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Horizont 2020

Jelena Kolić
Balkan Security Network
Horizon 2020 – EU Framework Programme
for Research & Innovation
1. Struktura
2. Pravila učešća
3. Finansijska pravila
4. Evaluacija
5. Participant Portal
Horizon 2020 – EU Framework Programme
for Research & Innovation
Cilj: Povećanje konkuretnosti Evrope globalno,
ekonomskog razvoja, stvaranja novih radnih mesta,
prevazilaženje ekonomske krize
FP7 + CIP + EIT
Ukupan budžet (2014-2020): 78.6 milijardi evra
Procenat uspešnosti od 5 do 15%
FP7 - podsetnik
ERC – Frontier research by the best
individual teams
FET – Collaborative research to open
new field of innovation
Marie Skolodowska Curie –
Opportunities for trainig and career
Research Infrastructure – Ensuring
access to world class facilities
ERC – Frontier research by the best individual teams

• Projekti izvsnosti u nauci (Excellence-driven projects)

• Finansiraju se:
 Pojedinačni istraživači i njihovi timovi
 Istaživači na početku svoje karijere koji žele
nezavisnost (“Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting
their own independent research team or programme”)

 “cutting-edge” nauka & revolucionarni rezultati

FET – Collaborative research to open new field of

• Vizionarske ideje za nove moćne tehnologije (“Collaborations

between advanced multidisciplinary science and cutting-edge engineering.” )
• Finansiraju se:

 FET Open
 FET Pro-Active
 FET Flagships (Graphene i Human Brain Project)
Marie Skolodowska Curie – Opportunities for trainig and
career development
Research Infrastructure – Ensuring access to world class facilities
• Developing the European research infrastructure for 2020
and beyond
• Fostering the innovation potential of research
infrastructure and their human capital
• Reinforcing the European research infrastructure policy
and international co-operation
 LEIT – Leadership in enabling
industrial technologies
 Access to Risk Finance – Leveraging
private finance and venture capital for
research and innovation
 Innovation in SMEs – Fostering all
forms of innovation in all types of
LEIT – Leadership in enabling industrial technologies

1. ICT (ICT)
2. Micro- and nano-electronics; photonics
3. Nanotechnologies (NMP)
4. Advanced materials (NMP)
5. Advanced manufacturing and processing
6. Biotechnology (KBBE)
7. Space (Space)
Access to Risk Finance – Leveraging private finance and
venture capital for research and innovation

“Under the 'Industrial Leadership' pillar, this section will

help companies and other types of organisation
engaged in research and innovation (R&I) to gain
easier access, via financial instruments, to loans,
guarantees, counter-guarantees and hybrid,
mezzanine and equity finance.”
Innovation in SMEs – Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs

Phase 1: concept and feasibility assessment

Phase 2: R&D, demonstration, market replication
Phase 3: commercialization.
• Health, demographic change and wellbeing (Health)
• Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and
maritime research, and the bio-economy (KBBE)
• Secure, clean and efficient energy (Energy)
• Smart, green and integrated transport (Transport)
• Climate action, resource efficiency and raw
materials (Env)
• Europe in a changing world - better societies (SSH)
• Secure societies - protecting freedom, security
• Health, demographic change and wellbeing
• Health, demographic change and wellbeing
Tipovi aktivnosti
• Research and innovation actions
• Innovation actions
• Coordination and support actions
• SME instrument
• Programme Co-fund
Reasearch and Innovation Actions
• Actions primarily consisting of activities aiming to
establish new knowledge and/or to explore the
feasibility of a new or improved technology, product,
process, service or solution.
• For this purpose they may include basic and applied
research, technology development and integration,
testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a
laboratory or simulated environment.
Innovation Actions
• Actions primarily consisting of activities directly
aiming at producing plans and arrangements or
designs for new, altered or improved products,
processes or services.
• For this purpose they may include prototyping,
testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product
validation and market replication.
Coordination and Support Actions
• Actions consisting primarily of accompanying
measures such as standardisation, dissemination,
awareness-raising and communication, networking,
coordination or support services, policy dialogues and
mutual learning exercises and studies, including
design studies for new infrastructure and may also
include complementary activities of networking and
coordination between programmes in different
Ko može da učestvuje?
Sva pravna i fizička lica u Evropi i šire
MS- Member States, zemlje članice EU
AC-Associated Countries: Crna Gora, Makedonija,
Farska ostrva, Lihtenštajn, Moldavija, Albanija, Bosna,
Turska, Izrael, Norveška, Island
Third countries
Ko može da učestvuje?
Mogu da učestvuju, ali se ne finansiraju učesnici iz
razvijenih zemalja: SAD, Kanada, Japan, Južna Koreja,
Singapur, Australija, Novi Zeland, Tajvan, Hong Kong,
Vatikan, San Marino, Monako, Andora i BRIC zemlje-
Brazil, Rusija, Indija, Kina i Meksiko.
(osim u koliko nije naročito navedeno u programu rada)
Ko može da učestvuje?
Neophodni uslovi
• Za standardne kolaborativne projekte
• Najmanje 3 pravna lica, svako osnovano u različitoj MS/AC

• Za SME Instrument, program co-fund, CSA, ERC, akcije

• 1 pravno lice osnovano u MS/AC

Dodatni uslovi
• Biće naznačeni u radnom programu -Work Programme
(npr. Broj učesnika, tip učesnika, itd)
Finansijska pravila
Po tipu akcije-Isti % finansiranja za sve učesnike u
jednom projektu
 do 100% svih dozvoljenih troškova za Istraživačko-
inovacione projekte i za CSA
 do 70% svih dozvoljenih troškova za inovacione projekte
(100% za neprofitne org)
 WP definiše visinu kofinansiranja

1 metod za izračunavanje indirektnih troškova

 25% od ukupnih direktnih troškova (- subcontracting, costs
of third parties and financial support to third parties
• Excellence
• Jedini kriterijum za ERC akcije

• Impact
• Nosi više bodova kod innovation actions
• Quality and efficiency in the implementation

Detalji i pragovi navedeni uWP

• Projekte ocenjuju nezavisni eksperti

Mogućnost 2 stage submission procedure
Isto: Kao i u FP7 svaki kriterijum donosi maksimalno
5 poena; prag za svaki je 3; minimalan broj poena je 10

Novo: Za Innovation Actions i SME instrument

impact faktor 1.5
Broj bodova za Imapct se prvo uzima u obzir kada dva
predloga projekta imaju isti broj bodova
HOR2020 vs. FP7
Dva glavna tipa projekata:
1) Istraživačko-inovacioni
2) Inovacioni
 Projekti okrenuti tržištu!
 8 meseci od prijave predloga projekta
 Open access obavezan za naučne publikacije
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