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 A computer is a digital electronic machine that can be programmed to
carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations (computation)
automatically. Modern computers can perform generic sets of operations
known as programs. These programs enable computers to perform a wide
range of tasks.
Memory, Input/output Devices
A memory is just like a human brain. It is used to store data and instructions. Computer
memory is the storage space in the computer, where data is to be processed and instructions
required for processing are stored.

• Cache Memory - Cache memory is a very high-speed semiconductor memory which can
speed up the CPU. It acts as a buffer between the CPU and the main memory.
• Primary Memory/Main Memory- Primary memory holds only those data and instructions
on which the computer is currently working.
• Secondary Memory- This type of memory is also known as external memory or non-
volatile. It is slower than the main memory.
Input/output Devices
• Keyboard
• Mouse
• Joy Stick
• Light pen
• Track Ball
• Scanner
• Graphic Tablet
• Microphone
• Magnetic Ink Card Reader (MICR)
• Optical Character Reader (OCR)
• Bar Code Reader
• Optical Mark Reader (OMR)
Storage Devices:
 Magnetic Storage Devices,
 Optical storage Devices,
 Flash Memory
Magnetic Storage Devices
 The most common type of storage device is magnetic storage device. In magnetic storage
devices, data is stored on a magnetized medium. Magnetic storage use different patterns
of magnetization to in a magnetizable medium to store data.

There are primarily 3 types of Magnetic Storage Devices as follows,

1. Disk Drives:
2. Diskette Drives:
3. Magnetic Tape:
Disk Drives

 Magnetic storage devices primarily made of disks

are Disk Drives. Hard Disk Drive is a Disk Drive. HDD
contains one or more disks that runs in a very high
speed and coated with magnetizable medium. Each
disk in a HDD comes with a READ/WRITE head that
reads and write data from and onto the disk.

Diskette Drives:

• Diskette drives or floppy disks are removable disk

drives. The discs in Hard Disk Drives are not meant
to be removed, but in case of Floppy disks, the
disks are removable from the drive which is called
Floppy Disk Drive or FDD. Floppy disks come with
very little storage capacity and meant to be used
as portable storage to transfer data from one
machine to another.
Magnetic Tape:

 Magnetic tapes are those reels of tapes which

are coated with magnetizable elements to
hold and server written on it in one of the
many magnetizing data storage pattern. Tape
drives come with very high capacity of storage
and still in use though personal computers,
server etc. uses hard disk drives or other
modern type of storage mechanism, tape
drives are still in use for archiving hundreds of
terabytes of data.
Optical Storage

 Optical storage refers to recording data

using light. Typically, that’s done using a
drive that can contain a removable disk
and a system based on lasers that can
read or write to the disk. If you’ve ever
used a DVD player to watch a movie, put
a CD in a player to listen to music or used
similar disks in your desktop or laptop
computer, you’ve used optical storage.

Flash storage

• A USB flash drive is a data storage device that

includes flash memory with an integrated USB
interface. It is typically removable, rewritable
and much smaller than an optical disc.

 Software is a set of programs, which is designed to perform a well-defined function. A

program is a sequence of instructions written to solve a particular problem.
 Software is the language of a computer. And like human language, there are many
different computer languages. Essentially, computer software can be divided into three
main groups depending on their use and application.

There are two types of software:

1. System Software
2. Application Software
System Software
The system software is a collection of
programs designed to operate, control, and
extend the processing capabilities of the
computer itself. System software is generally
prepared by the computer manufacturers.  Application Software

Some examples of system software are Application software products are designed to satisfy a
particular need of a particular environment. All software
Operating System, Compilers, Interpreter,
applications prepared in the computer lab can come under
Assemblers, etc. the category of Application software.
Examples of Application software are the following:
• Payroll Software
• Student Record Software
• Inventory Management Software
• Income Tax Software
• Railways Reservation Software
• Microsoft Office Suite Software
• Microsoft Word
 Microsoft Excel
Computer languages :- Just as humans use language to communicate, and different regions have
different languages, computers also have their own languages that are specific to them.

Two Basic Types of Computer Language

Low-Level Languages

 Low-level computer languages are either machine codes or are very close them. A
computer cannot understand instructions given to it in high-level languages or in
English. It can only understand and execute instructions given in the form of machine
language i.e. binary. There are
 two types of low-level languages:
• Machine Language: a language that is directly interpreted into the hardware
• Assembly Language: a slightly more user-friendly language that directly
corresponds to machine language
High-Level Languages
 High-level computer languages use formats that are similar to English. The purpose of developing high-level
languages was to enable people to write programs easily, in their own native language environment (English).
 Types of High-Level Languages
 Many languages have been developed for achieving a variety of different tasks. Some are fairly specialized, and
others are quite general.

