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An Occurrence At

Owl Creek Bridge

By Ambross Bierce


Lecture: Lim Kim Y

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In the short story “An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge“ do you know
why did Protagonist have an experiences a vivid with wonderful escape attempt
from soldier? And do you know why Protagonist have the noose tightens
around his neck? For this story the narrative try to show the character attempt
his life in order to present the philosophical idea that people create fantastic to
escape in reality when Mr. Farquhar is to be hanged. From this story that I
learned from Farquhar had an undergoes torture, he felt fear when he’s hanged
and waited for the signal to die. Before he was died he just made an
imagination of his dreamed and could hugged his wife.
First of all, the story of an Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is during the Civil War
of American in Alabama. There was a man, prisoner who was about to be hanged thirty-
five years of age that waited for the signal would send the condemned man to his death.
When he glanced down at the swirling water as the stream below, he thought flashed into
his doomed brain if he could pull off this noise and jump into the stream he would run
into the wood. For instant, he thought “these thoughts flashed into the doomed man’s
brain. And as they did, the captain nodded to the sergeant and gave the signal”. An
internal mind of Farquhar is the stream of consciousness.
Farquhar was a wealthy farmer who wanted more than anything to have an impact on the
war, even though he couldn’t be a soldier.
Secondly, Farquhar was a wealthy farmer who wanted more than anything to have an impact
on the war, There was a soldier dressed gate into his land and asked for drink. The man was spy of
soldier. And then he asked about the Owl Creek Bridge everything and details about this Bridge and
how many people were there. After finished conversation they are headed back in the direction. After
that, Farquhar was be arrested and hanged at the Owl Bridge. As Peyton Farquhar felt was torment
and he fell straight down from the bridge of water stream below because he was unconsciousness as
one already dead. Thus, for his dreamed his body was numbness and his brain was on a fire. He was
getting fainter, the gleamed of the light began to brighter was getting into his body, he knew that he
was rising to the surface of the water.
In addition, all is darkness and silence. Leading to the resolution, this situation signals what is to
come for Mr. Farquhar’s fate. Suddenly, after he took awake, he was now in control and came to the
forest he saw everything on the bank of the river. In short, He heard the rush of its body moving
through the water, and he heard the ticking of watch.
Meanwhile, after Farquhar dived as deeply as he could but he heard the dull sound of shots. He was
swimming strongly, vigorously. He was being whirling, suddenly he was flung up onto the shore far
away from his enemies. He looked around on the shore he had not known at all that he lived in so
wild a region. In all day, at forest he was aching, fatigued and very hungry with his tongue was hot
and dry with thirst. In other scene, he sees his wife he is looking to her with fresh, cool and sweet. His
wife comes down from the porch to meet him and he rushes forward with extended his arms to hug
Eventually the revelation that he actually died on the railroad bridge. Peyton Farquhar was
dead, and his body broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath the timbers of the this bridge.
Farquhar's mind was able to create a whole new reality for himself and he wanted to see his parent at
the last. This reality was vivid, and it seems real to the reader until the very end of the story.
Many Thank Teacher

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