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Term 4

Personality Test
Many people find that understanding their personality type makes it much easier to see themselves objectively.

This self-awareness helps them access their strengths and address weaknesses in ways that make their lives


One of the most rewarding aspects of personality typology is when people discover that they’re not alone in the

way that they think and feel – or weird because of it. It can be a great relief to realize that many other people

share surprisingly similar internal mechanics and that each personality type’s approach to life is valid.

Personality typology is also extremely helpful among people who don’t share similar traits. Learning how

differently the personality types function lets diverse people communicate and understand each other better.
I think my personality type
will be:
My Personality is:
Was this different to what you predicted, why? Description:
My Results
Strengths These strengths and weaknesses impact my
work/school in the following ways:

My Results
Based on the quiz, I can see that emotions affect Based on the quiz results, I feel comfortable and
me in the following way: confident that I am:

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