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GED 0611-

Introduction to Cybersecurity

Mahimul Islam Nadim

Lecturer, CSE
Daffodil International University
❏ Course Content

1: Understanding Cybersecurity 8: Secure Online Communication

2: Threats in the Digital World 9: Malware Awareness
3: Protecting Personal Information 10: Software Updates
4: Strong Passwords 11: Smartphone and Tablet Security
5: Phishing Attack 12: Public Wi-Fi Safety
6: Avoiding Phishing Scams 13: Data Backup
7: Social Media Safety 14: Data Recovery
❏ Cybersecurity
❏ What is cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, and digital data from
theft, damage, or unauthorized access.
It encompasses a range of strategies and technologies aimed at safeguarding the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of digital assets.

❏ Why is it important for everyone?

● In today's digital age, nearly everyone relies on computers and the internet for various
aspects of their lives, from communication and finance to entertainment and education.
● Cybersecurity is crucial because it helps individuals and organizations protect sensitive
information, privacy, and financial assets from cyber threats.
● Understanding cybersecurity is essential to staying safe and secure in the digital world.
❏ Types of cyber threats
There are various types of cyber threats that can compromise digital security:
● Viruses: Malicious software that can infect a computer or device, often spread through
infected files or downloads.
● Phishing: Deceptive emails or websites designed to trick users into revealing personal
information, such as passwords or credit card details.
● Malware: A broad category of malicious software, including viruses, spyware, and
ransomware, designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to computer
● Cyberattacks: Deliberate actions by cybercriminals to breach digital security, steal
data, or cause harm.
● Data breaches: Unauthorized access or disclosure of sensitive information, often
resulting in the exposure of personal or financial data.
❏ Protecting Personal Information
❏ Importance of personal data
Personal data includes information like your name, address, phone number, and even more sensitive
data like Social Security numbers and financial details.
It's crucial to understand that personal data is valuable to cybercriminals who can use it for identity
theft, financial fraud, and other malicious purposes.
Protecting personal data is essential for your privacy and security.

❏ How to keep personal information safe online

Privacy settings: Adjusting privacy settings on social media and online accounts to control who can
access your information.
Secure online shopping: Safe practices for making online purchases and protecting your financial
Social engineering awareness: Recognizing and avoiding scams where attackers manipulate
❏ Strong Passwords
❏ Creating strong and memorable passwords
Passwords are a critical line of defense in cybersecurity.
● Password complexity: Understanding what makes a password strong, including a
mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.
● Passphrases: Using phrases or sentences as passwords to enhance security while
being memorable.
● Password hygiene: Best practices for managing and changing passwords regularly.

❏ Password managers
Managing numerous strong passwords can be challenging. Password managers are tools
designed to securely store and generate complex passwords for various accounts.
❏ Phishing Attacks
❏ What is Phishing?
Phishing is a common cyber threat where attackers use deceptive emails, messages, or
websites to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information like passwords, credit card
details, or personal data.

❏ How to recognize phishing emails and websites

Recognizing phishing attempts is crucial to avoiding falling victim to scams.
You'll learn to identify the red flags that indicate a phishing email or website, including:
● Suspicious email addresses and domain names
● Urgent or threatening language
● Requests for personal or financial information
❏ Avoiding Phishing Scams
To stay safe online, it's essential to verify the authenticity of websites you visit, Safe
email practices.
● Email hygiene: Avoiding clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown or
suspicious senders.
● Reporting phishing: Knowing how to report phishing emails to your email provider.
● Verifying website authenticity
● Check for secure website connections (https://)
● Confirm website legitimacy by examining URLs and security certificates.
❏ Social Media Safety
❏ Privacy settings & Sharing information responsibly
Social media platforms often offer a range of privacy settings that allow users to control who can see
their posts and personal information. Responsible sharing on social media is also crucial for your
digital safety.
● Adjust privacy: Adjust privacy settings on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram.
● Manage Details: Manage who can view your profile, posts, and personal details.
● Avoiding oversharing: Understanding the risks of sharing too much personal information
● Public vs. private sharing: Knowing when and how to share content publicly or with a select
group of friends.
● Avoid personal information sharing: Avoid sharing personal identification numbers (PINs),
passwords, or sensitive financial information.
❏ Secure Online Communication
❏ Encrypted messaging apps
Secure messaging apps use end-to-end encryption to protect your messages from
interception by cybercriminals or unauthorized parties.
● Popular encrypted messaging apps like Messenger, WhatsApp, and Telegram.
● How encryption works to keep your messages private and secure.

❏ Safe video conferencing practices

As online communication becomes more prevalent, video conferencing security is essential.
● Use secure video conferencing platforms.
● Implement privacy and security settings during video calls to protect your information.
❏ Malware Awareness
❏ What is Malware?
Malware, short for malicious software, refers to any software specifically designed to harm
or exploit devices, networks, or users, get unauthorized access to a computer system
Example: A common form of malware is a "trojan horse," which disguises itself as legitimate
software but, once installed, can enable unauthorized access to a computer system.

