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2 Gs
G: Gun
G: Gospel
G: Gold
G: Generation
G: “God is white” [6 Gs]
2 Gs
linked to colonialism that originated -
geographically from the global North (Europe,
North America) and recognized as geopolitical
imperialism and hegemony that is systemic and
gradually morphs into “settler colonialism”
(Benjamin L. Madley 2016 & John C. Chanco 2016)
and neoliberal capitalism symbolized by the
“Davos Forum”.
Benjamin L. Madley, An American Genocide: The United States
and the California ndian Catastrophe, New Haven & London:
Yale University Press, 2016;
Evelyn Tuck and Yang, K.W, “Decolonization is not a metaphor”
in Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society 1/1 (2012),
1-40, at
[22 November, 2021];
Christopher J Chanco, “Frontier politics and imaginaries: the
reproduction of settler colonial space in the Southern
Philippines,” Settler Colonial Studies 7/1 (2016), 111-133.
2 Gs
which civilizes [“banana-fied’ “memisangkan”
“memutihkan”] the rest of the world through colonial
governance that christianizes-colonizes-whitens the
“inferior-primitive-uncivilized” through education by
way of Christian mission schools and conversion, the
parishes administered by European missionaries & local
personnel (Catholics, catechists, nuns & priests)
“schooled” in European (an ethnocentric & local)
2 Gs
Aim: civilize through (neo) colonialism by conversion
with aggressive polices enforced through military
power of the gun (canons & gunboats, air-land-sea
power) that systematically exterminate First Nations,
the indigenous/original inhabitants and erase their
plural-local religiocultural wisdom and ecoknowledges.

This is salvage colonial policies is currently known as

“cultural genocide”.
POWER WITH (kunonya “equalize”) THRO’
power is “divide & rule” based on gender (humans
over nature/Earth; white over the colored; male
over women; north & south-south-south);
POWER FROM BELOW refers to resistance –
armed or people as ORGANIZED/ MOBILIZED
Spirit/Roh kosmic
Creational Pneumatology (Gen 1:1-2): explains
how Rûah Elohim (God’s Spirit) brings about creation
outside of Godself thro’ the creative power of Rûah and
then indwells in Creation, in every lifeforms, in each
human, each created thing, to become the focalized/
particularized spirit of the cat, dog, leopard, tiger,
forest, rain, river, rock, tree, vegetables.
Is God’s Spirit as Power “over” creation/earth
(CE), “with” & “within” CE, “below” CE as the
power of the Risen Lord, arising as new humans,
together with the new earth and new creation. So
the Rûah that transforms the earth (bread & wine)
into the PRESENCE (Body &Blood) of Jesus is the
same Rûah that transforms & re-NEW through
Local Sabah Narratives
–Storytelling: John Mansul, Ben Topin,
Steve Beliku, Anne & Jenifer
Lasimbang, Noel Seanundu K.J.,

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