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Water Quality Tests

DADA Water Lab Testing

List of all the water tests:
1. pH
2. Alkalinity
3. Iron
4. Chloride
5. Calcium
6. Total Hardness
7. Silt Density Index (SDI)
8. Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
9. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
1. pH
pH is a measure of hydrogen ion (H+) concentration and is generally used
to describe a system as being acidic or basic. pH measurements are taken at various
points throughout a treatment plant, and any abnormal readings can be an indication
of a change in water quality.
1.1 pH Meter:
pH meter is directly used to measure the pH of the sample. pH meter
should be calibrated using standard solutions. The efficiency of the pH meter depends
upon various factors as, pH meter manufacturing brand and experience of the
Chemist. Remove the cap and dip in solution, pH value obtained on the screen of pH
1.2 pH Strips:
Use of pH strips is the most common and also a reliable method to check
the pH of the sample solution. But the efficiency depends on the quality of pH strips.
pH strip is dipped in the solution for 2 seconds and then compared to the standard
scale, which gives the value exact pH value.
1.3 pH Kit:
2. Alkalinity
Alkalinity is the combined effect of Bicarbonates and Carbonates. It is
measure of the capacity of water to neutralize acids. Its analysis involves titration. It
includes the addition of small, precise quantities of strong acid to the sample until the
endpoint is reached. The amount of acid used corresponds to the total alkalinity of
the sample.
Reagents and Apparatus:
0.02N Sulfuric Acid solution, Phenolphthalein or Methyl Orange indicator,
pH meter, Burette with stand, titration flask
Follow the procedure for Alkalinity Test;
• Take 100ml sample in flask.
• Add 2,3 drops indicator (Phenolphthalein if pH> 7 and Methyl Orange if pH<7).
• Take 0.02N Sulfuric acid solution in burette up to 0 mark.
• Add it in the flask by drop while stirring, till the end point(color change) reaches.
• Color change for Methyl Orange is from Yellow to Pink and for Phenolphthalein is
from Pink to Colorless.
• Note the volume of acid used. Repeat the titration 2 times more to get average

Use the following formula to get Alkalinity value;

Total Hardness(mg/L) =

V1= Volume of the reagent used
N = Normality of the reagent
V1= Volume of Sample taken
3. Iron

Reagents and Apparatus:

4. Chloride
The chloride ions are also present in the water resources along with
other metallic ions. It may result in local contamination of both surface water and
groundwater. The salty taste produces by chloride depends on the chemical
compositions of the water. High chloride content may harm pipes and structures as
well as agricultural plants.

Reagents and Apparatus:

Silver Nitrate solution, Potassium Chromate indicator solution, pH meter,
Burette with stand, titration flask
Follow the procedure for Chloride Test;
• Take specific volume of sample.
• Add a few drops of Potassium Chromate indicator in sample solution.
• Titrate the water sample against Silver Nitrate solution until the reddish brown
color(obtained after adding the indicator) changes to persistent reddish brown
• Note the volume utilized of titrant.
Use the following formula to get Chloride value;

Total Hardness(mg/L) =
V1= Volume of the reagent used
N = Normality of the reagent
V1= Volume of Sample taken
5. Calcium
Calcium is an abundant element. That’s why, it is found in water
resources. The most common forms of calcium are calcium carbonate (calcite) and
calcium-magnesium carbonate (dolomite). Hardness is based on the concentration of
calcium and magnesium salts, and often is used as a measure of potable water

Reagents and Apparatus:

Sodium Hydroxide, Eri chrome Black T indicator, Burette with stand,
titration flask
Follow the procedure for Calcium Test;
• Take specific volume of sample.
• Add 2,3 drops of Eri Chrome Black T indicator in sample solution.
• Add a few milliliters of Buffer solution to maintain the PH.
• Titrate the water sample with the standardized Sodium Hydroxide solution.
• The endpoint is the color change from wine red to blue color.
• Note the volume utilized of titrant.
Use the following formula to get Calcium value;

Total Calcium(mg/L) =
V1= Volume of the reagent used
N = Normality of the reagent
M = Molarity of the reagent
V1= Volume of Sample taken
6. Total Hardness
Water hardness is a traditional measure of the capacity of water to
precipitate soap. Hardness is due to the Carbonates and Bicarbonates of
Calcium(Ca+2) and Magnesium(Mg+2) ions. The hardness of water effects the
Industrial water systems and also not suitable for human health.

Reagents and Apparatus:

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), Eri chrome Black T indicator,
Buffer solution Burette with stand, titration flask

Follow the procedure for Hardness Test;
• Take specific volume of sample.
• Add 2,3 drops of Eri Chrome Black T indicator in sample solution.
• Add a few milliliters of Buffer solution to maintain the PH.
• Titrate the water sample with the standardized Ethylene-diamine-tetraacitic
acid(EDTA) solution.
• The endpoint is the color change from wine red to sky blue(no hint of red).
• Note the volume utilized of titrant.
Use the following formula to get the Total Hardness;

Total Hardness(mg/L) =
V1= Volume of the reagent used
N = Normality of the reagent
M = Molarity of the reagent
V1= Volume of Sample taken
7. Silt Density Index (SDI)
Raw water obtained from water resources like groundwater and others
contains silt particles. Silt particles remains above on the filters and membranes.
That’s why, we need to filter the water by using media tanks before water enters into
the other water systems such as, Reverse Osmosis plant.

A specialized Silt Density Index(SDI) kit is used for this purpose.

Follow the procedure for SDI Test;
• Assemble the kit, place membrane in membrane holder.
• Connect the SDI ki to the sampling point, Make Sure the valve is on.
• Set the 20psi pressure of water using pressure regulator valve.
• Note the time ‘Ti’ taken to fill a graduated cylinder up to 500ml mark by using a
stop watch.
• Then let the water to flow for 15 minutes.
• Then again note the time ‘Tf’ to fill a graduated cylinder up to 500ml mark.
Calculate the Silt Density Index as follows;
SDI Time = ×100

Ti= Initial Time taken to collect 500ml sample
Tf= Final Time taken to collect 500ml sample
T= Time given to let the water drain
8. Total Dissolved Solids(TDS)
The number of solid particles in a water sample is defined as the Total
Dissolved Solids also called TDS. These solid particles are compounds, ions, minerals,
and other impurities such as silt.

A specialized Total Dissolved Solids Meter named as TDS Meter is used
for this purpose.

Follow the procedure for TDS Test;
• Take the water sample at least 50ml in a beaker.
• Turn on the DS meter.
• Remove its cap and dip it into the sample.
• It will give the TDS value as a reading on its screen.
TDS meter may be a high or low range and must be calibrated one.
9. Total Suspended Solids(TSS)
The number of solid particles in a water sample which are not dissolved
defined as Total Suspended Solids also called TSS. These solid particles are mostly of
larger size than normal dissolved ones. Suspended solid particles are filtered by using
special filters or membranes.
A specialized Total Suspended Solids setup named as TSS Assembly is
used for this purpose. It contains a membrane holder, Vacuum flask and a vacuum
Follow the procedure for TSS Test;
• Prepare the Vacuum filtration setup. Place the membrane in the holder.
• The measured sample is transferred to the reagent flask that of above the filter
• Turn on the filtration pump. Measure the filtrate and unfiltered sample.
• Dry the membrane in the oven above the boiling point of water for half an hour
and weight it.
Calculate the Total Suspended Solids as follows;

TSS = (dried membrane with residue) – (pre weight dried membrane)

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