Real Estate Technology

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GROUP LEADER: Ms Ann Gelyn Macaldo
Mr. Jerome John Selim
Ms Nova Manulat-Felicita
Ms Sauda L. Sarip
Ms Lyka F. Pajarillo
IN 2022–2025
Artificial intelligence (AI), along with machine learning and
virtual assistants, is undoubtedly the future of real estate
technology, as it has the potential to transform the way companies
operate completely.

According to StartUs Insights, AI-based smart solutions comprised 26%

of innovations in 2024. This one of the best real estate technology can be
used in many facets, such as:

• Conducting historical data analysis;

• Optimizing pricing strategies;
• Automating customer service tasks;
• Determining global real estate market trends;
• Delivering accurate valuations using previous data;
• Helping identify consumer needs;
• Recommending relevant properties;
• Enhancing the overall purchasing experience.
For instance, artificial intelligence algorithms can help agents identify patterns in customer behavior and tailor their marketing
campaigns accordingly. Another application is optimizing online ads so that they are better at targeting the right audience. By
leveraging AI, agents can gain an edge over their competitors, reach the right people with their message, increase conversions,
and provide a more streamlined service for their prospective buyers.

Overall, AI has undisputedly been one of the most significant advances in real estate technology trends and is likely to become
even more integral in the years to come.

Rex Homes uses AI algorithms that place ads on different channels (e.g.,
social media, marketplaces) based on target audience metrics, such as
purchase history. Their specialists also use programmed robots that can
answer almost any question about the real estate object they're showing to
potential buyers. As a result, within two years of launch, they closed 231
deals, raised $25.5 million, and reduced brokerage commission to 2%
compared to the average of 5-6%.
Immersive technologies allow you to provide prospective clients
with an immersive 3D experience of a property, which helps
visualize what it would be like to live on sight with the power of
virtual or augmented reality.

Goldman Sachs estimates that the AR/VR market will reach

almost $80 billion by 2025, not the least thanks to the real estate

Many real estate companies already give potential customers

virtual tours of their houses so that customers can tour several
properties from anywhere in the world.

Not only do these experiences help potential buyers make more

informed decisions, but they also provide a much better customer
After all, why waste time visiting properties you're not even sure
about when you can take virtual tours from the comfort of your
own home? And no matter the weather—be it sunshine or Covid-

Additionally, builders and architects can use virtual reality (VR)

and augmented reality (AR) as smart building technologies to
create 3D models of a potential project before committing
resources to build it. This allows iterating faster and validating
ideas before investing in construction.


Artisan Staged Homes & Room Redesign uses visual staging for empty properties,
which allows them to increase the average sales profit by 17% and sell 87% faster.
On a different scale, PIXO uses VR training in construction, which helps learn the
same material 40-60% faster than in a traditional setting.
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
Internet of Things (IoT) smart devices can do more than just monitor the
physical environment of a building; they can also help monitor activity
and protect from unauthorized usage. For example, IoT sensors are used
in various systems within buildings to track water pressure and electricity
usage. You’ll know if something needs maintenance if any of the
indicators are off the charts.

In the coming years, IoT devices will also become increasingly intertwined with
other aspects of real estate management. For example, this real estate technology
can be used to:
• Help regulate heating and cooling systems to save energy and reduce costs for
property owners;
• Connect with smart locks, so you can control access remotely or based on
specific conditions;
• Enable agents to provide a more personalized and seamless experience;
• Monitor customer activity on the property so that agents can respond to any
inquiries quickly and efficiently;
• Send automated notifications about maintenance issues or late payments.
All in all, IoT devices are set to revolutionize the real estate market in the
coming years. By leveraging this powerful technology, real estate agents
can provide a more tailored and efficient service to their clients. This
could potentially increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.


CBRE uses IoT sensors—they collect data about building performance,

like energy usage—to improve building management and optimize
operations. In one case, using such sensors allowed the service to identify
HVAC system issues and cut energy costs by 20%. CBRE is also
helping Shell reach its goal of reducing 20% greenhouse gas emissions
by 2035, thanks to IoT.
Internet of Things
One of the newer property technology trends is building management systems (BMS). These software tools allow real
estate firms to monitor and control the physical environment of a building. This includes property metrics like
temperature, humidity, lighting levels, air conditioning, security systems, and more.

Such real estate software can also be used to automate certain property management tasks, such as scheduling
maintenance work or controlling the flow of people into specific areas.

BMS is set to be one of the most important technology trends in real estate, as it can ensure more efficient resource
usage and help turn ordinary buildings into smart homes. By automating certain aspects of building management, BMS
can save time and money, thus freeing up resources that can be used elsewhere in the organization.
Additionally, they allow property managers to monitor the physical environment of residential and commercial
buildings in real time, which can help them detect potential issues before they become serious.

