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How to Generate A Force in A Fluid Flow

P M V Subbarao
Mechanical Engineering Department
I I T Delhi

Dicover the mother of Force Vector ……

Deformation of Fluid Element : Main Cause Behind
Creation of Force
The Shocking News
• 1 million to 10 million years they might be able to make
a plane that would fly ?!?!?!
• People had dreamed of flying for many years.
• The United States Army was trying to develop an airplane
in 1903, but the plane wouldn't fly.
• The New York Times wrote that maybe in
1 million to 10 million years they might be able to make a
plane that would fly.
• Only eight days later two men were successful in flying
the first manned plane.
• Controlled, powered flight had seemed impossible until
Orville Wright took off on the 17th December 1903.
• They were Wilbur Wright and his younger brother,
Development of an Ultimate Fluid machine
The Natural Genius
The Art of Generating Force
Hydrodynamics of Prey & Predators
The Art of C-Start
The Art of Complex Swimming
Kate Carew Interviews the Wright Brothers
• “Are you manufacturing any racing machines?”
• “Not just now, but we intend to.”
• “How much can I buy one for?”
• “Seven thousand five hundred-dollars.”
• “Is that all? It doesn’t seem like an outside price for a perfectly good
• “Airship!” shouted the Wright brothers indignantly.
• “Is that the wrong word?”
• “An airship,” said Wilbur contemptuously, “is a big, clumsy balloon
filled with gas.”
• “Well, I don’t see why your biplane shouldn’t be called an airship,
• “It’s a flying machine,” said Wilbur.
• “The name we prefer is ‘flyer,’” said Orville.
• “An airship would cost $50,000,” said Wilbur.
• “More like $150,000,” said Orville, and they argued the question.

Transformation of an Airship into a Flying Machine

The Great Grand Fathers of Modern Flights
19th Century Inventions

Otto Lilienthal
H F Phillips
History of Airfoil Development
Can We Identify the Cause?
Which is best for describing how aircraft get the needed lift to fly?
Bernoulli's equation or Newton's laws and conservation of
Actions inside a Differential Fluid Volume



Cartesian Fluid Element

 
Fxy  dFxy

    
Fxz Fx  dFx Fxx  dFxx


Fx  
 Fxz  dFxz
Scalar Product of and a Second Order Tensor
 
Fyy  dFyy

 
Fy  dFy
 
Fyx  dFyx

 
Fyz  dFyz  
Fxy  dFxy

    
Fxz Fx  dFx Fxx  dFxx

 
Fx Fyx  
 Fxz  dFxz
Fxy 


Force is an Extensive Property

Recognize the intensive cause behind the extensive cause.

Step 1: The first index i refers to the axis, to which the fluid element
surface is perpendicular.
The second index j indicates the direction of the force component.
Force contributed by Each Unit Area of A
Differential Element
• Divide the individual components of the above force
vectors by their corresponding area of the fluid element
• The results of these divisions exhibit the components of a
second order stress tensor.
Force per unit area : An Important Tensor in Fluid
Fxx  dFxx
 xx  d xx 
 xx    y  z
y  z Fxy  dFxy

Fxz  
  Fxx  dFxx
 Fx  dFx

  
Fxy Fxz  dFxz
 11
d 11   x1
 xy   12
y  z d 12   x1
 xz 
Fxz  13
y  z d 13   x1
General Stress Condition
Force Balance on A Plane
Force Balance on Plane x in x direction:

ˆi  xx   xx  x   xx yz  iˆ  xx  xyz

 x  x
Force Balance on Plane x in y direction:

  xy   xy
ˆj  xy   x   xy yz  ˆj  xyz
 x  x
Force Balance on Plane x in z direction:

ˆ   xz  ˆ  xz
k  xx   x   xz yz  k  xyz
 x  x
The Resultant Force on A Plane
The resulting Force on Plane x:
   xx  xy ˆ  xz 
dFx  i ˆ
 j k xyz
 x x x 
The resulting Force on Planey:
   yx  yy  yz 
dFy  i ˆ
 j ˆ
k xyz
 y y y 

The resulting Force on Plane z:

   zx  zy  
dFz  i ˆ
 j  kˆ zz xyz
 z z z 
Force Balance on Differential Element
The total resulting force acting on the entire surface
of the element are obtained by considering the nine
 ˆ  xx ˆ  xy  
i j kˆ xz 
 x x x 
   yx  yy  yz
dF  iˆ ˆ
j kˆ
y y y  dV
 
Divide the resultant force   zx  zy  zz 
iˆ ˆ
j ˆ
k 
by dV and obtain intensive  z z z 
equivalent of dF
 ˆ  xx ˆ  xy  
i j kˆ xz 
x x x
  
dF  ˆ  yx ˆ  yy ˆ  yz
 i j k 
dV y y y
 
  zx  zy ˆ  zz 
iˆ ˆ
j k 
 z z z 
Transpose : A Natural Thinking
 ˆ  xx ˆ  yx ˆ  zx 
i i i 
 x y z 
dF   xy  yy  zy 
  ˆj ˆj ˆj 
dV  x y z 
   yz  
k ˆ xz ˆ
k kˆ zz  
 x y z  dF 

 .
   xx  yx  zx  
iˆ   
  x y z  
T 
dF   xy  yy  zy  
  ˆj  
dV   x y z  
 
kˆ   xz  yz  zz  
  x y  z
 
   
Stress is the Mother of Force

The stress is A tensor

 

It can be easily shown that dF     dV
•The above expression is a scalar differentiation of the second
order stress tensor and is called the divergence of the tensor
• We conclude that the force acting on the surface of a fluid
element is the divergence of its stress tensor.
•The stress tensor is usually divided into its normal and shear
stress parts.

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