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Mr. Cyrus T. Esguerra, LPT
Course Instructor
Performance Task #1:

Recycled Cell Model Activity

Task Description:
• Create three-dimensional models of a plant cell,
animal cell, and bacterial cell using recycled
• This activity aims to enhance students'
understanding of cell structures and functions
while promoting creativity and sustainability
through the use of recycled materials.

Performance Task #1:

Recycled Cell Model Activity

1. Research and Planning
• Familiarize yourself with the structures of plant cells,
animal cells, and bacterial cells using reference materials.
• Plan the design of your three-dimensional models,
considering the unique features of each cell type.
• Make a list of recycled materials you could use for each
organelle or cell structure.
2. Material Collection
• Collect recycled materials based on your planned design.
• Ensure that the materials are clean, safe, and appropriate
for the construction of your cell models.

Performance Task #1:

Recycled Cell Model Activity

3. Construction
• Start building your cell models using the recycled
materials and adhesive tools (glue, tape).
• Refer to your research and plan to accurately represent
the organelles and structures of each cell type.
• Pay attention to details such as size, shape, and
placement of organelles within the cell.

4. Decoration and Labeling

• Decorate your cell models using markers, paint, or any
other decorative materials.
• Label each organelle or structure with its name. Ensure
the labels are clear and easy to read.
• Use creativity to enhance the visual appeal of your
Performance Task #1:

Recycled Cell Model Activity

5. Presentation:
• Prepare a brief presentation explaining your cell models.
• Address the guide questions provided in the rubrics during your
• Be ready to discuss the significance of your material choices and
the educational value of your models.

6. Submission and Evaluation

• Submit your completed cell models.
• Models will be evaluated based on creativity, accuracy, neatness,
presentation, and the use of recycled materials according to the
rubrics provided.

Performance Task #1:

Recycled Cell Model Activity

Scoring Rubrics:
Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)
Exceptional creativity is
demonstrated in the design, Demonstrates creativity in the Shows some creativity in the Lacks creativity in the design of
layout, and representation of design and representation of design of cell structures. cell structures. Little to no effort
Creativity (20 points) cell structures. Innovative use of cell structures. Effective use of Limited use of recycled in incorporating recycled
materials enhances the overall recycled materials contributes materials impacts visual appeal. materials.
visual appeal. to the overall presentation.

Accurately represents
organelles and structures in Generally accurate Some inaccuracies in the Significant inaccuracies in the
representation of organelles representation of organelles.
Accuracy (15 points) plant cells, animal cells, and
and structures. Labels are Labels may be unclear or
representation of organelles.
bacterial cells. Labels are clear Labels are unclear or incorrect.
and correctly placed. mostly correct and legible. incorrectly placed.

Overall neat and well-organized Mostly neat and organized

presentation. Organelles are presentation. Some areas may Adequate neatness, but some Poor organization and
Neatness (15 points) clearly visible and arranged be slightly cluttered or areas appear cluttered or presentation. Difficult to follow
logically. disorganized. disorganized. and understand.

Clear, articulate, and engaging

presentation. Student Presentation is clear and mostly Presentation is somewhat clear Presentation is unclear or
Presentation (10 effectively communicates the engaging. Student but lacks engagement. Student difficult to follow. Student
communicates the significance
points) significance of the model and
of the model and answers guide
provides basic information struggles to convey information
answers guide questions about the model. about the model.
thoroughly. questions adequately.

Demonstrates extensive and

creative use of recycled Effectively utilizes recycled Uses recycled materials to a Little to no evidence of recycled
Use of Recycled materials. Materials are well- materials, contributing to the limited extent. Impact on the materials being used. Model
Materials (40 points) integrated and enhance the overall quality of the model. overall quality of the model is quality is significantly
overall quality of the model. minimal. compromised.
Performance Task #1:

Recycled Cell Model Activity

What to Submit?
• Three-Dimensional Model of Plant Cell, Animal Cell, and Bacterial
• Blueprint
• Short description explaining your cell model with photo-
• Answer sheet/s to 5 guide questions.
• Why did you choose specific recycled materials for each organelle
or structure in your cell model?
• How does your cell model accurately represent the differences
between a plant cell, animal cell, and bacterial cell?
• Explain the importance of using recycled materials in your cell
model. How does this reflect sustainability in science projects?
• Discuss any challenges you faced during the construction of your
cell models and how you overcame them.
• How does your cell model contribute to a better understanding of
cell biology? How might it be used as an educational tool?
Performance Task #1:

Recycled Cell Model Activity

Submission Details?
• Deadline: December 13, 2023 (No Extension)
• Number of Group Members: Maximum of 10
members per cell model

• The entire class must submit 2 models each cell.
• It’s up to you on how you will group the entire class
into 6 groups.
• Each group must submit the following:
• Cell model
• Blueprint
• Short description explaining your cell model with
• Answer sheet/s to 5 guide questions.

Mr. Cyrus T. Esguerra, LPT
Course Instructor

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