Dec12 22 23 Ob Sem1 4AB

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Organisational Behaviour – Semester 1

Session 4A
Session 4B

Rizvi Management Institutes, Mumbai

December 12, 2022

Learning diary
Last lecture

• What work does a Manager do?

– In charge of……..
– Responsible for………
1.Managerial skills
2.Managerial functions
3.Managerial roles
4.Managerial activities
• Managerial competence
Today’s agenda

• Learning diary

• Hierarchy
• Cognition
• Competence and incompetence
• Ability and capability
– Intellectual
– Physical
• Demographics – Age, gender, tenure
Hierarchy – page 1
• Vertical progression in an organisation
• Hierarchy is
• Ascending order of levels, grades, designations, CTC
• Therefore, also, ascending order of authority, role, responsibility,
1. ------- Trainee = Freshers, like most of you, junior-most in tenure, i.e. years
of service in a one company
2. ------- Executive
3. ------- Officer
4. ------- Manager
5. ------- General Manager
6. ------- Vice President (senior-most)
• Based on an employee’s function, roles, skills and activities
• Accountability = his/her role and responsibilities
Hierarchy – page 2

• Higher an employee is, in an

organisation’s hierarchy, the higher, larger,
bigger, greater are that employee’s
1.Levels, grades, designations, CTC
2.Authority, responsibility, accountability
3.Function, roles, skills and activities
• Strong correlations among all these
• 5 senses?
• Cognition = mental process of knowing (= knowledge)
and understanding, by using one’s (1) thinking, (2)
experience and (3) five senses
• Mental = thinking = application of mind = process of
the mind applying our 5 senses and past experience
to build and improve our judgement, knowledge,
insight, grasp, awareness
• Cognitive = relating to all the human mind’s processes
of perception, memory, judgement, thinking and
Competence and incompetence
• Competence (= capability) to do something, a person must have:
1. Ability (+ avoiding crises, solving problems, taking decisions)
2. Skill
3. Judgement
4. Knowledge
5. Aptitude
6. Attitude
• Incompetence
– Absence or lack of ability, skill, knowledge, judgement,
aptitude and/or attitude
– Cannot avoid crises
– Cannot solve problems
Managerial skills (of a Marketing Manager)

• Ability (= set of attributes) • Capability (= using

which enable a person to knowledge, competence)
do specific tasks as a to (1) do specific duties (=
manager work), to (2) avoid crises
1. Planning and to (3) solve problems
whenever they occur
2. Communicating
– Product management
3. Decision making
– Business development
4. Delegating
– Sales and distribution
5. Problem solving
– Sales promotion
6. Motivating
– Sales administration
• Competence to do any job
– Thinking
– Reasoning
– Strength
– Flexibility
– Others
Intellectual (= cognitive) abilities
• Numerical aptitude • Deductive reasoning
– Do speedy and accurate – Comparison between two
arithmetic or more alternatives
• Verbal comprehension – Use logic and assess
– Understand what is read or implications of arguments
• Spatial visualisation
– Correlation between words in
any sentence – Imagine size and shape
• Perceptual speed of objects and their
– Identify visual similarities and positions in space
differences • Memory
• Inductive reasoning – Retain and recall past
– Identify logical sequence in experiences
problem solving, to find
Physical abilities
1. Strength factors
– Dynamic – muscular force
– Trunk – muscular force using abdominal muscles
– Static – force against external objects
– Explosive – expend maximum energy in explosive acts
2. Flexibility factors
– Extent flexibility – extend muscles as far away as
– Dynamic flexibility – rapid, repeated flexing movements
3. Other factors
– Body coordination – coordinate simultaneous actions by
different parts of the body
– Balance – maintain equilibrium
– Stamina – continue maximum effort over prolonged time
Key biographical characteristics
1. Age
– Age > Job performance
2. Gender
– Male > Female
3. Tenure (= Length of service in one job, with
one company)
– Seniority > Productivity

 Diversity
1. Age (its influence on job performance)
• General assumptions
– Job performance declines with increasing age
– Demographic data says that workforce is aging
– Age of retirement
• Older employees
– Have more experience, better judgement, stronger work
ethic, more commitment to quality
– Lack flexibility
– Resist new technology
– Less likely to quit
– Higher stability
– Productivity and age are unrelated
– Age and job satisfaction have a positive correlation
2. Gender (= male/female) biases
• It appears that
– Men are physically stronger
– Women are emotionally stronger
• No consistent male-female differences
– Problem solving ability, analytical skills, competitive drive,
motivation, sociability, learning ability
– Even quit rates are similar; but reasons for quitting are
• Minor differences
– Women – more willing to conform to authority, but exhibit
higher absenteeism, primarily due to domestic compulsions
– Men – more aggressive and more likely to expect success
3. Tenure (= Length of service)
• Job productivity improves as a person becomes
more senior in the job
• Turnover – if a person has a long tenure in past
job/s is, more likely that s/he will not leave with
short tenure
• Longer the tenure, higher is an employee’s job
Next lecture

December 14 and 15, 2022

Shaping of behaviour

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