The technology can also help building managers provide a more personalized experience for property buyers,
potentially increasing their satisfaction and loyalty.

Based on customer needs and preferences, BMS can be used to automatically adjust the temperature of a room
according to the occupants' desired settings or turn off lights when no one is in the room.


BMS is mostly used to cut energy costs, and even governments see the benefit in saving up to 30% of energy. For
example, in the European Union countries, such systems will become mandatory by 2025, and in the UK, they are
recommended for buildings with an over 290 kW effective output. Additionally, they help maintain buildings and fix
potential issues before they become a huge problem.
By leveraging such powerful technologies as big data and analytics, agents can gain valuable insights into
customer behavior, market trends, and investment opportunities. This will enable them to make timely and
informed decisions that can improve business performance.

Numerous real estate professionals use commercial real estate

technology on market-related big data to identify properties that fit their
investment criteria. This data can include everything from listing
descriptions to demographic data, real estate industry trends, and
preferences of potential tenants.

With this valuable information at their fingertips, agents can make

decisions that best suit the needs of their clients.

Using big data and analytics can also help real estate agents understand
their audience better. By collecting and analyzing customer data, agents
can gain a deeper understanding of their preferences and needs.
Big data analytics will enable more personalized
services that could potentially increase customer
satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, it can detect
patterns in customer behavior, which can then be
used to target marketing campaigns and promotions


The real estate listing platform Redfin uses big data analytics to provide users with insights. For example, it can show
how likely a property is to sell within a certain period, which creates a sense of urgency for potential buyers. However,
this isn’t some empty marketing ploy but rather actual data.
CRM systems are a life-saver in the real estate market. They allow real estate agents and property managers to easily
store and manage client information, keep track of real estate deals in progress, and make sure sensitive documents
remain secure.

Real estate management software can benefit the real estate industry in many ways:
• Streamline communication between agents, landlords, and tenants;
• Efficiently process applications, leases, and property maintenance;
• Enable agents to easily keep track of their various real estate listings, as well as store all relevant documentation and
property data securely in one place;
• Provide real-time updates about the status of a property and allow a real estate agent to respond quickly and manage
any issues that arise;
• Offer various analytics tools that assist agents and property owners in identifying trends in customer behavior,
measuring their performance, and gaining valuable insights into the market.

All these features can ultimately lead to improved efficiency and profitability for the real estate sector.

TurboTenant allows property

managers to screen potential
tenants within minutes—check
credit history, criminal
background, and eviction cases
—to decide whether they can
be trusted.
The distributed ledgers in commercial real estate technology can be used to securely record property titles and contracts, as well as
facilitate seamless transactions between buyers and sellers. By leveraging blockchain technology, all stakeholders in the real estate
sector will benefit from improved transparency, security, and efficiency when managing property titles and contracts.

Blockchain-based smart contracts can also enable faster and more secure transactions immune to fraud or manipulation. Smart
contracts are digitally signed, legally binding agreements between two parties that ensure all conditions set out in the agreement are
automatically met without manual intervention.

Real estate technology trends like this eliminate middlemen, reduce transaction costs, and can facilitate faster completion of real
estate transactions.
Numerous companies nowadays have an online presence where they list properties
in their portfolio for their clients to view. However, what if they had access to a
platform that collects data from multiple sources and provides them with up-to-date
listings at their fingertips?

That's where property aggregation platforms can do wonders in the real estate
industry, making it easier for agents to find the perfect property for their clients
while also allowing them to compare prices and gain property industry insights.

These platforms provide agents with a comprehensive overview of the market in

their area by gathering data from numerous sources, such as public record
databases, regional real estate associations, and more.

Property aggregation platforms can even be used to provide prospective clients

with virtual tours of properties they are considering purchasing. The technology
also allows agents to track changes in the market and identify potential
opportunities they would otherwise have missed.
Using drones in the real estate industry may revolutionize how real
estate is marketed and inspected and potentially increase property and
land values:

• Better marketing materials. Drones give agents a bird's eye view

of properties, which can be used to create stunning aerial videos
and photos to attract prospective buyers;
• Improved pre-sale activities. Drones can quickly inspect rooftops
and other hard-to-reach places, making it easier to check for any
potential issues or damages;
• Tracking of changes in the real estate market over time. Drones
can map out entire neighborhoods and record data collected from
price fluctuations. This allows real estate investors and agents to
analyze the market more accurately and make informed decisions
about their investments.

Drones may be the most impactful piece of tech used in real estate.
Agents devise various uses for them, not limited to aerial
photography; some agencies even offer virtual property tours guided
by drones with high-resolution equipment. Keller Williams and use drones for this very purpose.
Aside from governmental regulations, protecting sensitive data is a matter of reputation for any real estate business. The real estate
industry is no exception because businesses hold volumes of valuable information about real people that can be used and abused for
many purposes, like phishing for credentials of bank data.