 These languages, categorized according to their use, are:

 These languages are oriented towards the computational procedures for solving mathematical and statistical
 Examples include:
• BASIC (Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
• FORTRAN (Formula Translation)
• PL/I (Programming Language, Version 1)
• ALGOL (Algorithmic Language)
• APL (A Programming Language)
Translators and Languages: Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler


 A compiler is a computer  In computer science, an  An assembler is a type of
program that translates interpreter is a computer computer program that
computer code written in program that directly interprets software
one programming language executes instructions programs written in
(the source language) into written in a programming assembly language into
another programming or scripting language, machine language, code
language (the target without requiring them and instructions that can
language). The name
previously to have been be executed by a
compiler is primarily used
for programs that translate compiled into a machine computer
source code from a high- language program. An
level programming language interpreter generally uses
to a lower level language one of the following
(e.g., assembly language, strategies for program
object code, or machine execution:
code) to create an
executable program.
Introduction to Operating System

 An operating system acts as an intermediary between

the user of a computer and computer hardware. The
purpose of an operating system is to provide an
environment in which a user can execute programs in a
convenient and efficient manner.
 Operating system as User Interface:
1. User • Windows (GUI based, PC)
2. System and application programs • GNU/Linux (Personal, Workstations, ISP, File and print server, Three-tier client/Server)
3. Operating system • macOS (Macintosh), used for Apple’s personal computers and work stations (MacBook,
4. Hardware
• Android (Google’s Operating System for smartphones/tablets/smartwatches)
• iOS (Apple’s OS for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) Windows (GUI based, PC)
• GNU/Linux (Personal, Workstations, ISP, File and print server, Three-tier client/Server)
• macOS (Macintosh), used for Apple’s personal computers and work stations (MacBook,
• Android (Google’s Operating System for smartphones/tablets/smartwatches)
• iOS (Apple’s OS for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch)
Functions of Operating System
Operating system performs the following functions;


Booting is a process of starting the computer operating system starts the computer to
work. It checks the computer and makes it ready to work.
Memory Management

It is also an important function of operating system. The memory cannot be managed

without operating system. Different programs and data execute in memory at one time. if
there is no operating system, the programs may mix with each other. The system will not
work properly.

Loading and Execution

A program is loaded in the memory before it can be executed. Operating system provides
the facility to load programs in memory easily and then execute it.
Data Security

Data is an important part of computer system. The operating system protects the data stored on
the computer from illegal use, modification or deletion.

Disk Management

Operating system manages the disk space. It manages the stored files and folders in a proper

Process Management

CPU can perform one task at one time. if there are many tasks, operating system decides which
task should get the CPU.

Device Controlling

Operating system also controls all devices attached to computer. The hardware devices are
controlled with the help of small software called device drivers.
Printing Controlling

Operating system also controls printing function. It a user issues two print commands at a time, it
does not mix data of these files and prints them separately.

Providing Interface

It is used in order that user interface acts with a computer mutually. User interface controls how
you input data and instruction and how information is displayed on screen. The operating system
offers two types of the interface to the user;

Graphical-line interface: It interacts with of visual environment to communicate with the

computer. It uses windows, icons, menus and other graphical objects to issues commands.

Command-line interface: It provides an interface to communicate with the computer by typing

1. Types of Operating System
An Operating System performs all the basic tasks like managing file, process, and memory.
Thus operating system acts as manager of all the resources, i.e. resource manager. Thus
operating system becomes an interface between user and machine.
Types of Operating Systems: Some of the widely used operating systems are as follows:

Batch Operating System

This type of operating system does not interact with the computer directly. There is an
operator which takes similar jobs having same requirement and group them into batches.
It is the responsibility of operator to sort the jobs with similar needs.

Time-Sharing Operating Systems

Each task is given some time to execute, so that all the tasks work smoothly. Each user
gets time of CPU as they use single system. These systems are also known as Multitasking
Systems. The task can be from single user or from different users also. The time that each
task gets to execute is called quantum. After this time interval is over OS switches over to
next task.
1. Distributed Operating System

These types of operating system are a recent advancement in the world of computer technology
and are being widely accepted all-over the world and, that too, with a great pace. Various
autonomous interconnected computers communicate each other using a shared communication
network. Independent systems possess their own memory unit and CPU. These are referred as
loosely coupled systems or distributed systems. These system’s processors differ in size and
function. The major benefit of working with these types of operating system is that it is always
possible that one user can access the files or software which are not actually present on his system
but on some other system connected within this network i.e., remote access is enabled within the
devices connected in that network.

Network Operating System

These systems run on a server and provide the capability to manage data, users, groups, security,
applications, and other networking functions. These types of operating systems allow shared access
of files, printers, security, applications, and other networking functions over a small private
network. One more important aspect of Network Operating Systems is that all the users are well
aware of the underlying configuration, of all other users within the network, their individual
connections etc. and that’s why these computers are popularly known as tightly coupled systems.
Introduction to graphical user interface (GUI)
GUI is an interface that uses icons or other visual indicators to interact with electronic
devices, rather than only text via a command line. For example, all versions of Microsoft
Windows is a GUI, whereas MS-DOS is a command line. The GUI was first developed at
Xerox PARC by Alan Kay, Douglas Engelbart, and a group of other researchers in 1981.
Later, Apple introduced the Lisa computer with a GUI on January 19, 1983.

