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Marketing Communications

Trimester 1
Integrated marketing communication plan for a
Health and Fitness Company
(e.g. – Healthspan, PureGym, Peloton, Decathlon,
Vitabiotics, etc.)
Remember to make the slides look professional – consider using different layouts, images, use brand colours and
logos throughout, approximate brand fonts, etc.
Presenters’ images can be added; be creative.

3rd presenter -
1st presenter - Action plan
Introduction Control
Context Analysis 2nd presenter - Conclusion
Objectives Creative
Promotional mix
Presenter 1
Introduction – choose a Health and Fitness company
(e.g., PureGym, Peloton) – you may wish to specify a
particular location, product line, or model
Under this section you can outline:
• Chosen product or category - you may wish to choose a specific product line, e.g. a
new gym location, a new exercise machine, or supplement – it would be harder to be
successful and would be less realistic to develop an IMC plan for entire organisation.
• Key target markets
• Marketplace performance – sales, market share, brand equity growth
• Marketing communications and relationship to marketing and corporate objectives and
Context Analysis – A 3-year review
• Buyer context
• Business context, including competitive analysis
• Ethical context
• Stakeholder context – internal and external customers, not just buyers
• External (wider context)

How did the context of marketing communications affect the marcomms

strategies and tactics of the organisation? – Use UK context in the last 3 years
Context Competitors: ?

Examples: Media cost inflation, fragmentation
of market segments; STP, message, media,
budgets, branding, etc.

context –
Peloton+ For example, Push, Pull and Profile strategies
For example, how Peloton differentiates its
brand from competitors; issues organisations

Model in this industry compete on

Current promotional mix
• For example, demonstrate how ATL (Above the Line)/ BTL (Below the
line)/TTL (Through the line) strategies are rolled out in its marketing

• Here you might show what kind of ATL communications the company
that you have chosen has been deploying. How does the marketing
communications mix reflect any strategies outlined previously?

• Promotional mix: Advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing,

personal selling, PR and digital tools – be brief
To increase the brand
awareness of Brand X by 15%
in the 25 to 35-year-old
Examples of market within 2023 period.
objectives for
To position Brand Y as a
2023 premium brand within the
over-50s market by end of
Presenter 2
Communication strategy for the target period, e.g. 2023

What strategies do you suggest for the target period?

• Push , pull and profile
• Media strategies
• Message strategy – (Elaboration Likelihood Model; informational or
• Branding strategy – (e.g. Keller or Aaker brand equity model - you do
not need to discuss both )
What target marketing strategies you propose to
deploy in the target period (e.g. 2023) – e.g. STP

• Segmentation – how you plan to segment the market

• Targeting - what segments you intend to target
• Positioning – what positioning strategies you intend to deploy
What kind of Media strategies you intend
to use – e.g. ATL/BTL/TTL
• ATL – TV radio press

• BTL – Sales promotions direct marketing

• TTL – how your organisation intends to apply digital technologies in

mobile communication - mobile app for interactive activities; social
media engagement, third party affiliates and other influencer
BTL promotions - what campaigns you
propose to run
• Sales promotions

• PR – sponsorship, events, press/media releases, exhibitions or trade

fairs, community relations activities

• Direct marketing activities including email marketing

TTL- through the line - Digital campaigns
you propose to run in 2022
• You may look at the organisation’s Facebook, other social medial
channels, specific digital marketing activities including marcomms
spend on Paid Search, etc.
Marketing Communications Mix
• Advertising
• Sales promotions
• Direct marketing
• Personal selling
• Public relations
• Digital marketing comms
• Social media comms

Go into more detail here – be as specific as you can. You are using more than one
channel, e.g. B2B, internal, consumer, give some indication of how the mix will
vary by channel/strategy.
This can and should be more elaborate than the example here. Budget can be given as
absolute numbers, or percentages.

Presenter 3 – Gantt chart (insert detail)

Activities J F M A M J J A S O N D BUDGET
Control mechanisms and management
• Outline your control strategy:
1. Set performance standards – specify what KPIs will be used (these should be
derived and synched to objectives set by Presenter 1)
2. What regular measurements to take: pre-testing, tracking and post-testing
3. Compare measurements with standards – how you propose to do this
4. What corrective measures you might take under what circumstances

• Examples:
1. Negative reviews or response to campaigns – what do you do?
2. Poor coverage?
3. Poor associations?
4. If Big half marathon sponsorship event is cancelled – what do you do?
Examples of KPIs
• Customer behaviour parameters: decision making process dynamics
• Customer feedback data
• Customer likes/shares/subscriptions on Social media
• Increase/decrease in sales
• How customer attitudes towards the brand are changing over a given
• Brand awareness increase or decrease over a period
• Customer retention/attrition rates
• Succinct. No new information here.
• List of references you have used in your presentation

• Must use Harvard referencing format

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