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Parallelstructure means using the
same pattern of words to show
that two or more ideas have the
same level of importance. There
must be a balance of two or more
words, phrases, or clauses in a
When writing a list, every item starts with the same type
of verb or noun, adjective, or adverb format. Examples:

 1."ing" verbs: We went running, biking, swimming,

and fishing.
 2."ed" verbs: We walked, jumped, and skipped on
the way.
 3.nouns: We drove to the lake, mountains, desert,
and beach all in one day.
 4. adjective: She had purple, silver-tipped, spiky hair.
 5.adverb: Lovingly, graciously, and generously, she
helped us out.
Non-parallel: We enjoy reading
novels, collecting stamps, and to
play tennis.
The sentence is nonparallel because
two gerund phrases, reading novels
and collecting stamps, are mixed with
an infinitive phrase, to play tennis. In
order to make all the elements of the
sentence parallel, to play tennis could
be changed into a gerund phrase.
Parallel: We enjoy reading novels,
collecting stamps, and playing
Remember that one of the fundamental
rules of our language is that similar ideas
should be expressed in similar
grammatical structures. When we want to
talk about a series of things, qualities,
ideas, problems, processes, or feelings,
we combine a word with a word, a phrase
with a phrase, or a clause with a clause.
Parallel words. When a writer lists a series of
words, the words in the series should be all
nouns, all adjectives, or all adverbs, but not
Non-parallel: The celebrity was charming,
witty, and a beauty.
Charming and witty are adjectives; however,
beauty is a noun.
For the sentence to be parallel, beauty must
be in adjective form.
Parallel: The celebrity was charming, witty,
and beautiful
Parallel phrases. When a writer lists a series of
phrases, all the phrases should be the same – all
gerund phrases, all infinitive phrases, all participial
phrases, or all prepositional phrases.
Non-parallel: Her aims were to study, to travel, and
someday having a family.
The sentence is nonparallel because two infinitive
phrases, to study and to travel, are mixed with a
gerund phrase, having a family. For the sentence to
be parallel, having a family could be changed to an
Parallel: Her aims were to study, to travel, and to
have a family.
Parallel clauses. When a writer lists
a series of clauses, all the clauses
in the series should be the same.
They should all be noun clauses, all
adjective clauses, or all adverb
Non-parallel: What we say and the
things that we do are never quite
the same.
What we say is a noun clause;
the things that we do is a noun
followed by an adjective clause.
In order to make the elements of
the sentence parallel, the things
we do could be changed into a
noun clause.
Parallel: What we say and what
we do are never quite the same.
Read the sentences carefully and check if the sentences have parallel
structures. If the structure is parallel, write CORRECT on your answer
sheet. If the structure is NOT parallel, change the underlined word to
make the sentence parallel.

1. Pio visited and enjoyed travelling

around South Korea.
2. The hotel he booked was clean,
affordable and does not have any
broken fixtures.
3. Someday Enzo would like to travel,
see, and experience other Asian
Read the sentences carefully and check if the sentences have parallel
structures. If the structure is parallel, write CORRECT on your answer
sheet. If the structure is NOT parallel, change the underlined word to
make the sentence parallel.

4. He particularly would like to visit

Japan, Taiwan, and where the Thais are.
5. Before he can travel, he needs to
write an essay, do a film review, and
focus on his studies first.
6. He likes reading about Asian countries
and to listen to their music.
Read the sentences carefully and check if the sentences have parallel
structures. If the structure is parallel, write CORRECT on your answer
sheet. If the structure is NOT parallel, change the underlined word to
make the sentence parallel.

7. North and South Korean history interests

and is engaging for Enzo.
8. Their culture, traditions and what they
eat in Korea are also interesting.
9. Koreans also have a way of taking care of
their skin and body.
10. There are a lot of Korean businesses in
Pampanga that offer Korean cuisine, and
KPop merchandise.
Directions: Combine the sentences into one concise sentence that contains a parallel structure.
Example: Our neighbor is generous.
Our neighbor is kind.
Our neighbor is honest.
Ans: Our neighbor is generous, kind, and honest.
1. The country lane was narrow.
The country lane was steep.
The country lane was muddy.
Ans. __________________________________________________________
2. I dislike living in a city because of air pollution.
I dislike living in a city because of crime.
3. Hawaii has many interesting tropical trees.
Hawaii has many tropical flowers.
Hawaii has beautiful beaches.
Ans. ________________________________________________________________
4. We discussed some of the social problems of the Philippines.
We discussed some of the political problems of the Philippines.
Ans. _________________________________________________________________
5. Aravella is a dancer.
Aravella is a singer.
Ans. ________________________________________________________________

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