleSoft
• Dun & Bradstreet
• JD Edwards

Issues and Trends
• Software licensing
• Protection by software vendors to prevent
unauthorized use
• Software upgrades
• A revised version of software that usually
includes fixes of known problems, plus
enhancements to existing capabilities
• Global software support
• Software that is distributed around the
globe may require unique support
mechanisms due to local political and
economic conditions
Acquiring Software(1)
• Commercial software
• Used most often
• Copyrighted
• Generally costly
• May not be copied without permission of the manufacturer
• Freeware
• Free to all (“No free lunch in America; beware of malware)
• Copyrighted
• Distributed in machine-readable format
• Shareware
• Freely distributed for a trial period
• Pay a nominal fee to register with the author
• Examples:,, ZDNet Download,,
Acquiring Software (2)
• Public-domain software
• Un-copyrighted
• May be used or altered without restriction
• Generally developed under government
• Open-source
• Free to all
• Source code is distributed
• May be used or altered
• Popular under the LINUX OS

Purchasing Commercial Software

• Individuals
• Software warehouse store
• Mail order
• Electronic software distribution
• Businesses
• Volume discount
• Site license
• Network versions
• Application Service Provide (ASP)
• Software is setup and maintained by ASP
• Access the software over the Internet
• Pay per use
• Saves the expense of installing and maintaining the software
Task-Oriented Software or Productivity
• These are software programs and tools that help users to create
documents, presentations, tables, charts, and graphs.
• They maybe used in business, in education, or at home.

Word Processing
• Uses
• Memos
• Reports
• Correspondence
• Minutes of meetings
• Anything to be typed
• Functions
• Create
• Edit
• Format
• Store
• Print text and graphics

Desktop Publishing

• Uses
• Newsletters
• Reports
• Brochures
• Functions
• Handles high-level publishing


• Uses
• Comparing mortgage interest rates
• Preparing budgets
• Tracking weight loss
• Functions
• Manipulates numbers in rows and
• Recalculates the results when a
number is changed
• What if?

Database Management

• Uses
• Keep track of a large number of related
• Query the data for specific information
• Retrieve information in a variety of
• Functions
• Store data
• Update data
• Manipulate data
• Retrieve data
• Print data in many forms
• Report on data in a variety of ways
Presentation Graphics

• Uses
• Sales tool
• Demonstrate a product
• Show cost/benefit projections on
• Present audio/video testimonials
from satisfied customers
• May contain
• Text
• Graphics
• Audio
• Video

Computer Art work
• Use software to
• Produce art
• Express ideas
• Graphic artist
• Artistic ability
• Computer skills
• Produces computer art
• Example: Corel draw,
Adobe photoshop etc.


• Provides method for

communicating between
• Most likely way to connect is
via the Internet
• Use a browser to access the

Office Suites
• Group of basic software applications
designed to work together
• Data is portable between basic
applications of the suite
• Various applications in the suite
have the same “look and feel”
• Cost of suite is less than purchasing
individual applications

Integrated Applications
• Combine basic word processing, spreadsheet, and graphics
• More limited than a suite
• Easier to learn and use

Business Software

• Custom-written to
meet special business
• Standard packages
• Combination of
custom-written and

Vertical Market Software
• Written for a particular type of business
• Dentist’s office
• Drugstore
• Auto shop
• Software may be part of complete package
• Hardware
• Installation
• Training
• Support

Software for Small Business
• Accounting
• Spreadsheet software
• Accounting package – Basic accounting, financial
statements, tax summaries, payroll
• Writing and Advertising
• Word processing
• Desktop publishing
• Customer Service
• Database management

Application Software Ethics

What is legal?
Software Piracy
• Making illegal copies of copyrighted software
• Why the fuss?
• Very easy to duplicate software vs. a textbook
• Software company may lose hundreds of dollars per pirated copy
• Prosecution
• Yes: Small-medium sized business who purchase a few copies and
distribute to many users
• No: Individual users who probably would not have purchased software on
their own anyway.

• Software is copied onto CD-ROMS / DVD-ROMS
• Package duplicates the original
• Sold in flea markets or small stores
• Cheaper price
• Occurs more in developing countries

Copying Software
• Legitimate reasons
• Backup copy
• Copy to hard disk
• Illegitimate reasons
• Obtain software without paying for it

Computers and People
• Any individual who
operates a computer
to accomplish a task
• Home
• Business

End User Software Characteristics
• User-friendly
• Easy
• Intuitive
• Minimum training and documentation
needed to use

Systems Software
• Is an interface or buffer between
application software and hardware
• Controls the computer hardware and
acts as an interface with applications

Systems Software
• System software includes:
• Operating systems:
• is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources and
provides common services for computer programs. Examples: macOS, Ubuntu, Microsoft
Windows, computational
• Device drivers:
• a device driver is a computer program that operates or controls a device that is attached
to a computer.
• Middleware:
• is computer software that provides services to software applications beyond those
available from the operating system
• Utility software:
• is system software designed to help to analyze, configure, optimize or maintain a
Operating System Functions
• Perform common computer hardware
• Provide a user interface
• Provide a degree of hardware independence
• Manage system memory
• Manage processing tasks
• Provide networking capability
• Control access to system resources
• Manage files
User Interface
• User interface
• A function of the operating system that
allows individuals to access and command
the computer
• Command-based user interface
• A particular user interface that requires
text commands be given to the computer
to perform basic activities
• E.g., unix, DOS
• Graphical user interface (GUI)
• A user interface that uses pictures (icons)
and menus displayed on the screen to
send commands to the computer system
• E.g. Windows, UNIX, MAC OS, Android

Some Software Concepts
• Multitasking
• A processing activity that allows a user to run more than one application at the same
• Multithreading
• A processing activity that is basically multitasking within a single application
• Time-sharing
• A processing activity that allows more than one person to use a computer system at
the same time


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