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Advice for the massage client once

leaving the salon and maintaining

results in aftercare services,
Try to relax and take it easy for the rest of the day – if you
can and feel the need to, nap.
Drink plenty of water for 24 hours after your massage as
your lymph nodes, which have been stimulated, are removing
toxins from the body. Your urine might be much darker than
usual – this is due to the toxins leaving your body.
Avoid heat treatments (hot baths / showers, body wraps,
saunas, sunbeds) for 24 hours.
Avoid alcohol, smoking, caffeine and fizzy drinks as they
can dehydrate your body and add more toxins to your body.
This would reverse the effects of the massage, since the
massage is in-turn aiding the body in removing the
accumulation of toxins.
Avoid eating a heavy and especially spicy meal so your
body can focus on natural healing and detoxifying itself.
‘Healing Reactions’ may take place after your massage
and are completely normal-showing that the massage is
working well and your body is responding to the
treatment. Indications of this may result in the following:

Fatigued or tired (although this could be a sign of

deep relaxation, especially if you are usually always
on the go)
Increased sweating, thirst or urination
Irritable or energised
Heightened emotions (low or high)
Runny, stuffy or blocked nose
Sound sleeping and vivid dreams
Massages are recommended often, especially due to the fast-
paced and stressful lives that we are living. To maintain the
results, you can try the following:
Take a warm bath once a week – this will help to loosen
up your muscles.
Relax and distress – listen to music, burn some essential
oils, etc.
Find time to exercise (especially strength training) and
stretch (yoga is excellent).
Exfoliate and moisturize your body regularly.
Stand up and walk around and stretch – especially if
sitting a long time at a desk and / or on the computer.
Throughout the day, massage your shoulders, and other
areas that feel stiff.
Sit in a correct position and you might want to raise your
legs a bit.
Direction: Make a jingle about the Advice for the Massage Client .
4 3 2 1

Jingle stays on topic Jingle stays on topic. Topic is Jingle stays on topic some of Jingle doesn't stay on topic.
throughout. Topic is positive positive and appropriate for the time. Topic is occasionally Topic is not shown in a
and appropriate for school school advertising. Competent positive and appropriate for positive way or is not always
advertising. Clever lyrics. lyrics to advertise topic. school advertising. Fine lyrics appropriate. Group has
written with some teacher difficulty and needs much
support. support to write lyrics.

Melody is simple and "catchy". Melody is fair, but not "catchy". Melody requires much
Melody is simple and very Rhythm and melody range Could be improved improvement, is not appealing,
"catchy". Rhythm and melody appropriate and appealing. rhythmically or melodically. or is "stolen" from another
range appropriate and Demonstrates some originality. Lacks originality. source.
appealing. Is original.

Entire group involved in Entire group involved in All group members are Group does not work well
composition and composition and performance, involved in composition and together, not everyone
performance equally. All but not all equally. All group performance at times in every involved in composition and/or

WORK group members ideas are

always valued - group
demonstrates respect at all
members ideas are usually
valued - respect is shown
most of the time.
class. Teacher must mediate
occasionally. Respect often
performance. Group members
undervalue eachothers' ideas -
Respect not shown. Group
times. either falls apart, requires
much teacher intervention, or
does not finish project
Answer the following questions:
1. Why do we need to follow the advice of the
therapist ?
2. How do you maintain the results of your body
3. Make an Advice Sheet in aftercare services.

In Manila Paper/Cartolina draw a logo

that you will use in your business.
Provide a simple statement to
describe your logo and present it

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