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Passive Action

Active learning

 Involves student in the learning process

 Student centred
 High student participation (increase)
It doesn’t mean less teacher participation but teacher as a monitor and
monitoring or observation in the class.
Creating active classes
(ideas to make your class more active)
 Sit in groups or pairs
 Class discussions
 Small group discussions
 Debate
 Peer assessment
 Have students work together on tasks
 Have students correct each other’s work
 Give students time to review incorrect answers with their peers
 Give students time to work on homework together
Student autonomy

 Give students a chance to decide how they going to approach activity, how
they want to approach their English learning.
 How teacher will impower their student
 Asking student what they want to study and how they want to study.
 Student autonomy give your student 100% control.
 How to make the best decision for the student and their learning.
Setting goals

 Who sett the students goals?

 What is your goals as a teacher?
 What is our students goals?

 In terms of student autonomy we need to intern our student to the goals.

 In the early class ask the student what is their goals let them to write down
their goal for that class or for that lesson.
 As a teacher how can we help them to reach their goals.
Completing tasks.

 How we as a teacher want our student to complete the task that we want
them to do it.
 Task need to have meaning for the student.
 Give our student option to do their task. And this is the part to make the
teacher passive and let the student active.
Reading class ideas
 Storyboard
 PowerPoint
 Poster presentation
 Movie poster
 Video presentation
 Rewrite the ending
Improving their English

 How do we know that our student improve their English?

 Ask the student, Do you think that your English is improving?

 Some of our student will answer very honest I’m not study enough.
 Some will answer I’m done so much and I think my level is imporving.

 Journaling
 Weekly text or email
 Written assignment about what they learned
 Small group discussion

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