❏ How to Avoid Downloading Malware

● Safe Browsing Practices: Learn techniques for safe web browsing to avoid
unintentional malware downloads.
● Downloading from Trusted Sources: Downloading software only from reputable and
official sources.
❏ Software Updates
❏ How to Update Software Safely
● Automatic Updates: Encourage enabling automatic updates whenever possible to
ensure timely security patches.
● Manual Updates: In cases where automatic updates are not available, guide on how to
manually check for and install updates securely.
Example: Operating systems like Windows and macOS often provide automatic updates.

❏ Importance of Keeping Software Up to Date

● Security Patches: Software updates often include security patches that address
vulnerabilities and protect against known threats.
● Enhanced Features and Performance: Updates not only improve security but also
introduce new features and enhance the performance of software applications.
❏ Smartphone and Tablet Security
App Permissions and Risks:
● Review App Permissions: Before installing an app, carefully review the permissions it
● Limit App Permissions: Adjust app permissions in your device settings to restrict
access to sensitive information. For example, if a flashlight app requests access to
your contacts, consider whether that access is necessary for its functionality.
● Regularly Audit App Permissions: Periodically review and audit the permissions
granted to installed apps.
● Be aware of Untrusted Apps: Avoid downloading apps from unknown sources, as
these may pose security risks.
❏ Smartphone and Tablet Security
Lost or Stolen Device Precautions:
● Remote Tracking: Both Android and iOS offer services (Find My Device and Find My
iPhone, respectively) that allow you to locate your device and remotely erase its data if
it's lost or stolen.
● Backup Data Regularly: Regularly back up your device's data to the cloud or another
secure location.
● Report to Authorities: If your device is stolen, report the incident to the local
authorities. Provide them with the necessary information, such as the device's make,
model, and its last known location if available.
● Change Passwords: Change passwords for any accounts or apps that were
accessible from your lost or stolen device.
❏ Public Wi-Fi Safety
❏ Risks of Public Wi-Fi-
● Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: Attackers can intercept and monitor communication between your device
and the Wi-Fi network, potentially gaining access to sensitive information.
● Wi-Fi Spoofing: Cybercriminals may set up rogue Wi-Fi hotspots with names similar to legitimate
networks. Users who connect to these fake networks might unknowingly expose their data to attackers.

❏ Using Public Wifi Securely-

● Use a VPN: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts your internet connection. Always use a reputable
VPN service when connecting to public Wifi.
● Turn Off Sharing: Disable file and printer sharing, to prevent unauthorized access to your device.
● Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA for your accounts to add an extra layer of
● Forget the Network After Use: Once you're done using a public Wi-Fi network, make sure to
disconnect and "forget" the network on your device. This prevents automatic connection in the future.
❏ Data Backup
❏ Why Backup is Essential
Data backup is a critical aspect of digital hygiene and is indispensable for several reasons:
● Data Loss Prevention: Backing up data helps prevent loss due to accidental deletion,
hardware failure, or other unforeseen events.
● Protection Against Malware and Ransomware: Malicious software can encrypt or lock your
files, making them inaccessible. Regular backups ensure that you can restore your data
without succumbing to ransom demands.
● Device Failure Preparedness: Hardware components can fail over time, leading to potential
data loss.
● Peace of Mind: Knowing that your important files are backed up provides peace of mind.
Whether it's family photos, work documents, or personal projects, having a backup ensures
that your digital memories and efforts are secure.
❏ Data Backup
❏ How to Backup Data
There are several methods to back up data, and the choice often depends on the type and amount
of data. Here are common backup methods:
● External Hard Drives or SSDs: Connect an external hard drive or SSD to your computer and
regularly copy important files to it. This provides a physical backup that can be stored
separately from your computer.
● Cloud Storage Services: Utilize cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or
OneDrive to store and sync files across multiple devices. These services often provide
automatic backups and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.
● Automated Backup Software: Use backup software that automates the process. These tools
can schedule regular backups, ensuring that your data is consistently and automatically
❏ Data Recovery
Despite taking precautions, data loss can still occur. Here are steps to recover data in case
of loss:
● Identify the Cause of Data Loss: Determine the reason for data loss, whether it's
accidental deletion, hardware failure, or a software issue. Understanding the cause
helps in selecting the appropriate recovery method.
● Restore from Backup: If you have a recent backup, restore your data from the
backup source. This is the quickest and most effective way to recover lost files.
● Use Data Recovery Software: In cases where there is no recent backup, consider
using data recovery software. These tools can sometimes retrieve deleted or lost files
from storage devices.
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