The data security trend is, by far, the most essential one in real estate development going forward and will stay a priority after 2025.

Many software companies and startups offer solutions for encrypting data, monitoring and preventing cyberattacks, securing
network traffic, and managing risk. But there are also tools for tracking regulation compliance so that you don’t run into issues with
data security laws.

There are building cybersecurity tools that enable security staff to manage risk and access systems remotely to manage
vulnerabilities and backup data. This allows you to provide a safer working environment on real estate development sights.


Tokeny offers a blockchain platform that offers real estate security tokens. Tokenization helps combat poor accessibility of
properties due to physical location, low liquidity, and siloed data. Tokeny was hired in 2020 to fund real estate in Luxembourg, and
as a result, the platform helped cut compliance and administrative costs by 90%.
A digital twin in real estate industry serves as a virtual replica
of objects, systems, processes, or even people. It faithfully
mirrors the form and functions of the actual entity, staying
synchronized with it.

Using digital twins, real estate professionals can build a

model of a future building or an entire block and predict how
it will fit into the environment, withstand climatic conditions
and loads on supporting structures.

Digital twins extend their utility to the entire life cycle of a

property. In the planning phase, architects and developers can
craft intricate digital replicas of future buildings or entire real
estate developments, allowing them to foresee not just
structural aspects but also anticipate energy consumption,
space utilization, and environmental impact.
Once construction is underway, real-time monitoring through digital twins ensures that the actual build aligns
precisely with the initial design, providing invaluable insights to streamline the construction process and promptly
address any deviations. Post-construction, these digital twins metamorphose into invaluable assets for property
management. They empower stakeholders to optimize maintenance schedules, manage energy efficiency, and even
simulate the impact of various modifications on the building's performance.

Furthermore, digital twins prove instrumental in adaptive urban planning. By continuously updating and
incorporating real-time data, these twins become living models that facilitate smarter decisions for evolving
cityscapes. They aid in addressing issues like traffic flow, public services optimization, and sustainable


In residential real estate, brokerages and agents harness the power of digital twins through virtual tour technology,
offering prospective buyers immersive three-dimensional replicas of listed properties.

On the commercial front, real estate agents and property managers employ digital twins on a larger scale, creating
comprehensive models that encompass entire ecosystems of substantial listings.
Equity, or fractional investment, is a real estate investment option in which the ownership of one property begins to decline

Investors choose additional participation because it is cheaper than purchasing a management asset. Some types of fractional
ownership allow for privacy.

Investors are not keeping track of the real estate implications. The management company is responsible for the maintenance of
the facility. Income from rental between owners. Investments also include a vacation in hotels once a year for one to two weeks.

Lofty is a marketplace that let's anyone sell a house to investors online. Instead of the typical real estate transaction where one
seller sells to one buyer, Lofty is much more flexible. Sellers fractionalize their equity ownership in the property into smaller
units, so that anyone can buy a portion for as little as $50, allowing access to one of the best asset classes for people who have
previously been locked out. Sellers can also sell a portion of their equity (starting at just 10%) instead of the entire property or
create customized HELOC structures.
Mobile applications and mobile version have significantly transformed
the real estate landscape, providing innovative features for professionals
and consumers alike. Real-time communication is a cornerstone,
fostering seamless interaction among agents, buyers, and sellers.
Financial tools, including mortgage calculators, empower users to make
informed decisions conveniently. Push notifications ensure users are
promptly informed about property changes and real estate trends.

Transaction tracking enhances transparency, offering a clear view of

progress from property viewing to closing. Market insights and
personalized experiences round out the mobile app features, delivering
real-time information and tailored recommendations to individual

Apps like Zillow provide users with comprehensive features, including

property searches, virtual tours, and real-time market insights,
streamlining the buying and selling process. Additionally, real estate
platforms like Redfin offer personalized experiences, allowing users to
receive tailored recommendations based on individual preferences,
contributing to a more efficient and user-friendly real estate experience.
The next few years will be an incredibly exciting period for the real estate industry. As technology
advances rapidly, new tools and services are emerging that will revolutionize the way we do business.

Real estate technology trends are continuing to advance and evolve, with more and more real estate
companies turning to tech-based solutions for their real estate needs. From property aggregation
platforms and drones to predictive analytics systems and custom software solutions, there's no denying
the real estate industry is changing drastically.

For any real estate company, staying on top of these software development trends in real estate is
crucial to ensure they remain competitive in the market. When partnering with an experienced software
and mobile applications development company like Geniusee, real estate businesses can reap the
benefits of these groundbreaking technologies and stay ahead of their competitors.

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