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Environment and it’s

• The environment is defined as the whole physical and biological
system surrounding man and other organisms along with various
factors influencing them.
• The factors are soil, air, water, light, temperature etc. these are called
Abiotic factors.
• Besides the Abiotic factors, the environment is very much influenced
by biotic factors which include al forms of life like plats, animals,
microorganisms etc.
• Man is thus an inseparable part of the environment.
• Environment and Man have always been interdependent and both of
them influence each other a lot and drastically than imaginable.
Physical constituent
• The Physical constituent of environment includes soil, water, air,
climate, temperature, light etc.
• These are also called Abiotic constituents of the environment.
• This part of the environment mainly determines the type of habitat or
the living conditions of the human population.
• The Physical environment is further divided into:
a) Atmosphere (Gas)
b) Hydrosphere (Liquid)
c) Lithosphere (Solid)
• These three parts represent the three important states of matter
constituting the environment.
• Water and Temp. are the most Imp. Abiotic components affecting
living beings
Biological Constituent
• The biological constituent of environment is also called biotic component of
environment. This component consist of all living things like plants, animals and
small micro-organisms like bacteria.
• This component interacts with the abiotic component of the environment.
• This interaction of two components forms various ecosystems like pond
ecosystem, marine ecosystem, desert ecosystem etc.
• The self sufficient large ecosystem of the earth is called biosphere.
• Accd. To this, there are 3 different types of living organisms:
a) Producers
b) Consumers
c) Decomposers
• Producers are generally green plants and other photosynthetic
bacteria which produces various organic substances such as
carbohydrates, proteins etc. with the help of water, soil and light
• Consumers depend for their nutrition on the organic food produced
by the organic food produced by the green plants.
• Decomposers bring about the decomposition of dead plants and
animals and return various important minerals for the running of the
biogeochemical cycles.
Social Constituent
• The social constituent of environment mainly consists of various
groups of population of different living organisms like birds, animals
• Man Is a social animal as told by Greek philosopher, Aristotle. He
makes various laws, policies for the proper functioning of the society.
• An ecosystem is a natural unit consisting of all plants , animals and
microorganisms in an area functioning with all the non-living physical
factors of the environment.
• Accd. to the British Ecologist Arthur Tansley (1935), an ecosystem is
a system that arises from the integration of all living and non-living
factors of the environment.
• An ecosystem is a self –sustained community of plants and animals
existing in its own environment. The term ecosystem may be defined
as a system resulting from the integration of all living and non-living
factors of the environment.
Pyramid of Biomass
• Pyramid of biomass records the total dry organic matter of organisms
at each trophic level in a given area of an ecosystem.
• The pyramid of biomass is used to show the total biomass of
individuals at each tropic level.
• It is better than the Pyramid of Number for showing relationships
between organisms

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