How does a GUI work?

A GUI uses windows, icons, and menus to carry out commands, such as opening, deleting,
and moving files. Although a GUI operating system is primarily navigated using a mouse,
the keyboard can also be used to navigate using keyboard shortcuts or the arrow keys.
As an example, if you wanted to open a software program on a GUI operating system, you
would move the mouse pointer to the program’s icon and double-click the icon.
Examples of a GUI operating system?
Microsoft Windows
Apple System 7 and macOS
Chrome OS
Linux variants like Ubuntu using a GUI interface.
Are all operating systems GUI?
No. Early command line operating systems like MS-DOS and even some versions of Linux
today have no GUI interface.

Dictionary, File, Volume, Label, Drive Name

A dictionary is an alphabetical listing of words and their meanings. Dictionaries help users
look up definitions to get a better understanding of the word and an overall better
understanding of a language or field. Many computers do not include an electronic dictionary,
however, with access to the Internet, there are hundreds of free online dictionaries.
A file is an object on a computer that stores data, information, settings, or commands used with a computer program. In a GUI
(graphical user interface), such as Microsoft Windows, files display as icons that relate to the program that opens the file. For example,
the picture is an icon associated with Adobe Acrobat PDF files. If this file was on your computer, double-clicking the icon in Windows
would open that file in Adobe Acrobat or the PDF reader installed on the computer.

How are files created?

A file is created using a software program on the computer. For example, to create a text file you would use a text editor, to create an
image file you would use an image editor, and to create a document you would use a word processor.

When referring to sound, volume refers to the amplitude of the sound being projected from a speaker. As seen in this picture, two knobs
are used to change the volume level: one controls the subwoofer, and one controls the main (overall) sound volume.

When referring to data storage, a volume refers to a logical drive, which has a single file system and is usually located on a single
partition. For instance, on a typical Microsoft Windows computer, the volume named C: contains the operating system. In Windows, any
drive which has an assigned drive letter is a volume.

A label may refer to any of the following:

In general, a label is a sticker placed on a floppy diskette drive, hard drive, CD-ROM or other equipment that contains printed
information to help identify that object or its data.

In a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, a label is text within a cell, usually describing data in the rows or columns
surrounding it.

When referring to a chart, a label is any text over a section of a chart that gives additional information about the charts value. For
example, in our pie chart example each section of the pie chart is labeled to give the value of each percentage.
Types of Internet Networks: LAN
 It is a privately-owned network and stands for local area
network. A network is a group of computers and other
devices connected so they can pass information back and
forth. The local area network (LAN) is a network which is
designed to operate over a small physical area such as an
office, factory or a group of buildings up to a few
kilometers in size. LANs very widely used in a variety of
computers to share resources (e.g., printers) and exchange
Basic Services of Internet like: WWW, FTP

The World Wide Web (WWW) is a network of online content that is formatted in HTML and
accessed via HTTP. The term refers to all the interlinked HTML pages that can be accessed
over the Internet. The World Wide Web was originally designed in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee
while he was a contractor at CERN.
The World Wide Web is most often referred to simply as “the Web.”
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard Internet protocol for transmitting files between
computers on the Internet over TCP/IP connections. FTP is a client-server protocol where a
client will ask for a file, and a local or remote server will provide it.
Telnet, Gopher

Telnet is a user command and an underlying TCP/IP protocol for accessing remote
computers. Through Telnet, an administrator or another user can access someone else’s
computer remotely. On the Web, HTTP and FTP protocols allow you to request specific files
from remote computers, but not to actually be logged on as a user of that computer.

Gopher is an application-layer protocol that provides the ability to extract and view Web
documents stored on remote Web servers. Gopher was conceived in 1991 as one of the
Internet’s first data/file access protocols to run on top of a TCP/IP network. It was developed
at University of Minnesota and is named after the school’s mascot.

Gopher was designed to access a Web server or database via the Internet. It requires that
files be stored in a menu-style hierarchy on a Gopher server that is accessible through a
client browser and/or directly. It initially supported only text-based file/document access but
later came to support some image formats such as GIF and JPEG.
An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides customers with Internet
access. Data may be transmitted using several technologies, including dial-up, DSL, cable
modem, wireless or dedicated high-speed interconnects.


A uniform resource locator (URL) is the address of a resource on the Internet. A URL
indicates the location of a resource as well as the protocol used to access it. A URL contains
the following information:
The protocol used to a access the resource
The the location of the server (whether by IP address or domain name)
The port number on the server (optional)
The location of the resource in the directory structure of the server
A fragment identifier (optional)
Also known as a Universal Resource Locator (URL) or Web address. A URL is a type of
uniform resource identifier (URI). In common practice, the term URI isn’t used, or is used
synonymously with URL, even though this is technically incorrect.
Multimedia and its applications:
Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer-controlled integration of text,
graphics, drawings, still and moving images (Video), animation, audio, and any other media
where every type of information can be signified, stored, communicated and handled

Applications for Multimedia System






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