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The founder

Group members:
• Muhammad Huzaifa (01-135212-059)
• Sheikh saad ul Hassan (01-135221-118)
• Hassan Naveed (01-135221-034)
• Mubeen Imran (01-135221-067)
• Shayan Karim (01-135221-117)

BS IT 5A, spring 2024
• Hollywood Biographical Drama Film
• Released in 2016
• Directed by John lee
• Based on “Grinding it out” by Ray croc 1977

Released in 2016 the movie is based on the life story of ray croc who was the
owner of McDonalds who tells his story in his book “ Grinding it out in 1977“

The Movie Explores the complexities of business ethics and the challenges faced by original
owners -
Award list
• Capri award for best actor 2017
• Best Time capsule movie 2017
• Best Buddy picture 2017

The main character in the movie is played by actor Micheal Keaton

Character Traits
Ray Croc

• Motivator
• Hope full Person
• Selfish
• Good At manipulating
• Persistent
• Growth Emphasizer

Instead of choosing an idea that works, Ray use to choose an idea and make it work, he was
always the one motivating others

Character Traits
Dick McDonalds

• Scientific
• Data Driven
• Resistant to change

A very intellectual person, Dick always preferred quality over quantity

Character Traits
Mac McDonalds

• Corporative
• Positive Thinker
• Less Resistant to change

Mac McDonalds was always open to new ideas and was less resistant to change compared to 6

his brother-
Part 1
The story begins in the year 1954, Ray Croc
was a milkshake mixer salesman for a
foodservice equipment manufacturer called
Prince Castle, he use to go door to door to
advertise his products but wasn't making any

one day he receives a random call ordering 8 Ray Croc with his mixer
mixers, the delivery location was a Restaurant outside a restaurant
called McDonald's hamburger-

He was so shocked how one restaurant could 7

have so much demand to need 8 mixers at the

same time-
Part 1
He wanted to see the operations by
himself, so he drove to California to the
only McDonald's and witnessed that the
food was being served immediately

He was so fascinated to see how fast

were the operations, so he requested the McDonalds first ever branch
McDonald's brothers to sit down with him in California
and explain how they were able to do
Part 2
The McDonald's brothers introduced him to the
new concept of Fast Food, Dick McDonald's
told Ray that he used Scientific approach to
minimize workload on employees, adopting
Concept such as Taylor's Theory of stress that
employees Should be assigned specific tasks-

Rather than One Employee Making an entire Inside McDonalds first branch
burger, the tasks are divided into chunks, one
person Creating Patties and other Frying Buns
and One for Packing -
Part 2
Then Arrangement of the Kitchen was such
that the employees have to do as minimum
Movement as possible to get a task done-

Employees don't have to Go to customers, the

customer will come to the counter to receive
food, So all these new concepts improved work
efficiency which was the single Biggest factor McDonald Brothers designing
In McDonald's success- efficient kitchen layout

Part 2
Ray Croc could not Comprehend how
McDonald's brothers were limiting themselves
to a single Restaurant , he Recommended
McDonald's brothers to Franchise their
Restaurant to multiple branches,

But McDonald's Brothers refused it saying they

won't be able to sustain Quality Control for Ray Croc insisting McDonald
other Branches, But Ray croc insisted Them to brothers
do so and Signed an Agreement with
McDonald's Brothers and started Gathering
Investors To open Franchises- 11
Part 3
At first he found out that McDonald's brothers
were right, the other franchises could not
meet the quality of original McDonald's, So he
came up with new strategy

Instead of Targeting wealthy investors, he

targeted Struggling Entrepreneurs who were
more passionate About What they do, Ray Croc offering contract
Immediately the quality of Franchises

Part 3
He switched McDonald's from a
restaurant to a real estate business,
leasing lands for Franchises. Within
couple of years he made dozens of
Franchises, He became famous-

Now he wanted to make some changes,

he wanted to bring in sponsors like coke McDonalds Minnesota Branch
Cola and make changes into products, but
McDonald brothers were against that
which resulted in dispute between 13
Part 3
At first McDonald brothers wanted to sue
Ray but he was too influential and
powerful for them to fight so they settled
with an agreement-

Ray Croc paid them 2.7 million dollars

and bough all rights to McDonalds
Ray Croc buying
trademark in the year 1961- McDonalds
He went from "Working for them to
Owning their company“-
Lessons to be Learned

• Always push For Growth

McDonald's Brother never wanted to come out of their comfort zone, they wanted to
stick to one restaurant but and that is what gave ray croc an edge over them

• Do not Resist Change

Ray Croc was always experimenting with new products but McDonald's brothers
always use to oppose it which lead to clash between them

• Surround Yourself with Right People

Ray Croc although a Rich business use to surround himself with financially
struggling people because he knew they would be more hardworking

Lessons to be Learned

• Persistence is key to Success

stick to an idea, don’t give up on it, don't look for a working idea, take an idea and make it

• You are never Too old

Ray Croc was 52 when he started this ,at that age many people want to Retire but he didn't
give up on his dreams even at old age

Thank You

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