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Economic Restoration and Degradation

What is Ecosystem ?Ecosystem is a community where living and non-living components co-exist and both the components inter-link by food –chain and energy
flow .
Two types of Ecosystem =Terrestrial Ecosystem = forest ecosystem , grass land ecosystem , dessert ecosystem ; Aquatic Ecosystem = Marine Ecosystem and fresh
water ecosystem
Human is a strange creature in the greed to more development the human has damaged ecosystem. Ecosystem degradation refers to the deuteriation of the
structure and function of an ecosystem .=Habitat Destruction , Pollution , Over exploitation , Climate change, Invasive species, Land degradation , Water
scarcity , Loss of Bio-diversity
What is ecosystem restoration ?“ The process of assisting recovery and ecosystem that has been degraded , damaged and destroyed “World Environment day is
celebrated on 5th June
5th June 2021 = Pakistan , Theme = Ecosystem Restoration 2010 -2030
5th June 2022 = Sweden , Theme = Only one earth – living sustainability in harmony with nature.
5th June 2023 = Netherland , Theme = Beat Plastic Pollution
5th June 2024= Saudi Arabia, Theme = Land restoration , drought resilience
Ecosystem Restoration
Farmland Ecosystem : stop using organic fertilizers and pesticides
Forest ecosystem : stop burning and cutting of woods;
Fresh water ecosystem : stop overfishing “ fish eats insects this ecosystem can be restored”
Grassland ecosystem : “Grass and savannas”
Mountain ecosystem : “Revive our mountains”
Marine Ecosystem : “ Sea grass is hidden champion which captures 35% more carbon in comparison to tropical forest.”;
Peatlands ecosystem : “Peatlands covers only 3% of world’s land still it has world’s 1/3% of carbon deposits in soil”
Urban ecosystem : Let’s Green our cities.
Que : what can we do for ecosystem in Urban areas?
Economic growth vs environmental sustainability
Economic growth and sustainability are two concepts that are often discussed together. Economic
growth is when the gross domestic product (GDP) increases over a period of time. Sustainable
growth means maintaining the growth rate without causing other economic problems. Rapid
growth may deplete resources, create environmental problems and contribute to global warming Growth
enables sustainability by encouraging investment Economic
growth strengthens consumer confidence, spending, and demand, all vital elements of a healthy investment climate
The argument is simple: “pollute first; clean up later".The validity of the EKC hypothesis, however, has been seriously
questioned. In a paper published in Science in 1995, a team of researchers led by Nobel prize-winning economist Kenneth
Arrow argues that the “pollute first; clean up later" approach is flawed. First, in the case of global pollutants such as carbon
dioxide, there is not enough evidence that its levels start falling after countries become richer.
Second, it is not clear how much damage we can cause to our ecological systems before which they start undergoing
irreversible changes. Such irreversible changes can lead to changes in the earth’s life-supporting systems, with unpredictable
consequences. Third, the improvement in environmental quality after an income threshold may have more to do with
the ability of developed nations to shift polluting industries to developing nations at low economic cost
and less to do with public demand for policies that lead to a cleaner environment
Climate change: What are the risks to corporations

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